Signs That Your Enterprise Cloud Solutions is Over-Engineered

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Signs That Your Enterprise Cloud Solutions is Over-Engineered

As technology developed by the day, many enterprises now implement workload solutions to digitize and fastening their organizations. With agility and automation, technology is now believed to be one of the indicators to boost and efficiently the operations of organizations. No wonder, why Indonesia Government itself has pushed many businesses for digital transformation by using technology, including enterprise cloud solutions.

According to, enterprise cloud solutions is a term that may refer to a cloud service platform such as Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), or Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). It provides all of the resources needed to perform the required business functions in an integrated manner, within the framework of the cloud architecture that delivers the solution.

Although there are so many cloud service providers that we can see, does not mean we can decide to implement one without considering it. Many providers offer over-engineered enterprise cloud solutions that complex and inefficient, so it increased costs, risks, or complexities of the system that can result in its failure. That’s why business needs to look for the signs of which enterprise cloud solutions that over-engineered, before deciding to implement one.

No worries, in the article below we have compiled the signs of over-engineered enterprise cloud solutions. Curious to know it further? Read them here:

1. Has no single source of truth for enterprise data

You may think cloud migration will provide the business with the ability to centralize data within a single go-to database (physical or abstract) and store important data such as customer, sales, or inventory. But in fact, there are still many cloud services with no centralized coordination around common database services, which will lead to many different types of databases during the move to cloud.

Therefore, before deciding to move to one of the enterprise cloud solutions, business needs to double-check on its deployment. So, it will prevent business to the complex deployment and increased cost also risk.

2. The cloud costs more than the status quo

Although it’s common to spend more on cloud solutions than on its starting point, business must also factor in its many advantages to the business. a good rule of thumb for an acceptable cost increase would perhaps 10% to 15% more than its starting point. However, many businesses still have end states that are 30% to 50% more costly, with no clear business benefits to justify the extra costs. 

Therefore, business needs to keep a close eye on centralized efficiency and cost optimization in its enterprise cloud solution. Over-engineering happens when business adds too many unnecessary features. These features drive up the costs without a counterbalancing ROI.

3. Has no centralized command and control

The core problem for most enterprises is a lack of centralized planning. When it comes to common services, operations, or security, too many choices and a lack of governance quickly lead to a mess.

For example, a public cloud is added to a multi-cloud deployment because a single development team said they needed a specific database that runs on a specific cloud. The addition happened without examining the cost, ops, and complexity of managing a public cloud that provides one service to one team. Therefore, the coordination between development and migration teams is needed for a fully optimized meta-architecture for an enterprise cloud solution.

If you have any questions related to our cloud solutions, you can contact us here or through