
Google Translate yang Dirancang untuk Phishing

Featured image - google translate yang dirancang untuk phising

Ketika membicarakan tentang bagaimana penjahat dunia maya melakukan aksinya, banyak yang selalu menyarankan agar Anda melihat URL dengan cermat saat mengklik tautan di email. Ini adalah tanda bahaya lainnya, di mana terdapat tautan ke halaman yang diterjemahkan menggunakan Google Translate.

Secara teori, kemungkinan bahwa pengirim email tersebut mengundang Anda untuk mengunjungi situs dalam bahasa yang berbeda dan berusaha untuk terlihat membantu Anda. Namun dalam prakteknya, teknik ini paling sering digunakan untuk menghindari mekanisme anti phishing. Jika pesan email itu merupakan bagian dari korespondensi bisnis, serta saat situs yang dibuka setelah mengklik tautan meminta Anda untuk memasukkan kerahasiaan email, maka segera keluar dari jendela browser dan hapus email tersebut.

Mengapa Penyerang Menggunakan Tautan Google Translate

Seperti contoh berikut yang menampilkan phishing terbaru melalui tautan Google Terjemahan atau translate yang tertangkap oleh jebakan dari tim Kapersky:

Banner image - phising terbaru melalui tautan google translate

Pengirim email menyatakan bahwa pesan tersebut adalah semacam dokumen pembayaran yang tersedia secara khusus untuk penerimanya. Yang mana harus dipelajari penerima untuk “presentasi rapat kontrak dan pembayaran selanjutnya”. Tautan tombol Buka mengarah ke situs yang diterjemahkan oleh Google Terjemahan. Namun, ini menjadi jelas hanya saat mengkliknya, karena di email tersebut akan muncul seperti ini:

Kata-kata yang kompleks mungkin disengaja oleh penyerang. Hal ini upaya penyerang untuk menciptakan kesan bukan penutur asli bahasa Inggris untuk membuat tautan Google Terjemahan tampak lebih meyakinkan. Atau mungkin mereka belum pernah melihat email sungguhan dengan dokumen keuangan. Perhatikan dua tautan di bawah (“Berhenti Berlangganan Dari Daftar Ini” dan “Kelola Preferensi Email”), domain di tautan tersebut.

Ini adalah tanda bahwa pesan tidak dikirim secara manual, tetapi melalui layanan surat resmi, dalam hal ini layanan SendGrid. Tetapi ESP lainnya dapat digunakan seperti pada umumnya. Layanan jenis ini biasanya melindungi reputasi mereka dan secara berkala menghapus kampanye email yang ditujukan untuk phishing dan memblokir pembuatnya. Itulah sebabnya pelaku penyerangan menjalankan tautan mereka melalui Google Terjemahan. Di mana mekanisme keamanan ESP melihat domain Google yang sah dan tidak menganggap situs tersebut mencurigakan. Dengan kata lain, ini merupakan upaya tidak hanya untuk menipu target pengguna akhir, tetapi juga filter layanan perantara.

Seperti apa tautan ke halaman yang diterjemahkan oleh Google Translate?

Dengan Google Translate, Anda dapat menerjemahkan seluruh situs web hanya dengan memberikan tautan dengan memilih bahasa sumber dan bahasa target. Hasilnya adalah tautan ke halaman dimana domain asli dihubungkan dengan tanda penghubung, dan URL dilengkapi dengan domain Kemudian, diikuti dengan nama halaman asli dan kunci- kunci yang menunjukkan bahasa dari mana yang digunakan untuk menerjemahkan dan ke bahasa mana hasil terjemahan itu ditujukan. Contohnya, URL terjemahan halaman beranda blog berbahasa Inggris di situs ke dalam bahasa Spanyol akan terlihat seperti ini:

Email phishing yang tim Kapersky analisis berupaya memancing pengguna ke sini:

Banner image - email phising melalui google translate

Meskipun ada beberapa rangkaian karakter yang tidak jelas pada bilah alamat browser, hal ini terlihat jelas bahwa tautan itu telah diterjemahkan oleh Google Translate.

Untuk mencegah agar karyawan perusahaan Anda tidak tertipu oleh trik penjahat yang ada di dunia maya, disarankan untuk secara berkala memperbarui pengetahuan mereka tentang taktik phishing. Misalnya, dengan mengirimkan tautan yang relevan ke blog partner atau lebih baik lagi, meningkatkan kesadaran mereka tentang ancaman cyber modern dengan bantuan perangkat pembelajaran khusus.

Sebagai informasi tambahan, dalam contoh di atas, pengguna yang terlatih tidak akan pernah sampai ke halaman phishing. Kemungkinan dokumen keuangan yang sah yang ditujukan kepada penerima tertentu dikirim melalui layanan ESP sangat kecil.

Untuk lebih memastikan, kami juga merekomendasikan menggunakan solusi dengan teknologi antiphishing. Baik pada tingkat mail server perusahaan maupun pada semua perangkat karyawan.

Zettagrid Indonesia sebagai salah satu layanan cloud service yang dapat membantu Anda menghadapi serangan kejahatan yang ada di dunia maya sesuai dengan kebutuhan IT perusahaan. Jika Anda berniat untuk menggunakan solusi maupun kebutuhan IT lainnya dari kami, segera lakukan konsultasi langsung dengan tim kami melalui atau hubungi ke sini.

Artikel kurasi ini bersumber dari situs web Kaspersky  dengan blog yang berjudul “Google Translate for Phising” dengan penulis Roman Dedenok, yang diterbitkan pada tanggal 24 November 2022.

Mengapa Vulnerability Assessment Penting untuk Keamanan Siber?

vulnerability assessment penting

Mengapa Vulnerability Assessment Penting untuk Keamanan Siber?

Di era digital seperti sekarang, keamanan siber sangat penting untuk diutamakan oleh berbagai organisasi. Selain karena untuk memenuhi regulasi kepatuhan data perusahaan, strategi keamanan siber juga penting untuk melindungi data dari ancaman peretasan sistem hingga serangan hacker. Oleh karena itu, organisasi perlu memikirkan ulang fitur keamanan yang bisa digunakan untuk melindungi sistem IT-nya. Salah satunya dengan menggunakan Vulnerability Assessment.

Menurut, Vulnerability Assessment merupakan proses identifikasi risiko dan kerentanan pada sistem, jaringan komputer, aplikasi, atau bagian lain yang ada di ekosistem IT. Fitur ini berfungsi untuk membantu bisnis menunjukan kelemahan di sistem IT seperti coding bugs, security holes, dan lainnya. Dengan demikian, organisasi dapat dengan cepat menambal kelemahan paling berisiko tersebut sebelum hacker mengeksploitasinya.

Lalu, apa yang bisa didapat organisasi ketika menggunakan Vulnerability Assessment?

vulnerability assessment penting

(Source: ninitta from Getty Images)

Secara garis besar, terdapat beberapa alasan mengapa Vulnerability Assessment penting untuk digunakan oleh organisasi. Beberapa di antaranya, ialah:

  • Organisasi dapat mengidentifikasi ancaman atau kelemahan keamanan sistem sejak awal sebelum pelanggaran terjadi.
  • Organisasi dapat dengan mudah memahami kerentanan berdasarkan prioritas, urgensi, serta dampak yang dapat ditimbulkan.
  • Melindungi pelanggaran data dan akses tidak sah lainnya.
  • Membantu perusahaan untuk terhindar dari denda atau tuntutan hukum jika terjadi pelanggaran data. 

Hal rentan apa saja yang bisa diungkap oleh Vulnerability Assessment?

vulnerability assessment penting

(Source: Wpadington from Getty Images)

Selain menginformasikan adanya kesalahan konfigurasi pada sistem IT, Vulnerability Assessment juga penting untuk mengungkap berbagai masalah yang terjadi pada sistem hardware maupun software. Beberapa di antaranya, ialah:

  • Kata sandi default pada perangkat tertentu
  • Perangkat yang menjalankan layanan yang tidak perlu
  • Layanan web yang mengandung unknown vulnerabilities
  • Layanan yang tidak seharusnya dijalankan di beberapa perangkat
  • Aplikasi berbahaya, seperti aplikasi peer-to-peer
  • Aplikasi pihak ketiga

Selain itu, banyak Vulnerability Assessment juga penting untuk mengawasi tanda-tanda hacker berdasarkan perilaku komputer. Dengan mengetahui hal tersebut, ini dapat membantu organisasi meminimalisir terjadinya peretasan data.

7 kiat membangun Vulnerability Assessment yang efektif

1. Mengidentifikasi dan memahami proses bisnis

Langkah pertama membangun Vulnerability Assessment yang efektif, dimulai dengan berfokus pada proses yang paling kritis dan sensitif. Dalam hal ini organisasi bisa mulai dengan regulasi kepatuhan penyimpanan data, privasi pelanggan, dan posisi kompetitif manajemen. Latihan ini akan membutuhkan upaya kolaboratif antara tim IT dan unit bisnis lainnya agar Anda bisa memahami proses kerja bisnis.

2. Identifikasi aplikasi dan data yang mendukung proses bisnis

Beri peringkat untuk setiap proses dan aktivitas bisnis, lalu tandai aplikasi dan data yang bergantung pada proses tersebut. Misalnya, satu departemen mungkin benar-benar membutuhkan akses email untuk melakukan pekerjaan mereka, sedangkan departemen lain tidak begitu membutuhkan email untuk aktivitas kerjanya.

3. Identifikasi setiap sumber data yang tersimpan

Untuk membangun keamanan siber yang efektif dengan Vulnerability Assessment, Anda tidak boleh lupa untuk memperhitungkan perangkat seluler dan PC Desktop. Hal ini dilakukan karena perangkat keduanya memiliki kemungkinan besar berisi data organisasi paling terbaru dan sensitif.

Tak hanya itu, Anda juga perlu mengidentifikasi pengguna perangkat tersebut untuk mengakses dan berbagi aplikasi serta data perusahaan. Dengan demikian, Anda dapat memahami bagaimana data dibagikan di antara pengguna tersebut. 

4. Ketahui jenis hardware yang digunakan untuk aplikasi dan data 

Mengurangi lapisan infrastruktur bisa menjadi cara untuk mengetahui server mana yang menjalankan aplikasi penting. Selain itu, Anda juga perlu mengidentifikasi perangkat penyimpanan data yang menampung data sensitif dari aplikasi yang digunakan tersebut. Sehingga, Anda bisa menentukan akses mana yang perlu diidentifikasi oleh Vulnerability Assessment.

5. Petakan infrastruktur jaringan yang menghubungkan perangkat 

Untuk membangun Vulnerability Assessment yang efektif, organisasi perlu memetakan infrastruktur jaringan yang menghubungkan perangkat. Anda bisa mulai dengan memahami router dan perangkat jaringan yang digunakan hardware untuk menghasilkan kinerja Vulnerability Assessment yang cepat dan aman. 

6. Identifikasi sistem keamanan pada infrastruktur Anda

Fitur keamanan seperti kebijakan sistem, firewall, intrusion detection, dan Virtual Private Networks kerap kali digunakan untuk melindungi sistem IT dan data organisasi. Bila Anda menggunakan salah satunya, maka sangat penting bagi Anda untuk memahami kemampuan fitur tersebut dan kerentanan yang ditangani secara langsung. Dengan demikian, ini akan membantu Anda dalam membangun Vulnerability Assessment yang efektif.

7. Jalankan Vulnerability Scan

Setelah tim Anda berhasil memahami dan memetakan aplikasi, data, serta infrastruktur dan perlindungan jaringan, maka selanjutnya tim IT perlu menentukan kapan waktu yang tepat untuk menjalankan Vulnerability Scan.

Itulah beberapa cara yang bisa Anda jalankan untuk mencapai Vulnerability Assessment yang efektif. Bila Anda memiliki pertanyaan lebih lanjut tentang Vulnerability Assessment untuk memperkuat keamanan siber organisasi, Anda bisa menghubungi kami di sini atau ke

10 Critical Features You Need From Your Cloud Provider

Features Cloud Provider

10 Critical Features You Need From Your Cloud Provider


Since the global pandemic COVID-19 spread, enterprises start to looks for solution that could help them to make efficiency but yet still want to grow and running their business well. Cloud-based services can increase the efficiency of your business operations, improve cash flow and bring many other benefits.

There’s no doubt about its capabilities and advantages. However, did you know that cloud service providers differ in their approach to data security and use of technology? These differences may seem minor at first, but they could have an enormous impact on the accessibility, privacy, availability, and integrity of your sensitive data.

If you’re thinking of migrating to the cloud, here are 10 Critical Features You Need From Your Cloud Provider

1. Up-time guarantee

The potential impact of downtime can be severe.

Look for a cloud service provider who clearly documents the amount of downtime that’s allowed on your platform. Don’t assume that your definition of downtime matches theirs. Ask your potential provider to explain a few downtime reimbursement scenarios to you before you sign up for their services.

Here at Zettagrid Indonesia we guarantee you uptime and backs up our claims by offering financial rebates. We have several levels of redundancy to ensure that our systems deliver high uptime even during maintenance and upgrades.

2. Complete control

Apart from looking for a complete service level agreement (SLA) backed cloud solution, search for cloud providers that offer you a higher degree of control and flexibility.

At Zettagrid Indonesia we’re committed to giving our customers better and more control. Our services allow you to retain full control of every aspect of your virtual data center environment.

3. Customized solution

To make the most of the cloud without wasting resources, find out if the provider allows you to customize your solution to suit your needs. You may not need everything that is packaged up for you and your business.

Zettagrid Indonesia cloud is easy to use, secure, and scalable, but the best part is that you only spend on the resources you use.

4. Ease of use

In order to quickly and cost-effectively drive business outcomes, you’ll need a portal that’s easy to setup and navigate. An easy-to-use and intuitive portal makes it simpler for you to quickly manage your IT resources online.

The Zettagrid Indonesia portal gives you the power to configure your system as you wish. It’s simple to use and adjusts to the dynamic IT needs of your business.

5. Competitive price to performance

Many cloud providers charge their customers for several items like IOPS, GETs, and PUTs. It’s hard to make sense of all these additional charges on your bill. Instead of trying to decode the costs listed on your bill, look for a provider that charges you a fixed charge month after month.

That’s Zettagrid Indonesia offers simple and predictable billing. Say goodbye to invoice shock or unexplained charges.

6. Avoid lock-in contracts

Not all cloud service providers live up to their SLAs. If they lock you into a contract, you might have to stick with them even if they don’t meet your requirements.

Zettagrid Indonesia’s ‘love or leave it’ policy makes it easier for you to do decide whether you still want to continue using our outstanding services. You’re never locked in. That’s just how confident we are in our capabilities.

7. Local data storage & support

Many cloud service providers don’t advertise where their data centres are. They may store your data overseas and even move your data without notifying you.

With Zettagrid Indonesia, we host your data locally in Indonesia, with zones in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, and Jakarta. We make sure we keep your data safe by complying with Indonesian Privacy Principles.

8. Data sovereignty

If your data is stored overseas, your rights over your data come second to the rights of the organisation that’s minding your data. This is something you ought to consider when looking for a provider.

We understand this principle at Zettagrid Indonesia and make sure your data remains safe right here in Indonesia.

9. Backup and replication options

Look for a service provider that offers you a quick and easy way to backup, replicate, and restore data from the cloud. That way you’re always protected, no matter what.

Zettagrid Indonesia gives you the opportunity to choose the right backup and replication solutions for your business so you can avoid harmful data loss in the event of an unexpected business outage. That way your business can quickly recover and have your business operations restored.

10. Real-time metrics

Sometimes, it’s challenging to manage virtual environments because of their complexity. Find a provider that offers you real-time metrics. They will show you how well your virtual environment is performing and let you easily find and remediate performance issues.

Zettagrid Indonesia offer real-time metrics with real-time control, 24/7.

If you’re ready to transform your business with the latest cloud solutions and enjoy the 10 features cloud provider , find out more about transitioning to Zettagrid, you could contact us here or e-mail us to

The Role Of Firewall On Cloud Computing

Firewall on cloud

The role of Firewall on Cloud Computing

It is true that the digital era has opened up many opportunities in utilizing technology in everyday’s life. Various aspects ranging from lifestyle, entertainment, business and even healthcare are now into digital. That’s why technology can make it easier for people’s activities today.

Although it has many positive impacts on everyday life, technology could also come with the risks that can be occured. Sometimes, technology with a low security system has a big potential threat, especially to the company or organization that owns the system. Therefore, protection is needed to avoid technological security risks. One of them is by using a Firewall system.

According to Forcepoint, a firewall is a network security device that can monitor traffic, grant permission, or block user activity in accordance with implemented security rules. This system aims to provide a barrier between your organization’s internal network and traffic from its external sources. Hence, malicious traffic such as viruses and hacker attacks can be blocked with a Firewall system.

Not only that, Firewall also has a crucial functions for Cloud Computing which is currently becoming a digital infrastructure. Here are 3 functions of Firewall on Cloud that you need to know:

  1. Protect the server from suspicious remote access

If your business is currently running remotely, then each user will definitely work remotely as well. Of course, users will need an internet connection because of it. However, does the internet connection that you use have the same security system as you work at the office?

In the current situation, hackers might attack and move user’s monitor controls. Like the case of a hacker attacking a video conference application a few times ago. However, by installing a Firewall, you don’t have to worry about it. Because, the function of a Firewall on Cloud is to determine which users can access the company’s servers.

  1. Block content that is dangerous 

Have you ever warned that the website you access has content that can compromise the security of your data? If you have experienced this, it can be said that it is one of the functions of Firewall. At Zettagrid cloud service, we have a layered Firewall that can detect dangerous websites for your data security. Hence, the website can’t be opened by the user anymore.

  1. Protect your company data

Like network security systems in general, a Firewall on Cloud becomes a protection for internal company data. Therefore, it can’t be accessed easily by others and your vital data is not easily stolen, lost, or even used for unwanted things.

Zettagrid Indonesia provides cloud services with layered Firewalls that comply with international security certification standards. So, you no longer need to worry about starting to move your data to the Zettagrid cloud because its security has been guaranteed.

If you are interested, you can contact us here or through our team at

Things to Consider Using Cloud-based Warehouse Management System

Warehouse Management System


Things to Consider Using Cloud-based Warehouse Management System

If you realized, cloud computing utilization has developed from being a simple business concept into a growing technology in various industries. This could be happened by the speed of its installation, flexibility and accessible for user. Therefore, cloud computing could be one of the solutions for enterprises to reduce on their infrastructure investments. Especially, when it comes to a business that running in a warehouse field.

But, if your company still use an on-premise Warehouse Management System (WMS), you should be worried. Basically, the company will not only lose their time,, but also money and customers. This can’t be happened for no reason of course, but suffers a major system failure such as critical data loss or unsatisfied customer can be occurred anytime. Therefore, cloud based WMS present to be a solution for a business.

Today, cloud based warehouse management system (WMS) is increase rapidly..  Not only because it has improvements in technology, but also its prototyping a various deployment options. Therefore, it will enable a fast, affordable transition, and improved warehouse performance. Not only that, several things also considered when it jump to improving warehouse by using cloud based WMS. Read them below to get the insights!

Efficient Warehouse Management

  1. Run a Business Efficiently

The detailed look of cloud-based WMS at your inventory and its automatic updated through a sensor in company network, actually made for a reason. This system was created to make all the information readily available for stakeholders in the company. By controlling the collected data, businesses can analyze the expenditures of internal software teams. Therefore, they can control the investment by focusing it to improve operational efficiencies.

Customer Warehouse Management

  1. Improving Customer Service

It is impossible to answer “I don’t know” when the company support line got a call from a customer asking for shipment status. Surely, this kind of service will lower the company image in the customer’s mind.

But, when the company decided to use a cloud-based WMS, customer questions on package status will likely be handled. Basically, this system allows teams to determine the status of package or shipment. Besides, this connected system provides everyone to track, verify, or even update arrival status of the shipment. So, it will help customers in managing their own supply chain or warehouse.


  1. Maintain Supply Chain Data

When the company decided to move WMS to the cloud, all its data and status updates indirectly has been digitized through an electronic data interchange (EDI). So, it will allow warehouse management to talk to company online stores, ERP systems, and share information with supply chain partners.

Here in Zettagrid we have Largo as our WMS partner that will support you to modernize and simplify your Warehouse Management System under Zettagrid cloud infrastructure. If you had a further question about cloud-based WMS? Contact us here.

Cloud Computing-based Application for Startup Operations

Cloud Application Startup

Cloud Computing-based Application for Startup Operations

Cloud Computing-based Application for Startup Operations

Developing a startup, technology is needed to support its various operational systems. However, as a growing company, startups need to choose a technology that is effective but still budget-friendly. One interesting option is cloud computing-based technology, an internet-based data processing system.

As a startup that is often engaged in technology, and they don’t have to focus only on maintaining internet sites, but also on mobile applications. The expansion of startups to mobile applications can shorten and simplify the relationship between companies and customers. Therefore, they need the best components that can facilitate the company’s operational system, such as cloud computing-based application.

Then, why is cloud computing is an efficient component for startups? Through CoLearn Online — a webinar from CoHive entitled “Getting Started to Build Your Apps with Cloud”. In this webinar, also invited Aditya Irawan as Zettagrid Indonesia Cloud Architect, Jefriansyah Hertikawan Co-Founder, and Ceria Mentari, Partnership Associate CoHive as moderator.

Cloud computing-based application is a software program where cloud computing and existing components work side by side. Meanwhile, cloud computing is a computational data processing process that includes CPU, RAM, Network Speeds, software, OS, and storage via the internet network. With cloud computing, companies no longer need high-performance IT support to protect the company’s valuable data. Then, what are the benefits of using cloud computing-based applications for startups?

An effective operating system
According to Aditya, cloud computing components have a very good performance, supported by an adjustable storage size and network speed. Without using the cloud, you will need a lot of separate servers to operate the system. On the other hand, the cloud allows these servers to be consolidated in the same database and makes the system works in a simpler way. In terms of infrastructure, cloud computing doesn’t equip with hardware, thus making it free from hardware refreshment and is more cost-friendly. Also, cloud computing is very flexible as it is accessible remotely.

Let the company focus on anything else besides the system
As a startup business, startups have several phases of business development, one of them is the launch phase. In this phase, startups need to focus their business on the marketing and promotion process. However, as this phase requires high funds, many startups experience losses during the launch period. With cloud computing, startups can save for a rainy day for additional operating costs. Meaning more funds for product development and promotion.

According to Jefriansyah, the main goal of startups during the early phase is to achieve the market fit—a situation when the company managed to introduce its products to the public and bring the added-value to their customers. By using cloud computing-based application, companies can focus on the business and the IT infrastructure as well.

Enable startups to compete better
Cloud computing technology enables startups to compete better. The services offered by cloud computing allows its users to be free from taking care of its maintenance, security, and administration of all their IT solutions. So, companies can focus more on developing their products. However, if the company chooses to use the services of on-premise solutions, the whole process of rejuvenating the equipment is on the company. On-premise solutions itself is a custom-made technology infrastructure by a company for its own use. This means that it requires a higher budget and bigger challenges for the companies.

This insightful webinar regarding the technology side of a startup then invited many questions from the participants. One of them is how to make an application with an economical budget for a new company? On this question, Jefriansyah explains that there is one thing that startups need to pay attention to before making an app, and that is the framework. The framework will determine the capacity plan for the system and how it operates. Hence, startups need to research more before deciding which one is the most suitable for them. Also, Aditya added that to balance the books, the company can adjust the cloud computing service in accordance with their budget.

The advantages of the cloud-computing based application are a very attractive choice for startups. Especially with the benefits that support startups to be able to focus on product development and target achievement. The advantages of cloud computing are unprecedented. Besides being able to reduce operating costs, it can also work very efficiently and help users work more effectively. That is why, using cloud computing-based application can be the right choice for a growing company, such as a startup.

Source: CoHive

Why Cloud Computing is Vital for Firms in Enabling WFH

Why Cloud Computing is Vital for Firms in Enabling WFH

Why Cloud Computing

Why Cloud Computing 


Why cloud computing is vital for companies? Cloud is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, data storage, and computing power that is based on the internet. It enables the company to access software on the internet as a service at any time and from anywhere. Due to the work-from-home system that is implemented by the government, many companies have to settle for the new adjustments which require some modifications. Although working remotely may rise many challenges, by using cloud you can have access to your data from anywhere and optimize your business from home.

Many companies spend large amounts of money on developing their software system, but by using the cloud, it takes less time and cost to make it happens. To delve more about cloud computing, CoHive held an insightful discussion through CoLearn Online, titled “Facing Pandemic: Optimizing IT Operations in Uncertain Times.” Inviting Dolly Indra as the General Managers of Zettagrid Indonesia, the dialogue moderated by Indah Rahdiani (Event Management Senior Associate CoHive).

  1. Transparency cost

Investing and establishing software is very expensive. According to Dolly, transparency cost often failed to happen when it comes to technology and information investments, especially on-premise software (software that is installed and run conventionally on a company’s computer in a particular location). However, it does not occur in cloud computing because the costs required are not in the form of license fees, but subscription fees. Besides, the existence of a cloud computing system allows companies to reduce the cost needed for the computer infrastructure

 2. Flexibility

One of the significant benefits of cloud computing is flexibility. This service includes the period of subscription, the size of data storage, and the kind of application needed. It also gives the companies and their employees the mobility to work from any location. The file-sharing features on the cloud also allow them to develop and send the data faster and easier. For this matter, Dolly explained that cloud computing with on-premise software is superior from various sides. One of them is the unnecessary process of device shipment because everything can be done via the internet.

3. Good security system

According to Dolly, before choosing the cloud provider, the customers need to conduct thorough research regarding the security system. This research is essential to do as the customer has the right to make policy requests about the security system. Also, it’s necessary to know that storing the data on the cloud is safer than do it on physical servers. However, by storing the data on the cloud, the customers allowed to delete or move any confidential information remotely.

Moreover, Dolly gave an example from his clients at Zettagrid. Due to WFH, it has become an issue to access some confidential data of the company; however since they use cloud computing, it’s no longer a problem. To tackle this issue, this company then applied one of the services offered by cloud computing, the “disaster recovery protection”. This protection service allows customers to access the information even during an unexpected situation. This service has allowed the company to run their business even during the global pandemic.

Working from home has become a trend, but it has to be supported by the right technology. Therefore, cloud computing is here to become the solution to many companies that are still hanging upon the hardware system. By using the cloud, the deployment of software activation process will be faster, it will be easier to get additional revenue as the investment cost is rather low, and there’s a low level of risk. Furthermore, this is the right time to think ahead and choose the right technology for your company.

Source: CoHive

Tingkatkan Sistem IT Workload Bisnis Anda Dengan Cloud Provider

IT Workload

Tingkatkan Sistem IT Workload Bisnis Anda Dengan Cloud Provider

Sejak terjadinya pandemi COVID-19, berbagai industri dari sektor bisnis kini bertransformasi menjadi lebih digital. Hal ini dilakukan tentunya tidak hanya untuk mengikuti kebijakan social distancing, melainkan juga perilaku konsumen yang saat ini beralih secara daring. Untuk itu, akses internet saja tidak cukup dalam meningkatkan bisnis di masa pandemi ini. Sistem IT canggih lainnya juga diperlukan demi menunjang kebutuhan operasional bisnis, salah satunya adalah sistem cloud provider.

Selain menjadi solusi infrastruktur digital bagi perusahaan, sistem layanan cloud juga dapat membantu meningkatkan efisiensi bisnis dengan mengurangi investasi CAPEX dan OPEX. Tak hanya itu, deployment yang dapat dilakukan dalam beberapa jam saja, menjadikan cloud sebagai pilihan pengusaha untuk meningkatkan sistem IT workload bisnis anda di masa pandemi seperti sekarang.

Dalam talkshow bertajuk “Zettagrid e-CloudTalk vol. 04: Elevate Your IT Business Growth with Zettagrid” pada 26 Agustus 2020, Yohannes Saputra selaku IT Project and Development di Chemstation Asia (CSA), membagikan pengalaman perusahaannya saat menggunakan teknologi cloud infrastructure. Setelah melakukan beragam inovasi teknologi, CSA kini mempercayai sistem layanan cloud data center dari Zettagrid Indonesia untuk menopang sistem IT workload perusahaan.

Keputusan perusahaan tersebut pastinya terjadi bukan tanpa alasan. Mengingat sistem cabang perusahaan di 7 negara lainnya memiliki waktu yang berbeda, CSA membutuhkan sistem server yang dapat terus aktif demi meningkatkan operasional bisnisnya. Sehingga, sistem cloud dipercaya dapat menjadi solusi IT perusahaan tersebut.

Human error yang dapat terjadi sewaktu-waktu pun menjadi alasan berikutnya. Demi meminimalisir terjadinya risiko dari bencana, perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang distribusi kimia ini melihat perlunya sistem backup plan. Sehingga, jika terjadi gangguan seperti human error, sistem backup plan cloud dapat diaktifkan secara real time dan tidak mengganggu operasional lainnya.

Namun, mencari solusi operasional IT tidaklah cukup bagi bisnis yang sedang dijalankan. Bencana alam maupun serangan hacker tentunya dapat menimpa sistem IT workloads bisnis anda. Terutama bagi on-premise yang tidak memiliki standard data center seperti cloud provider.

Menurut Stephen Tukimin selaku VCPP Senior Solution Engineer di VMware, sistem layanan cloud tentunya memiliki standar yang dapat menjaga service level agreements (SLA). Standar tersebut bisa dilihat dari sisi infrastruktur, konektivitas jaringan, hingga keadaan daruratnya. Sehingga, kebijakan SLA yang jelas dapat menjadi jaminan bagi pengguna terkait keamanan data yang tersimpan pada sistem.

Jika anda ingin menyimak apa kata para pakar mengenai Cloud computing di Zettagrid e-CloudTalk Vol.04, anda dapat menyimak tayangannya di channel Youtube kami disini

Jika anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai Zettagrid, anda dapat menghubungi kami di sini atau email ke untuk memudahkan pengalaman cloud bagi bisnis anda.


Writer: Gita Gisela