
Apa Itu Arupa Cloud Desktop – Solusi WFH Kantor Anda

Arupa Cloud Desktop – Solusi WFH Kantor Anda

Remote Desktop

Kasus penyebaran COVID-19 di Indonesia semakin meningkat! Tercatat pada Hari Minggu, 6 April 2020 sudah ada 2273 kasus positif Corona dengan jumlah kematian 198 orang. Maka dari itu mulai 3 April 2020 lalu pemerintah Indonesia mulai memberlakukan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSSB) untuk mengurangi penyebaran COVID-19.

Dengan ini, pemerintah sangat menghimbau untuk pengusaha mulai mempekerjakan karyawan dari rumah masing-masing (WFH). Hanya beberapa sektor yang masih dibolehkan untuk beroperasi secara langsung. Sudahkah anda memiliki solusi WFH yang aman dan memiliki kemampuan untuk memonitor produktivitas karyawann saat WFH berlangsung?

Jika belum, maka Arupa Cloud Desktop adalah solusinya.


Apa itu Arupa Cloud Desktop?

Remote Desktop

Arupa Cloud Desktop (ACD) merupakan sebuah solusi WFH yang berguna untuk mengoptimisasi efisiensi IT, meningkatkan produktivitas user, serta memonitoring kegiatan user atau karyawan dalam suatu perusahaan terutama disaat karyawan bekerja dirumah.

Arupa Cloud Desktop memberikan akses virtual kepada karyawan ke aplikasi dan data perusahaan melalui web browser yang dapat di akses melalui Operating System apapun seperti Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, maupun Android dan dapat di akses melalui berbagai macam device dari mulai PC, laptop, tablet, hingga smartphone. Sehingga karyawan dapat bebas bekerja kapanpun, dimanapun, dan yang terpenting dapat mengurangi biaya IT karena anda tidak perlu untuk melakukan investasi CapEx untuk pembelian hardware, biaya lisensi software, dan biaya implementasi.

Arupa Cloud Desktop memberikan solusi berlangganan tanpa komitmen jangka panjang, untuk membantu anda dalam kondusi yang memerlukan solusi yang dapat didelivery dengan cepat tanpa adanya investasi besar.


Mengapa anda harus menggunakan Arupa Cloud Desktop?

Kita tidak dapat memprediksi apa yang akan terjadi pada dunia ini salah satunya pandemik global COVID-19 yang sedang terjadi saat ini yang menyebabkan pengusaha harus memberlakukan sistem kerja dari rumah bagi karyawannya dalam kurun waktu yang belum dapat diprediksi kapan pandemik akan berakhir.Ketika hal ini tejadi, maka perusahaan membutuhkan suatu solusi agar bisnis tetap berjalan seperti biasa dan karyawan tetap bekerja secara produktif.

Salah satunya dengan menyediakan akses yang aman kepada karyawan untuk membuka aplikasi vital perusahaan yang didalamnya terdapat data-data penting perusahaan. Ketika karyawan bekerja di luar rumah, tentunya device yang mereka gunakan belum tentu memiliki tingkat keamanan virtual yang sama dengan di kantor, sehingga dapat menimbulkan resiko serangan dari hackers yang dapat mencuri bahkan menghilangkan data perusahaan.

Selain itu, anda tidak perlu lagi menginstall aplikasi tersebut secara satu persatu di device pribadi karyawan anda, apalagi disituasi mendadak seperti ini, pastinya hal tersebut cukup akan memakan banyak waktu.


Keunggulan Arupa Cloud Desktop

Secara general Arupa Cloud Desktop (ACD) memiliki banyak keunggulan, salah satunya Arupa Cloud Desktop membantu anda memusatkan dan meningkatkan seluruh keamanan, ketersediaan, dan efisiensi desktop anda ketika harus melakukan sistem kerja dari rumah

ACD juga dijalankan di bawah infrastruktur cloud dari Zettagrid yang sudah bersertifikasi dengan lokasi data center yang terletak di Indonesia sehingga anda tidak perlu meragukan lagi keamanan data anda.

ACD juga memberikan fleksibilitas bagi para penggunanya karena mereka dapat mengakses desktopnya kapanpun, dimanapun, dan dari device apapun hanya dengan koneksi internet dan web browser, sehingga dapat memfasilitasi karyawan untuk tetap bekerja produktif.

ACD dapat di deploy kurang dari satu hari, bahkan hanya beberapa jam saja sehingga di waktu darurat seperti ini anda dapat langsung mengimplementasikannya langsung pada perusahaan anda.

ACD memberikan akses kepada pengusaha atau bagian HR untuk memonitor kinerja karyawan selama kerja di rumah. Pengusaha dapat mengetahui berapa jam user menggunakan desktop mereka, bahkan mengtahui apa yang mereka kerjakan dalam desktop tersebut. Sehingga anda tidak perlu takut jika karyawan anda tidak bekerja selama WFH karena anda dapat memantau pekerjaan karyawan anda.

ACD dilengkapi dengan keamanan berlapis dan terjamin, dari mulai firewall, IDS/IPS, VPN dan standar SSL Encryption yang umumnya digunakan untuk proteksi keamanan sistem online banking dan secure payment.

ACD akan bekerja sama persis dengan desktop/aplikasi perusahaan tanpa perlu memindahkan data yang ada di on-premise anda, sehingga anda tidak perlu merubah infrastruktur yang telah digunakan saat inii dan tidak perlu lagi melakukan training berkepanjangan untuk mengajarkan user dalam menggunakan ACD.

ACD juga diciptakan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi IT perusahaan karena anda tidak perlu untuk melakukan investasi CapEx untuk pembelian hardware, biaya lisensi software, dan biaya implementasi. Anda dapat berlangganan tanpa komitmen jangka panjang dan juga dibayarkan dengan mata uang Rupiah sehingga ketika US Dollar mengalami kenaikan biaya berlangganan ACD akan tetap sama.


COBA GRATIS HARI INI Hubungi kami di atau di telepon +6221 2789 9962, +62 811 283 878.

 Click disini untuk mengunduh product information

Tips Untuk Mengamankan Data Perusahaan Anda Selama WFH

Tips Untuk Mengamankan Data Perusahaan Anda Selama WFH

Keamanan WFH

Menyebarnya pandemic COVID-19 yang saat ini tengah menjadi tantangan besar bagi Indonesia bahkan global mengharuskan pengusaha untuk memutar otak bagaimana cara untuk membuat business continuity plan mereka. Apalagi saat ini pemerintah telah menghimbau pengusaha untuk melakukan sistem kerja di rumah atau work from home (WFH) bagi karyawan mereka.

WFH sendiri menjadi tantangan lagi bagi para pengusaha terutama dalam divisi atau bidang IT. Segala sistem keamanan dan kenyamanan serta ukuran produktivitas karyawan menjadi pertimbangan yang harus dimasak dengan matang oleh para pengusaha, agar bisnis tetap berjalan lancer dan aman tanpa hambatan.

Ketika karyawan bekerja dari rumah pastinya tingkat keamanan dari data dan aplikasi perusahaan tidak lagi dilindungi oleh lapisan keamanan seperti layaknya mereka bekerja di kantor. Namun ada beberapa cara yang dapat di terapkan oleh anda sebagai pengusaha untuk meminimalisir resiko terjadinya serangan hacker ketika WFH berlangsung.

Berikut tips untuk menjaga keamanan digital selama WFH:

  1. Hindari penggunaan public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi rentan terhadap resiko keamanan yang signifikan terutama pada serangan hacker. Hal ini disebabkan karena orlang lain dapat memiliki akses ke jaringan yang sama dengan jaringan yang user anda sedang pakai. Selain itu memungkinkan juga  pihak lain yang ikut menggunakan jaringan public ini dapat memonitor apa yang karyawan anda lakukan dengan data ataupun aplikasi anda. Untuk itu dibutuhkan firewall untuk mengamankan data dan aplikasi anda.

  1. Tetaplah simpan data anda pada server di kantor

Ketika karyawan anda bekerja di rumah, anda tidak tahu bagaimana kelengkapan yang dimiliki, kecuali anda telah membekali device karyawan anda satu persatu dengan segala perangkat firewall sebelum anda memulai kebijakan WFH. Namun, tentunya akan memakan proses yang panjang disaat yang kritis seperti ini.

  1. Gunakan teknologi Arupa Cloud Desktop

Arupa Cloud Desktop

Arupa Cloud Desktop adalah solusi untuk keamanan data dan aplikasi critical perusahaan anda yang dapat digunakan melalui web browser dari device dan operating system apapun yang dimiliki oleh karyawan anda, dari mulai PC, laptop, tablet, iPad, hingga smartphone. Arupa Cloud Desktop juga telah dilengkapi oleh lapisan keamanan dari mulai firewall, IDS/IPS, VPN dan standar SSL Encrypption, yang umumnya digunakan untuk proteksi sistem online banking dan secure payment. Selain itu, aplikasi hanya akan disimpan pada server pusat anda sehingga data dan aplikasi akan tetap aman dari serangan hacker.

Hubungi kami di atau telepon di +6221 2789 9962, +62 811 283 878 untuk informasi dan pemesanan Arupa Cloud Desktop.

Klik disini untuk mengunduh product information mengenai Arupa Cloud Desktop

Cerita WFH Zettagrid Indonesia – Tanggapan Kami Terhadap COVID-19

Cerita WFH Zettagrid Indonesia – Tanggapan Kami Terhadap COVID-19


Cerita WFH Zettagrid Indonesia – Memberi Inovasi serta Berkomitmen Untuk Membantu Para Pengusaha Selama COVID-19 Berlangsung 

Sebagai komitmen PT. Arupa Cloud Nusantara sebagai pembawa brand cloud computing Zettagrid, untuk turut serta dalam usaha pemerintah untuk menekan laju penyebaran pandemic COVID-19, kami mulai memberlakukan program kerja dirumah sesuai dengan anjuran pemerintah. Kami sadar bahwa saat ini, keselamatan dan kesehatan individu setiap manusia merupakan hal terpenting yang harus didahulukan. 

Di saat yang genting ini, ada beberapa prinsip yang kami tegakkan di perusahaan: 

  1. Menjaga kesehatan dan kesejahteraan bagi seluruh karyawan PT. Arupa Cloud Nusantara.
  2. Tetap melayani dan membantu seluruh pelanggan Zettagrid Indonesia setiap saat. 
  3. Memberi solusi bagi para stakeholder kami, terutama para pengusaha yang terkena dampak dari pandemic global ini. 

Selama program WFH ini berlangsung, kami tetap bekerja seperti biasa, dengan memanfaatkan teknologi-teknologi yang saat ini sudah ada, termasuk kami juga terus mengembangkan solusi kami, yang juga kami gunakan saat ini yaitu Arupa Cloud Desktop.  

Arupa Cloud Desktop merupakan inovasi yang dikembangkan oleh tim produk kami, yang awalnya kami gunakan untuk menerapkan WFH pada internal perusahaan agar WFH berjalan layaknya seperti ketika bekerja di kantor. Arupa Cloud Desktop menggabungkan beberapa teknologi untuk memberikan solusi yang cocok untuk korporasi dalam melaksanakan WFH.  

Bebeda dengan penggunaan VPN, Arupa Cloud Desktop terjamin keamanannya karena telah dilengkapi dengan fitur Firewall dan NAT standard, sehingga anda dapat melakukan white list dan black list blocking berdasarkan IP Address. Kemudian pada sisi layanan RDP sendiri kami menambahkan fitur IDS/IPS dengan Geo-blocking dan Fail2Ban.  

Dalam kurun waktu kurang dari satu hari, Arupa Cloud Desktop sudah dapat anda gunakan untuk perusahaan anda. Arupa Cloud Desktop dapat digunakan melalui web browser pada device anda dari mulai PC, laptop, Tablet, iPad hingga smartphone dan dalam berbagai sistem operasi dari mulai Office, Linux, Mac OS, Android, dan iOS.

Pada situasi dan kondisi yang sulit seperti ini, kami paham bahwa sebagian besar pengusaha terkena dampak dari adanya kenaikan US Dollar yang tidak terkendali pasca COVID-19 menyebar yang menyebabkan kenaikan harga device seperti laptop maupun desktop. Kemudian, penutupan logistik sehingga menyebabkan penundaan pengiriman laptop/desktop tentu saja sangat menyulitkan anda sebagai pengusaha terutama bada bidang atau divisi IT dalam melaksanakan WFH.  

Sebagai bentuk keperdulian kami terhadap usaha anda yang terdampak karena corona, kami menawarkan Arupa Cloud Desktop ini dengan harga yang terjangkau dalam Rupiah, sehingga walaupun US Dollar mengalami kenaikan tidak akan berdampak pada biaya berlangganan Arupa Cloud Desktop ini. 

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut anda dapat menghubungi kami di atau telepon di +62-811-28-38-78 atau +62-21-2789-9962. 


Download informasi produk mengenai Arupa Cloud Desktop Disini.

How Zettagrid works from home

How Zettagrid works from home

If you work out of a central office, you probably take the occasional day to work from home. Ordinarily, it’s a specific task that requires focus time, and to achieve this you forego some of the conveniences of a fully connected office.

Traditionally in a centralised office, you have many tasks that get done by several teams using multiple systems. We take these for granted in the office but what happens when we work from home? The challenge for us was to identify and decentralise as many tasks as possible. Accomplishing this would give us flexibility in how we run the business into the future.

Good luck, right?




Balancing Act

So how did we go about achieving these tasks with the added complexity of doing it from home? It was a careful balancing act. We had to ensure not to overload our users with too many new practices and to introduce things slowly and not in a big bang.

At a high level, we had to do the following:

  1. Deliver exceptional customer support and service.
  2. Maintain our 8 Edge Cloud locations across Australia, Singapore, and Indonesia.
  3. Market and sell our existing offerings
  4. Develop and deploy new products and features.
  5. Deliver all back-office functions required for Finance, HR, Payroll and ICT.
  6. Do it 100% from home.

Don’t get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with legacy. It works, but over time you have to support, maintain, upgrade, and integrate with new systems. At some point in time, you ask yourself, “Am I spending more time maintaining our systems than running our business?”




Our strategy was to move systems to hosted subscription services wherever possible. If that was not possible, then to run the services in repeatable and scalable solutions that are also used by our customers.

We had to deal with several on-premise and legacy systems:

  • Operations Center
  • Phone system
  • Mail
  • File system
  • Instant messaging
  • Tasking and Wiki
  • Financial & HR systems

The Move


We had to manage change with people and ensure that they are not doing too many new things. People need to get used to doing things a different way. It takes 21 days for a habit to form, perhaps it takes that long for each task to become less foreign to individuals? When we embarked on such a transformation, we knew the move would take time. The key was to get started and progress to each task and try to overcome and obstacles quickly.

What we found that when presented with all the information, people were willing to learn and try new things. They need support around them to guide them on their journey.


When things are decentralised one of the main concerns is security. How were we going to secure our data and protect our workforce? At a minimum, we enabled multi-factor authentication across all applications. When accessing our secure systems, we use a monitored VPN to encrypt all traffic. On top of that, as we are ISO 27001 and PCI DSS accredited, we made sure we followed the prescribed controls for access to our systems.

The Opportunity

The March 2020 COVID-19 outbreak created the “opportunity“. The decisive push we needed to complete our most stringent test. A full system test with everyone, including all backend systems working 100% from home.

When we decided to do a full test run, we had everything ready to go except the operations centre. As there are phone numbers and other networking complexity required, this was the last thing we did.




We prepared, and on Friday the 13th of March 2020 we switched over. Success! Although it felt like an anti-climax. Everything just worked. People were able to make calls and have meetings. Customers were able to be supported.

What We Learnt

Communication is vital here. The team need to know how to react. When the individual is isolated, who do they call? What do they do when something doesn’t work. We tend to assume these things in a central office but isolated and at home, everything amplifies.

Even though the project has taken over 12 months technology still moved faster than our team people don’t start adapting till they are using it, or until it affects them.

In times like this, three month adjustment periods are now a week or matter of days. Don’t wait around, jump in, try, adjust.




Many were under-prepared logistically for working multiple days at home.

Things such as:

  • proper seating
  • extra monitors
  • headphones
  • cameras
  • internet connections
  • working wifi
  • a room to work in
  • proper desks

These things are all common sense, but unless you are put into this situation daily, you tend to skip over them.

This was our WFH story. If we can help and lend you any of our expertise, please send reach out. If you want to share your account, please do share as we love to hear our others have adapted and changed.

And if you need more informations about us, don’t be hesitate to contact us! We’ll always be available for you 24/7. Also get connect with us on our LinkedIn for updated news!

Stay safe, stay hygiene, and stay at home!

Getting Know More About Virtual Server and Virtual Data Center


Virtual Server Virtual Data Center

Getting Know More About Virtual Server and Virtual Data Center

Not sure if your business needs to use a virtual private server (VPS) or a virtual data center (VDC)?

While the two are related, they are not the same thing. Both a VPS and VDC are invaluable tools for businesses of all sizes, from small organisations looking for an affordable and secure server to suit their unique needs, to growing and enterprise-level organisations that require maximum scalability and flexibility.

Both make the computing power of an outside server accessible, empowering business IT teams to do more regarding security, functionality and development.

Today, it’s no longer necessary to spend large sums on a physical data center. Virtual private servers and virtual data center are two of the most efficient resources businesses have available to them to harness the power of virtual computing power and data storage.

Where the distinction between VPS and VDC lies is in the scope of what they offer.

What is a Virtual Private Server used for?

A VPS can be used for a variety of purposes. It serves as an off-site, third-party hosting provider with greater security and flexibility than you’d get with something like shared hosting. When you sign up for a virtual private server, you’re basically getting a remote computer and all the dynamic functioning that comes with it.

It can be used for:

  • Running websites
  • Hosting business files and media
  • Testing new components as well as server setups that aren’t yet live

The advantages of a VPS are that it offers a lot of the resources modern organisations require to offer a professional user experience. For example, with CPU and RAM, a website run from a VPS will be more responsive than one run from a shared hosting service.

It is also a secure option. VPS has what is known as sandbox security. This means no one can go in and hack your user information and data files as the server is its own separate entity within the cloud environment. Understanding how critical data security is to today’s organisations, Zettagrid utilises three levels of electronic security, physical security, network separation, and server and storage data.

We also make our VPS services fully customisable to make your life that much easier. You can choose your operating system, set your own levels of CPU, RAM, storage, Internet data, speed, and set up your location. Then, you can install whatever applications your business needs rather than being stuck with pre-determined applications.

A VPS will have a limited number of users, which means it is limited in scalability and may not offer enough for more dynamic organisations – or for those on a fast growth track.

This is where virtual data centres come in to save the day.

What Is a Virtual Data Center Used For?

Just as a physical data building would house numerous racks containing servers, a virtual data center is a virtual location that houses numerous virtual servers. It offers a pool of virtualised resources, which are then available to only a single user – your business. This means instead of one virtual operating system, you have an entire virtual environment that contains many virtual servers.

A VDC is designed to meet the needs of enterprise-level organisations. It is essentially a management environment. Leverage it for all it’s worth, and your IT team can do just about anything within a secure, scalable, stunningly flexible environment.

We take customisation a few steps further than what most people expect from a VDC. For instance, you can customise your virtual servers, so they match exactly what you need. This allows businesses to save on IT costs by only paying for what you use – yet you are already set up to scale when your organisation demands growth and greater functionality.

A VDC also serves as a source of backup and replication. With Zettagrid, you can choose from different VM backup and replication options depending on what you need to meet compliance and retention requirements.

We also make managing your VDC a breeze with plenty of real-time and historical metrics and optional advanced portal features with VMware and vCloud Director. The idea is for you to be in complete control, so you can get the most out of your virtual servers and offer the seamless, flawlessly secure private, public, or hybrid cloud environment for all your users.

If you are still curious about the differences between VPS and VDC you can contact us here

3 Reasons Why Your Data Center Location Matter

Data center location

3 Reasons why Data Center Location Matter

Data center is a physical or virtual infrastructure that used by enterprises to house their computer, server and networking systems and components for the company IT needs which involve storing, processing, and serving large amount of company critical data.

There are several things you should pay attention when you want to decide which data center you will host and store your critical data. These are including server specification and one of the important things is the data center location.

Here are 3 reasons why Data Center Location Matter.

  1. Data Center can affect your website’s speed and latency.

If your server is far away from its users, information and data will have to travel more distances. For example, when someone visits a page on your website, their computer needs to communicate with your server to access your files, photos, and other information. After that, those data will be transferred or downloaded from the server to their computer.

Unfortunately, when a data center is located far away from the user initiating the request, the process of obtaining files and data can be lengthy. Pages may take a while to load, and latency issues might arise. This problem might impact to your website visitors because they will get frustrated every time they visit your web.

  1. Secured data protection

If you place your data in local data center, you could know how secured they are. How the data center equipment and procedure when their clients want to visit the data center itself. They also equipped with excellent system that to keep your data safe.

  1. Easier to monitor

One of the most important reason to put your data on a local cloud provider is easier to monitor. Since data center became your business IT core, it is better for you if you can easily access your data center. Having long travel just to monitor your data center will wasting your time and cut your cost efficiency. Another benefits to put your data in the local cloud provider is they mostly have local experts to help you 24/7, so you can easily communicate with them.


Zettagrid Indonesia already has 2 availability in Indonesia which in Jakarta and Cibitung. Now we also have our office representative in Surabaya. With SLA 99.9% we always try to keep your IT running smoothly. We also provide local expert and support that ready to help you 24/7. Need more information about us? Click here or send us your requirement at

Invitation Zettagrid Partner Enablement

Invitation Zettagrid Partner Enablement

Partner Enablement

It is true that this rapid technological innovation era could be beneficial for enterprises. However, they are also should be aware that virus attack, outages, and unintentional data loss still haunting their business continuity. This situation forcing them to creates Disaster Recovery plan including investing their IT to the cloud.

Zettagrid cordially invite you to our Partner Enablement in collaboration with Veeam to give you more insight on how to accelerate your customer journey with Cloud Disaster Recovery.

Event Details

Thursday, 12 March 2020

14.00 – 17.00 WIB

CoHive Coworking and Office Space

Plaza Kuningan, Menara Selatan, 9th Floor

Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said Kav C11-14, RT.2/RW.5, Karet Kuningan, Jakarta,

South Jakarta City, Jakarta 12940

Register and secure your place now! only limited seats available. Click here for the event registration.

For further information please contact us at or call us +62-811-283878.

We look forward to seeing you there,

Zettagrid Indonesia Team

Improve Your On-premises Data Center with Virtual Datacenter

Virtual Datacenter

Improve Your On-premises Data Center with Virtual Datacenter

Virtual Data Center (VDC) is a collection of cloud resources that replace the need for your business to own and operate your own data centre. Rather than relying on physical servers to protect your applications, now you can have virtual servers, that providing you flexibility to scale up as your business needs expand.

Businesses of all sizes, especially small-to-medium sized businesses (SMEs), struggle with knowing how to manage their applications properly. Servers require climate controlled environments to function properly and often need IT professionals to manage their interface with the rest of the company assets. With Zettagrid Virtual Data Centers (VDC), you can build and manage hundreds of virtual servers in a secure private, public or hybrid cloud environment from our easy to use platform.

If you are planning to improve your on-premises Data Center with Virtual Datacenter (VDC), here are the benefits of Zettagrid VDC for your business that you need to know:

  1. Local Data & Support: Our geo-diverse architecture and fully independent zones in Jakarta, Australia, and Singapore allow you to store and secure your data in Indonesia, Australia, or Singapore. Zettagrid team can be found across Regional, helping your business to expand and grow with VDC, where just a phone-call away.
  2. Easy Management: We’ve built a simple portal that you’ll have up and running in minutes. If you need more advanced features you can access VMware® vCloud Director. VDC simplifies cloud computing infrastructure, making it easy for your business to store and secure data,
  3. Simple Billing: Unlike other providers, we don’t charge for IOPs, Reads/Writes, PUTs, GETs and all the other nasty hidden fees you may experience with others. We deliver one fixed monthly charge for your cloud, with no contract agreements, so you know you can cancel services when necessary, or if they are not working for your business.
  4. Fully Customised Sizing: When you purchase your own equipment, it can be easy to get too much or not enough computing power and storage space. With some VDCs, you end up paying for a standard amount of storage, even if it is more than what you need. With Zettagrid, you get fully customised storage space, so you only pay for the resources you are going to use.

Let us to help you to simplify your complex IT world by using our Virtual Datacenter. Contact us here for more information.

Run a Warehouse Like A Pro With Cloud-based WMS

WMS Warehouse Management System

Run a Warehouse Like A Pro With Cloud-Based Warehouse Management System

Cloud technology has already integrated to all aspect in our life, from personal to business. In our daily life, we have cloud backup on our mobile phone to keep our photos, contact details, and many more. So, how can cloud help you run your business more efficiently? Well, if your business happens to rely on warehouses, there’s a cloud solution for that.

Nowadays, we often hear about Warehouse Management System (WMS). WMS is a software that helps you run and manage your day to day warehouse operation. Companies with warehouse can utilize WMS to prevent them from facing warehousing issues such as; misplaced or missing items, wrong delivery, inefficient process, etc.

WMS Warehouse Management System

Zettagrid Indonesia, in partnership with PT. Mimotek Indonesia, proudly present Largo App. Largo covers almost everything in your warehouse operation starting from inbound process, put away, picking, all the way to outbound processes. Largo uses Barcode/RFID Technology in most of the transactions to make it easier, faster, and error-proof. ‘Scan and Go’ we call it and it will make your warehouse operation a lot faster, less administrative works, and a lot less human error.

A company can implement WMS in two different ways: on premises system and cloud based system.  Hosted your WMS on cloud-based system gives you some advantages. Here are 3 benefits hosted your WMS on cloud-based system.

  1. Cost Effective

You don’t need to invest in hardware infrastructure and maintenance. Zettagrid as the cloud provider partner for Largo will handle them for you.

  1. Faster Onboarding process

With its flexible ability, cloud-based WMS are easier to configure and faster to set up. These systems offer standardized fulfilment business models and processes. You can start your on-boarding systems in days compared to weeks or months to implement and start when using on premises system.

  1. Scalable

If you implement your WMS in cloud-based system, you can scale your inventory management. You can expand your use of the system as your warehouse operations grow. In Zettagrid you can easily scale up and down your WMS as your business need.

Need more information about cloud-based WMS? contact us here 

MyAccount Update 61 Release Notes

My Account Update

MyAccount Update 61 Release Notes

See below for the public release notes for Release 61


  • Improved Password Retrieval System
  • Improved Validation on adding zero licence to cart
  • VPS console now opens in a new tab
  • Automated Volume Discounting
  • Ability to create new cart when editing a saved order


  • Veeam Replication Catalog Page new failed over boostrap card container
  • Resizing VDC allows zero Internet Traffic
  • Account Login pop up appeared on the account creation page
  • Back button now works in new purchase page
  • Veeam Cloud Connect Backup order form fixes

Upcoming Improvements

  • Enhanced MyAccount MFA
  • Veeam Availability Console Release

For more information, do not hesitate to contact us here