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VMware Cloud Director Availability

Seamless VMware Replication

VMware Cloud Director Availability is a disaster recovery replication (DRaaS) solution built for VMware customers that provides recovery site, data synchronisation, accessibility and activation for part or all of your virtual environment into Zettagrid

5 Minute Recovery

Fully integrated with your local vCenter server, VMware Cloud Director Availability provides the simplest disaster recovery solution available for VMware environments. With data recovery in a little as 5 minutes, you resume your business operations in Zettagrid’s cloud quickly.

Affordable Protection

VMware Cloud Director Availability is Rp450.000/VM for each VM you want to protect in your Virtual Data Centre

Full VMware Integration

Testing and deployment of VMware Cloud Director Availability is fast. Performing a full failover takes only a few minutes with next to no impact to your day-to-day business operations. Your users probably won’t even know that you failed over into the cloud.

DR for all sizes

VMware Cloud Director Availability is suitable for any sized business running an on premise VMware environment.

14 Days Free Trial

Try out a VMware Cloud Director Availability at no cost to you and experience the power and simplicity first hand.