
Evolving to Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure For Your Digital Business

evolving hybridEvolving to Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure For Your Digital Business

The race to digitally transform is underway and hybrid cloud solutions are a key enabler bringing digital innovation within reach of companies of all sizes and industries. With its agility and scalability, hybrid cloud offers to accommodate enterprises’ complex and varying workloads. Hybrid cloud approach also can significantly reduce capital expenditure and enable organizations to remain competitive while staying on budget.

How do you adopt a hybrid cloud approach for your business? Find the answer on “Zettagrid e-TechDay: Evolving to Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure For Your Digital Business”. Collaborate with Dell Technologies, meet and learn directly from our expert Teddi Suryadi as Cloud Consultant Zettagrid Indonesia and Andri Junardi Ahmad as Advisory Systems Engineer South East Asia CI/HCI Presales Specialist, Dell Technologies.

Event Details

Day: 12 August 2021
Time: 02.00 – 04.00 PM
Link to register:
Live from Zoom Meeting


  • The Fastest Path to Hybrid Cloud for your Digital Business – Andri Junardi Ahmad as Advisory Systems Engineer South East Asia CI/HCI Presales Specialist, Dell Technologies.
  • Evolving to Hybrid Cloud For Your Digital Business – Teddi Suryadi as Cloud Consultant Zettagrid Indonesia.

Register now! FREE e-certificate and win OVO for the first 50 valid register.

3 Kiat Melindungi Data Bisnis dari Risiko Bencana

melindungi data bisnis

3 Kiat Melindungi Data Bisnis dari Risiko Bencana

Mungkin pepatah “Sedia payung sebelum hujan” sudah banyak Anda dengar di mana-mana. Baik untuk mempersiapkan kebutuhan maupun kegiatan sehari-hari, pepatah tersebut sering disematkan agar kita lebih bersiap menghadapi risiko kedepannya. Begitu pula ketika Anda membangun bisnis, pepatah ini bisa jadi acuan agar bisnis bersiap menghadapi ancaman yang potensial, termasuk salah satunya bencana.

Baru-baru ini, kebakaran telah terjadi di Kantor Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM). Dilansir dari, kebakaran bermula ketika kantor BPOM sedang ada perbaikan panel listrik di lorong F timur dan F barat. Meskipun kebakaran terjadi karena arus aliran pendek, namun CNN menyebut satu ruangan yang memuat arsip dan standardisasi napza rusak oleh kobaran api. Akibatnya, BPOM pun mengalami kerugian hingga Rp. 600 juta.

Kasus di atas mungkin bisa menjadi gambaran bagi organisasi untuk menghadapi bencana. Dengan mempersiapkan strategi keamanan data dan pemulihan bencana yang baik, bisnis bisa meminimalisir risiko atau kerugian yang mungkin terjadi.

Artikel ini akan memberikan Anda tips mempersiapkan pemulihan bencana yang baik untuk sistem IT bisnis. Penasaran seperti apa? Simak selengkapnya di bawah ini:

1. Menjaga tata kelola yang baik sesuai anjuran pemerintah

melindungi data bisnis

(Source: cyano66 from Getty Images Pro)

Tips pertama untuk melindungi data bisnis dari potensi bencana adalah dengan menjaga tata kelola yang baik sesuai anjuran pemerintah. Ini berarti organisasi dapat menyesuaikan regulasi infrastruktur IT-nya sesuai peraturan pemerintah yang ada. 

Bila menyangkut tentang perlindungan data dari bencana, bisnis bisa melihat ketentuan hukum Indonesia PP Nomor 71 tahun 2019, yang mewajibkan organisasi memiliki Disaster Recovery Center di Indonesia. Dengan mengimplementasikan peraturan tersebut, organisasi memiliki komitmen atas tata kelola yang baik atau good governance

2. Persiapkan solusi Disaster Recovery

melindungi data bisnis

(Source: Umnat Seebuaphans)

Bencana memang tidak bisa diprediksi kapan datangnya. Bisa jadi ketika bisnis sedang berkembang pesat, bencana datang dan mengganggu sistem IT dan menyebabkan downtime hingga hilangnya data. Oleh sebab itu, solusi pun diperlukan agar bisnis bisa mempersiapkan risiko bencana yang mungkin terjadi.

Memiliki solusi Disaster Recovery berbasis cloud bisa menjadi pilihan untuk melindungi sistem IT dan data bisnis Anda. Kemampuannya yang bisa meningkatkan penyimpanan sistem dan data, memudahkan bisnis untuk memiliki akses terhadap sistem dan datanya ketika bencana terjadi. Oleh sebab itu, Anda tidak perlu lagi khawatir ketika potensi dan risiko bencana melanda bisnis Anda.

 3. Persiapkan strategi untuk hadapi potensi downtime ketika bencana terjadi

melindungi data bisnis

(Source: ilkercelik from Getty Images Pro)

Ketika bencana terjadi dan menghambat sistem IT, ini bisa menimbulkan downtime untuk organisasi. Akibatnya, tidak hanya sistem IT yang akan terkendala, tapi layanan dan operasional bisnis pun bisa terhenti karena bencana. Apabila bisnis tidak mampu mengatasi kendala downtime, tentu ini bisa mengakibatkan kerugian secara finansial.

Itulah mengapa, solusi Disaster Recovery sangat penting untuk dimiliki bisnis. Selain mempersiapkan bisnis dari potensi bencana, Disaster Recovery juga memudahkan bisnis untuk memiliki ketersediaan akses ke sistem dan datanya. Sehingga ketika bisnis dihadapkan oleh potensi downtime akibat bencana maupun hardware failure, Disaster Recovery bisa memulihkan Virtual Machine (VM) sesuai dengan skenario failover bisnis. Dengan demikian, bisnis bisa meminimalisir risiko dan kerugian yang mungkin terjadi.

Itulah beberapa tips yang bisa Anda ikuti untuk melindungi data bisnis dari risiko bencana. Bila Anda memiliki pertanyaan lebih lanjut tentang solusi Disaster Recovery, Anda bisa menghubungi kami di sini atau ke   


Mengapa Vulnerability Assessment Penting untuk Keamanan Siber?

vulnerability assessment penting

Mengapa Vulnerability Assessment Penting untuk Keamanan Siber?

Di era digital seperti sekarang, keamanan siber sangat penting untuk diutamakan oleh berbagai organisasi. Selain karena untuk memenuhi regulasi kepatuhan data perusahaan, strategi keamanan siber juga penting untuk melindungi data dari ancaman peretasan sistem hingga serangan hacker. Oleh karena itu, organisasi perlu memikirkan ulang fitur keamanan yang bisa digunakan untuk melindungi sistem IT-nya. Salah satunya dengan menggunakan Vulnerability Assessment.

Menurut, Vulnerability Assessment merupakan proses identifikasi risiko dan kerentanan pada sistem, jaringan komputer, aplikasi, atau bagian lain yang ada di ekosistem IT. Fitur ini berfungsi untuk membantu bisnis menunjukan kelemahan di sistem IT seperti coding bugs, security holes, dan lainnya. Dengan demikian, organisasi dapat dengan cepat menambal kelemahan paling berisiko tersebut sebelum hacker mengeksploitasinya.

Lalu, apa yang bisa didapat organisasi ketika menggunakan Vulnerability Assessment?

vulnerability assessment penting

(Source: ninitta from Getty Images)

Secara garis besar, terdapat beberapa alasan mengapa Vulnerability Assessment penting untuk digunakan oleh organisasi. Beberapa di antaranya, ialah:

  • Organisasi dapat mengidentifikasi ancaman atau kelemahan keamanan sistem sejak awal sebelum pelanggaran terjadi.
  • Organisasi dapat dengan mudah memahami kerentanan berdasarkan prioritas, urgensi, serta dampak yang dapat ditimbulkan.
  • Melindungi pelanggaran data dan akses tidak sah lainnya.
  • Membantu perusahaan untuk terhindar dari denda atau tuntutan hukum jika terjadi pelanggaran data. 

Hal rentan apa saja yang bisa diungkap oleh Vulnerability Assessment?

vulnerability assessment penting

(Source: Wpadington from Getty Images)

Selain menginformasikan adanya kesalahan konfigurasi pada sistem IT, Vulnerability Assessment juga penting untuk mengungkap berbagai masalah yang terjadi pada sistem hardware maupun software. Beberapa di antaranya, ialah:

  • Kata sandi default pada perangkat tertentu
  • Perangkat yang menjalankan layanan yang tidak perlu
  • Layanan web yang mengandung unknown vulnerabilities
  • Layanan yang tidak seharusnya dijalankan di beberapa perangkat
  • Aplikasi berbahaya, seperti aplikasi peer-to-peer
  • Aplikasi pihak ketiga

Selain itu, banyak Vulnerability Assessment juga penting untuk mengawasi tanda-tanda hacker berdasarkan perilaku komputer. Dengan mengetahui hal tersebut, ini dapat membantu organisasi meminimalisir terjadinya peretasan data.

7 kiat membangun Vulnerability Assessment yang efektif

1. Mengidentifikasi dan memahami proses bisnis

Langkah pertama membangun Vulnerability Assessment yang efektif, dimulai dengan berfokus pada proses yang paling kritis dan sensitif. Dalam hal ini organisasi bisa mulai dengan regulasi kepatuhan penyimpanan data, privasi pelanggan, dan posisi kompetitif manajemen. Latihan ini akan membutuhkan upaya kolaboratif antara tim IT dan unit bisnis lainnya agar Anda bisa memahami proses kerja bisnis.

2. Identifikasi aplikasi dan data yang mendukung proses bisnis

Beri peringkat untuk setiap proses dan aktivitas bisnis, lalu tandai aplikasi dan data yang bergantung pada proses tersebut. Misalnya, satu departemen mungkin benar-benar membutuhkan akses email untuk melakukan pekerjaan mereka, sedangkan departemen lain tidak begitu membutuhkan email untuk aktivitas kerjanya.

3. Identifikasi setiap sumber data yang tersimpan

Untuk membangun keamanan siber yang efektif dengan Vulnerability Assessment, Anda tidak boleh lupa untuk memperhitungkan perangkat seluler dan PC Desktop. Hal ini dilakukan karena perangkat keduanya memiliki kemungkinan besar berisi data organisasi paling terbaru dan sensitif.

Tak hanya itu, Anda juga perlu mengidentifikasi pengguna perangkat tersebut untuk mengakses dan berbagi aplikasi serta data perusahaan. Dengan demikian, Anda dapat memahami bagaimana data dibagikan di antara pengguna tersebut. 

4. Ketahui jenis hardware yang digunakan untuk aplikasi dan data 

Mengurangi lapisan infrastruktur bisa menjadi cara untuk mengetahui server mana yang menjalankan aplikasi penting. Selain itu, Anda juga perlu mengidentifikasi perangkat penyimpanan data yang menampung data sensitif dari aplikasi yang digunakan tersebut. Sehingga, Anda bisa menentukan akses mana yang perlu diidentifikasi oleh Vulnerability Assessment.

5. Petakan infrastruktur jaringan yang menghubungkan perangkat 

Untuk membangun Vulnerability Assessment yang efektif, organisasi perlu memetakan infrastruktur jaringan yang menghubungkan perangkat. Anda bisa mulai dengan memahami router dan perangkat jaringan yang digunakan hardware untuk menghasilkan kinerja Vulnerability Assessment yang cepat dan aman. 

6. Identifikasi sistem keamanan pada infrastruktur Anda

Fitur keamanan seperti kebijakan sistem, firewall, intrusion detection, dan Virtual Private Networks kerap kali digunakan untuk melindungi sistem IT dan data organisasi. Bila Anda menggunakan salah satunya, maka sangat penting bagi Anda untuk memahami kemampuan fitur tersebut dan kerentanan yang ditangani secara langsung. Dengan demikian, ini akan membantu Anda dalam membangun Vulnerability Assessment yang efektif.

7. Jalankan Vulnerability Scan

Setelah tim Anda berhasil memahami dan memetakan aplikasi, data, serta infrastruktur dan perlindungan jaringan, maka selanjutnya tim IT perlu menentukan kapan waktu yang tepat untuk menjalankan Vulnerability Scan.

Itulah beberapa cara yang bisa Anda jalankan untuk mencapai Vulnerability Assessment yang efektif. Bila Anda memiliki pertanyaan lebih lanjut tentang Vulnerability Assessment untuk memperkuat keamanan siber organisasi, Anda bisa menghubungi kami di sini atau ke

5 Serangan Siber Yang Perlu Bisnis Waspadai

serangan siber

5 Serangan Siber Yang Perlu Bisnis Waspadai

Saat mengembangkan bisnis, Anda pastinya telah memprediksi segala jenis ancaman dan potensinya terhadap keberlangsungan perusahaan. Mulai dari bencana alam, human error, hingga serangan siber, ketiganya memiliki potensi bahaya terhadap operasional bisnis. Terutama bila dikaitkan dengan kehilangan data perusahaan.

Di masa pandemi COVID-19 seperti sekarang, serangan siber menjadi ancaman paling tinggi untuk berbagai organisasi. Seiring banyaknya pengguna yang bekerja dan belajar dari rumah secara daring, pelaku serangan siber pun semakin gencar untuk melancarkan aksinya. Bahkan Cisco Umbrella pun melaporkan setidaknya terjadi peningkatan sebesar 40% serangan siber pada pandemi tahun lalu.

Melihat kasus ini, tentunya bisnis tidak hanya harus melindungi datanya. Mengenal segala jenis serangan siber juga perlu dilakukan agar strategi perlindungan data dapat dieksekusi tim IT dengan maksimal. Lalu jenis serangan siber apa saja yang perlu diwaspadai bisnis?

1. The Corporate Spies

serangan siber

(Source: South_agency from Getty Images Signature)

Banyak perusahaan melanggengkan jenis serangan siber The Corporate Spies untuk menyusup atau meretas sistem IT para pesaingnya. Dengan menggunakan peretas untuk melakukan spionase pada para pesaing bisnis, perusahaan bisa mencuri data penting pesaingnya seperti rencana bisnis, hak paten, data keuangan, kontrak, dan lainnya. Salah satu contoh kasus yang bisa diambil dari serangan siber satu ini adalah Compulife – NAAIP. 

Pada tahun 2020, Compulife Software, Inc. menuduh pesaingnya melakukan spionase untuk meretas dan mencuri data miliknya. Bukti juga menegaskan bahwa NAAIP menyewa seorang peretas untuk spionase perusahaan. Meski pengadilan kelas bawah memutuskan bahwa spionase tersebut tidak terhitung  sebagai kejahatan, Pengadilan Sirkuit justru tidak setuju dengan putusan tersebut dan memvonis NAAIP bersalah.

2. Nation-State Hackers

serangan siber

(Source: Wpadington from Getty Images)

Menurut Search Security, jenis serangan siber satu ini sering digunakan oleh pemerintah untuk meretas sistem maupun melakukan tindakan kejahatan terhadap rivalnya. Pernyataan tersebut dapat didasari ketika melihat serangan Solarwinds yang menyebabkan pelanggaran jaringan besar-besaran, hingga memungkinkan peretas untuk membocorkan ribuan data organisasi secara global, termasuk data pemerintah Amerika Serikat.  Lalu, bagaimana ini bisa terjadi?

Pada serangan siber tersebut, peretas memasang malware mereka ke SolarWinds, sebuah perusahaan yang memproduksi platform pemantauan kinerja IT yang disebut Orion. Perlu diketahui, ribuan perusahaan di seluruh dunia menggunakan perangkat lunak yang diproduksi oleh SolarWinds tersebut. Karena telah disusupi oleh malware, semua perangkat lunak dari pelanggan SolarWinds akhirnya tercemar pada bulan Maret hingga Juni 2020.

AS meyakini bila peristiwa tersebut terjadi karena ulah rusia. Tapi itu tidak sepenuhnya benar, ada juga kelompok peretas yang diduga memiliki hubungan dengan pemerintah Korea Utara dan Iran. 

3.  Script-Kiddies

serangan siber

(Source: kaptnali from Getty Images)

Meskipun dianggap amatir karena banyak meretas demi kesenangan, tapi Anda tidak boleh menganggap remeh serangan siber jenis Script-Kiddies. Serangan jenis satu ini cukup dikenal setelah memaksa ratusan website offline pada Jumat 2016 lalu. Bahkan, para ahli juga mempercayai bahwa Script-Kiddies sering membantu penjahat serius melalui penyelidikan sembrono dan kompromi sistem mereka.

Maka dari itu, Anda perlu berhati-hati agar bisnis dapat terlindungi dari serangan siber satu ini. Tapi, bagaimana caranya agar sistem IT terhindar dari serangan Script-Kiddies? Berikut tipsnya:

  • Perbarui perangkat lunak keamanan Anda secara teratur.
  • Lacak lalu lintas situs Anda secara teratur.
  • Jangan gunakan kata sandi yang lemah.

4. Cryptojackers

(Source: stevanovicigor from Getty Images Pro)

Cryptojackers merupakan jenis serangan siber yang mencuri daya komputasi dan sumber daya pengguna untuk meraup cryptocurrency. Dilansir MUO, McAfee pernah mengalami peningkatan 4000 persen dalam malware penambangan kripto pada 2019 lalu. Yang paling menakutkan, peretas beralih dari mengkompromikan PC pengguna individu dan perangkat seluler hingga menyusup ke situs web populer dan menyebarkan malware ke siapapun yang mengunjunginya.

Melihat kasus tersebut, Anda tentu perlu berhati-hati dalam melindungi data dan perangkat perusahaan. Maka dari itu, untuk meminimalisir potensi serangan cryptojackers, Anda bisa mengikuti tips berikut:

  • Selalu waspada terhadap perubahan perilaku perangkat Anda.
  • Gunakan selalu plugin, aplikasi, dan add on yang Anda kenal dan terpercaya.
  • Sebelum mengunduh aplikasi apapun, pastikan itu ditinjau dengan baik, diperbarui secara berkala, dan memiliki unduhan yang cukup.

5. Ransomware Sewaan

(Source: Zephyr18 from Getty Images Pro)

Banyak kelompok peretas terkenal di seluruh dunia menyediakan ransomware untuk disewakan. Kelompok-kelompok tersebut biasanya mengikuti model Ransomware as a Service (RaaS), di mana mereka menyewakan ransomware seperti pengembang perangkat lunak menyewakan produk Software as a Service (SaaS).

Salah satu yang cukup populer dari kasus ini adalah grup ransomware Darkside. Peretas tersebut menyerang Colonial Pipeline, sistem pipa minyak Amerika yang membawa bahan bakar jet dan bensin di sekitar AS. Akibat dari serangan siber tersebut, seluruh manajemen mengalami kerugian lebih dari $15 miliar.

Sebagai pengusaha, Anda pasti tidak ingin bisnis tertimpa ransomware seperti di atas bukan? Maka dari itu, strategi perlindungan data sangat penting untuk dimiliki oleh perusahaan, sehingga risiko kehilangan data bisa diminimalisir semaksimal mungkin. Lalu, bagaimana caranya agar bisnis mencapai strategi perlindungan data yang efektif untuk menghindari serangan siber? Ketahui tips selengkapnya dengan mengunjungi artikel ini.

Zettagrid Indonesia merupakan salah satu penyedia layanan cloud di Indonesia yang menyediakan Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) seperti Virtual Data Center (VDC), Virtual Private Server (VPS), Backup as a Service (BaaS), Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS), dan lainnya. Bila Anda memiliki pertanyaan tentang solusi atau keamanan cloud, Anda dapat menghubungi kami di sini atau ke

3 Reasons Why Business Needs VDC Backup

Business VDC Backup

3 Reasons Why Business Needs VDC Backup

The development of digital technology has indeed opened many opportunities for the industry. Ranging from education, lifestyle, healthcare, and other business is now digital as technology solutions arise. Therefore, it is not a surprise anymore to see many businesses automate and scale up their IT capacity to be agile to compete in this era. One of them even utilizing Virtual Data Center (VDC) for that need.

As it is stated in the article before, the role of VDC can replace the need for business to own and operate their own data center. Rather than relying on physical servers to protect business systems and applications, now you can have virtual servers in a private, public, or hybrid cloud environment.

However, using VDC only is not enough for business to manage its IT infrastructure. A data protection strategy like VDC Backup is also needed to secure its system and applications that run virtually. Thus, business can securely store their systems and applications in their VDC.

Then, is there any reason why business needs VDC backup to strengthen its system? Read them below here:

1. Data Loss Can Cost Serious Money

VDC Backup

(Source: DAPA Images from Canva)

Having a regular backups are an insurance policy for business. So much of the modern business supported by computer networks, a loss of your network data can have a crippling financial effect on business.

Ponemon Institute found that a major IT leaders have experienced that incidents led to data loss. With the global average cost that was a staggering $3.6 million, the enterprises approximately had lost $141 per data record.

Even small security breaches impacting a small number of files, it can still have a major impact. A report from Verizon found that small breaches, which involves the loss of fewer than 100 files, can cost business between $18,120 and $35,70. Rather than business throw that money at a preventable problem regularly, then it’s time to implement an effective Backup strategy like VDC Backup.

2. Ransomware

business VDC Backup

(Source: Tzogia Kappatou from Getty Images)

Besides natural disasters, business also needs to prepare for cyberattacks. As digital technology evolves, many challenges like cyber-threat might come and lead business to loss.

According to The Hacker News, new ransomware strains called NotPetya, Wormable DarkRadiation, REvil Ransomware, and so on are found and targets Linux OS and Docker Container. If this ransomware strikes your business, you must be careful as those will encrypt the business files/directories in the OS.

However, enterprise shouldn’t be worried about this. As long as it has VDC Backup for the solution of a ransomware attack, business will minimize the potential of data loss anytime it wants. Furthermore, VDC Backup like in Zettagrid Indonesia also offers business self-service backup and recovery options. Thus, business will experience the ease of a secure, native integration in the VMware vCloud Director.

3. Regulatory Compliance

business VDC backup

(Source: Relif from Getty Images)

Many companies are constantly challenged in meeting policy and regulations for data storage, digital transactions management, and disaster recovery. Regulations tend to be industry-specific and call for the confidentially, portability, and accessibility of information.

Data Backup and business continuity policies must be executed to achieve data compliance. With VDC Backup like in Zettagrid Indonesia, business can leverage its data protection and disaster recovery for regulatory compliance and provide consistent business value and customer satisfaction. 

Then, what is the right backup strategy?

  • Cloud Backups: This could be an essential part of a smart backup strategy. By implementing Cloud Backup like VDC Backup, it will ensure that if your business suffers a natural disaster, you are able to restore your data off-site.
  • Encryption of Data In-Transit: Before being Backed up, the data should be encrypted when in transit. If business passed this step, hackers can snoop on data. That’s why, a smart encryption plan is key to overall data protection across your network.
  • The 3-2-1 Strategy: The 3-2-1 strategy for backups can be effective to build data protection strategy. It involves three backups located in two locations, such as on-premise and cloud storage locations. Finally, you should produce these backups at least once a day for maximum protection.
  • 24/7 Support: When your network goes down or you suffer data loss, you want a partner that can quickly restore your system from a backup no matter what day or time it is. A 24/7 support team like at Zettagrid Indonesia, will help you to recover the data back. Therefore, enterprise does not have to be panic once it happened.
  • Testing Backups: It’s important you work with a provider that tests the integrity of backups, considering a backup report can let you know if any files failed to transfer or if any corruptions occurred. Therefore, testing your backup solution regularly is important to achieve the effective recovery.

Zettagrid Indonesia is a Cloud Service Provider from Indonesia that provides cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), such as Virtual Data Center (VDC), Virtual Private Server (VPS), VDC Backup, Disaster Recovery, and so on. If your business needs VDC Backup or other cloud solution, you can contact us here or at

2 Things To Know About Red Hat Enterprise Linux Subscription

red hat subscription2 Things To Know About Red Hat Enterprise Linux Subscription

As the digital era begins, IT infrastructure becomes a core business differentiator. Even to support business initiatives, IT organizations must optimize their infrastructure first. Therefore, it is not a surprise anymore to see many enterprises look for IT solutions to transform their business into digital. One of them is by using open source software like Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription.

As an intelligent operating foundation for modern IT, Red Hat Enterprise Linux delivers optimal benefits for your organization. Its consistency across infrastructure allows business to deploy applications, workloads, and services using the same tools, regardless of location. Furthermore, a Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription provides access to the resources, tools, and technologies business needs to be successful. That’s why, this open source software is often to be the option whether for hybrid cloud deployment or local premise.

Then, what is the difference between Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription through Cloud Service Provider (CSP) and Red Hat for Hybrid Cloud Deployment and On-Premise? in Zettagrid e-TechDay vol. 10, Muhammad Yunus as a Presales Engineer Manager at Zettagrid Indonesia and Wisa Prabowo as Solution Architect at Red Hat, have answered this question. Curious to know the recap? Read them below here:

Different Support Team Services

CSP does not only offers IT infrastructure, but service like support team is also available for its customers. Therefore, if your business plan to subscribe to Red Hat Enterprise Linux whether for Hybrid Cloud Deployment or On-Premise through CSP like Zettagrid, the support team services will also be available for it. 

However, the services will be different from the business subscription needs. If the business plan to subscribe the Open Sources for local premise through Zettagrid, its sub-support will be available for it. Then, if the business plan for implementing it on hybrid cloud deployment, the support team services will be available in premium. This means, its support team services will be available according to its SLA.

Same as CSP, Red Hat also provides Support Team as a service for Business’ Red Hat Enterprise Linux Subscription. With the standard service, its support team will be available for a year. So, if the business plan to subscribe to its open source through Red Hat, all services will be handled by Red Hat.

Cost and Flexibility

If your business ever explored CSP, management must have known the pay-per-use concept. Yes, with the pay-per-use, business could manage its cost for the cloud infrastructure. So is the Open Source like Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription, business could have its pay-per-use if they subscribe it through CSP like Zettagrid Indonesia.

However, if your business plan to subscribe through Red Hat, pay-per-use is not available for it. Red Hat offers a subscription in standard and premium for business, and both are available for a year subscription only. 

Find out more about this session by watching the webinar again on our Youtube account. And if you are interested in our cloud solutions, you can contact us at or click here.

4 Reasons to Choose Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Hybrid Cloud

reasons to choose red hat4 Reasons to Choose Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Hybrid Cloud

As technology evolves in this modern era, IT managers face some challenging pressures in managing their IT environments. Especially in delivering operational efficiency on aspects such as security, performance, availability, and stability, while balancing available IT resources and skills as well as their costs. Not only that but IT team must also move the organization from a “first-aid” mode to one that focuses on delivering innovations that drive business advantages. So, organizations may need the right foundation and management solutions to face the challenge. One of them is by using Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

By offering a standard Open Sources (OS) to underly workloads, Red Hat Enterprise Linux enables you to easily move them across environments. Furthermore, it also gives the user a consistent, stable foundation across hybrid cloud deployments, along with built-in manageability and integration with the broader Red Hat management and automation portfolio. Hence, it could give IT flexible experience for the organization.

However, what Red Hat Enterprise Linux offers to help business achieve those advantage? Read them below here:

1. Lead Business Systems to Emerging Technologies

As the development of technology running now, the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 can be one the reasons to help tie organization’s systems that lead to emerging technologies. From containers to automation and even Artificial Intelligence (AI), Red Hat Enterprise Linux is created for innovators, developers, and operations engineered.

Its also designed for any enterprise and sets the steps for what they can do now. Thus, enterprise may begin their cloud journey now with the flexible OS like Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

2. A Great Start to Build Cloud Infrastructure

As cloud adoption increased 75% in 2020, it is not a surprise anymore to see the way organizations achieve their IT efficiency and flexibility now. With the automation and reliability, cloud has enabled enterprise to automate its business from day to day. But still, adopting cloud without any proper plan and infrastructure is not suggested for the industry. Therefore, OS like Red Hat Enterprise Linux can be an option to optimize cloud adoption.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux offers the flexibility of open source code and the innovation of open source communities, along with certifications from public cloud and service providers like Zettagrid Indonesia

3. Protect Business from the Vulnerabilities

Plan to build a secure data center? Get started with the best Open Sources first like Red Hat Enterprise Linux. This OS has built-in security features such as Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) and mandatory access controls (MAC) to help users combat intrusions and meet regulatory compliance. As well as being the first Linux container framework support to be a Common Criteria-certified (v7.1), Red Hat Enterprise Linux is also Common Criteria and FIPS 140-2 certified.

Not only that but using Red Hat Enterprise Linux also means that thousands of developers are monitoring millions of lines of code in the Linux kernel. Hence, the user may find flaws and developing fixes before vulnerabilities got attacked.

 4. A Long-Term Life Cycle Support

A Red Hat Enterprise also brings long-term advantages for its user, one of them is to maintain critical applications for 10 years or more with deployment choices of major. Besides that, Red Hat also has supported versions and a commitment to preserve app stability with each minor update. Therefore, those can be the reasons to choose Red Hat Enterprise Linux for business OS.

Then, how about the Red Hat operations, especially for cloud infrastructure?

Find the answer on Zettagrid e-TechDay Vol.10: Confidently Build Your Cloud With Red Hat Enterprise Linux, on Wednesday, 7 July 2021. Meet our expert Muhammad Yunus as Presales Engineer Zettagrid Indonesia and Wisa Prabowo as Solution Architect Red Hat Indonesia, to help you developed the IT system. Register here to join the event.

Confidently Build Your Cloud With Red Hat Enterprise Linux

build your cloudConfidently Build Your Cloud With Red Hat Enterprise Linux


Your cloud journey involves more than just switching up your IT. It’s about transforming and build your business from enabling technology, people, process, governance to security and operations. There is no limit to what you can achieve on the cloud.

Then how you could confidently build your cloud especially your infrastructure. Find the answer on Zettagrid e-TechDay Vol.10: Confidently Build Your Cloud With Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Meet our expert Muhammad Yunus as Presales Engineer Zettagrid Indonesia and Wisa Prabowo as Solution Architect Red Hat Indonesia.

Event Details:
Date: Wednesday, 7 July 2021
Time: 02.00 – 03.30 PM
Where: Zoom Meetings
Click Here To Register

Join us, share this event with your colleagues, and get chance to win shopping vouchers at the end of the event.

4 Benefits of AI in Cloud Computing

AI in cloud

4 Benefits of AI in Cloud Computing

 In this modern era, digital technology like Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become one of the solutions to boost the development of various industries. With its capability to automate business or even its operations, AI is believed to be the technology that increases company productivity. Therefore, it is not a surprise anymore to see the market of AI in the oil and gas industry predicted to reach US 3,81 Billion Dollars, with a CAGR of 10,96% for 2020-2025.

However, developing AI systems requires large data sets. If the organization only relies on the local premise, AI deployment will result in a big investment and inefficiency considering the On-Premise will need maintenance. That’s why before AI development is going further, organizations need to look for an efficient solution. One of them is by implementing Cloud Computing.

The combination of AI and Cloud Computing results in an extensive network capable of holding massive volumes of data, while continuously learning and improving. Hence, both assist in the automation of routine activities within IT infrastructure and result in IT efficiency.

Not only that but developing AI in Cloud Computing also has benefits for the organization. All of them can be seen below here:

1. Automate the workflow

AI in cloud

(Source: Wright Studio from Shutterstock)

Running IT resources and business operations at the same time can be overwhelming for some organizations. Even if it’s also implemented AI, a business can find it difficult to manage its workflow and IT efficiency. But no worries, as long as Cloud Computing can be used for AI, the organization can pass the challenge and achieve maximum productivity.

AI can automate complex and repetitive tasks to boost productivity and perform data analysis without any human intervention. So, when the organization develops AI in Cloud Computing, the IT team can focus on strategic operations while AI performs regular tasks. Hence, the organization can be more efficient, strategic, and insight-driven.

2. Maintain organizations data management

(Source: Alexander Supertramp from Shutterstock)

Besides increasing efficiency and flexibility, developing AI in Cloud Computing would also play a significant role in processing, managing, and structuring data.

By using cloud for AI, organization can boost marketing, customer care, and supply chain data management with more reliable real-time data. AI tools streamline how data is ingested, modified, and managed. For example, organization can deploy AI tools into Zettagrid Indonesia cloud to get real-time personalization, detect cyber threats, and maintenance scenarios.

3. Deeper Insights

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(Source: NicoElNino from Shutterstock)

Developing AI in Cloud Computing can identify patterns and trends in vast data sets. It uses historical data and compares it to the most recent data, which provides IT teams with well-informed, data-backed intelligence.

On top of that, using cloud computing for AI tools can also perform data analysis fast so organizations can rapidly and efficiently address customer queries and issues. The observations and valuable advice gained from AI capabilities result in quicker and more accurate results. Therefore, the cloud is efficient for business continuity.

4. Lowering costs

AI in cloud

(Source: Palto from Shutterstock)

A big advantage of Cloud Computing is that it eliminates costs related to on-site data centers, such as hardware and maintenance. Those upfront costs can be prohibitive with AI projects, but in the cloud enterprises can instantly access these tools for a monthly fee making research and development-related costs more manageable. Additionally, AI in cloud can gain insights from the data and analyze it without human intervention. That’s why, it is more efficient not only in cost but also in human resources.

Zettagrid Indonesia is a Cloud Service Provider in Indonesia that provides Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) such as VMware Virtual Data Center, VMware Virtual Server, Veeam Backup, and so on. If you have any questions related to our cloud solutions for AI, you can reach us here or through


Signs That Your Enterprise Cloud Solutions is Over-Engineered

cloud solutions

Signs That Your Enterprise Cloud Solutions is Over-Engineered

As technology developed by the day, many enterprises now implement workload solutions to digitize and fastening their organizations. With agility and automation, technology is now believed to be one of the indicators to boost and efficiently the operations of organizations. No wonder, why Indonesia Government itself has pushed many businesses for digital transformation by using technology, including enterprise cloud solutions.

According to, enterprise cloud solutions is a term that may refer to a cloud service platform such as Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), or Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). It provides all of the resources needed to perform the required business functions in an integrated manner, within the framework of the cloud architecture that delivers the solution.

Although there are so many cloud service providers that we can see, does not mean we can decide to implement one without considering it. Many providers offer over-engineered enterprise cloud solutions that complex and inefficient, so it increased costs, risks, or complexities of the system that can result in its failure. That’s why business needs to look for the signs of which enterprise cloud solutions that over-engineered, before deciding to implement one.

No worries, in the article below we have compiled the signs of over-engineered enterprise cloud solutions. Curious to know it further? Read them here:

1. Has no single source of truth for enterprise data

You may think cloud migration will provide the business with the ability to centralize data within a single go-to database (physical or abstract) and store important data such as customer, sales, or inventory. But in fact, there are still many cloud services with no centralized coordination around common database services, which will lead to many different types of databases during the move to cloud.

Therefore, before deciding to move to one of the enterprise cloud solutions, business needs to double-check on its deployment. So, it will prevent business to the complex deployment and increased cost also risk.

2. The cloud costs more than the status quo

Although it’s common to spend more on cloud solutions than on its starting point, business must also factor in its many advantages to the business. a good rule of thumb for an acceptable cost increase would perhaps 10% to 15% more than its starting point. However, many businesses still have end states that are 30% to 50% more costly, with no clear business benefits to justify the extra costs. 

Therefore, business needs to keep a close eye on centralized efficiency and cost optimization in its enterprise cloud solution. Over-engineering happens when business adds too many unnecessary features. These features drive up the costs without a counterbalancing ROI.

3. Has no centralized command and control

The core problem for most enterprises is a lack of centralized planning. When it comes to common services, operations, or security, too many choices and a lack of governance quickly lead to a mess.

For example, a public cloud is added to a multi-cloud deployment because a single development team said they needed a specific database that runs on a specific cloud. The addition happened without examining the cost, ops, and complexity of managing a public cloud that provides one service to one team. Therefore, the coordination between development and migration teams is needed for a fully optimized meta-architecture for an enterprise cloud solution.

If you have any questions related to our cloud solutions, you can contact us here or through