
Things to Consider Using Cloud-based Warehouse Management System

Warehouse Management System


Things to Consider Using Cloud-based Warehouse Management System

If you realized, cloud computing utilization has developed from being a simple business concept into a growing technology in various industries. This could be happened by the speed of its installation, flexibility and accessible for user. Therefore, cloud computing could be one of the solutions for enterprises to reduce on their infrastructure investments. Especially, when it comes to a business that running in a warehouse field.

But, if your company still use an on-premise Warehouse Management System (WMS), you should be worried. Basically, the company will not only lose their time,, but also money and customers. This can’t be happened for no reason of course, but suffers a major system failure such as critical data loss or unsatisfied customer can be occurred anytime. Therefore, cloud based WMS present to be a solution for a business.

Today, cloud based warehouse management system (WMS) is increase rapidly..  Not only because it has improvements in technology, but also its prototyping a various deployment options. Therefore, it will enable a fast, affordable transition, and improved warehouse performance. Not only that, several things also considered when it jump to improving warehouse by using cloud based WMS. Read them below to get the insights!

Efficient Warehouse Management

  1. Run a Business Efficiently

The detailed look of cloud-based WMS at your inventory and its automatic updated through a sensor in company network, actually made for a reason. This system was created to make all the information readily available for stakeholders in the company. By controlling the collected data, businesses can analyze the expenditures of internal software teams. Therefore, they can control the investment by focusing it to improve operational efficiencies.

Customer Warehouse Management

  1. Improving Customer Service

It is impossible to answer “I don’t know” when the company support line got a call from a customer asking for shipment status. Surely, this kind of service will lower the company image in the customer’s mind.

But, when the company decided to use a cloud-based WMS, customer questions on package status will likely be handled. Basically, this system allows teams to determine the status of package or shipment. Besides, this connected system provides everyone to track, verify, or even update arrival status of the shipment. So, it will help customers in managing their own supply chain or warehouse.


  1. Maintain Supply Chain Data

When the company decided to move WMS to the cloud, all its data and status updates indirectly has been digitized through an electronic data interchange (EDI). So, it will allow warehouse management to talk to company online stores, ERP systems, and share information with supply chain partners.

Here in Zettagrid we have Largo as our WMS partner that will support you to modernize and simplify your Warehouse Management System under Zettagrid cloud infrastructure. If you had a further question about cloud-based WMS? Contact us here.

Zettagrid Indonesia Sponsori BMWCCI OMR Dan MOMRC di ISSOM 2020

Zettagrid Indonesia Sponsori BMWCCI OMR Dan MOMRC di ISSOM 2020

ISSOM 2020

Team Zettagrid Indonesia di Ajang Balapan BMW One Make Race Round 1 ISSOM 2020

Sejak pandemic COVID 19 melanda, berbagai acara balap nyaris gagal karena terkendala oleh izin pemerintah. Salah satunya adalah kejuaraan balap touring Indonesia Sentul Series of Motorsport (ISSOM) 2020. Setelah berkali-kali mengalami revisi jadwal, ISSOM yang seharusnya digelar pada 12 Juli 2020 lalu akhirnya berhasil diadakan pada 29 dan 30 Agustus 2020 di Sirkuit Sentul, Bogor. Dengan ditetapkan sebanyak 6 seri, ajang balapan ini akan diberlangsungkan hingga awal tahun 2021.

ISSOM yang digelar pada tahun ini pun terasa lebih berbeda bagi para pegiat motorsport. Selain karena menerapkan aturan protokol COVID-19, acara balap ini juga tidak menyelenggarakan kelas kejuaraan nasional (kerjurnas). Adapun, beberapa kelas unggulan lainnya nyaris tidak terselenggara akibat banyaknya promotor yang tidak berani menggelar balapan.

Namun demikian, geliat motorsport tetap bergema karena beberapa promotor seperti BMWCCI One Make Race (BMWCCI OMR), Mercedes One Make Race Championship (MOMRC), Indonesia Retro Race, serta beberapa kelas yang dijalankan oleh Sentul ikut memeriahkan kontestasi.  Sehingga, antusiasme peserta sama sekali tidak berkurang.

Zettagrid sebagai layanan cloud infrastructure lokal di Indonesia tidak hanya turut menjadi peserta dalam kompetisi ISSOM 2020. Namun juga, Zettagrid Indonesia turut sponsori BMWCCI OMR dan MOMRC dalam kontestasi tersebut. Berikut beberapa hal tentang kelas balap BMWCCI OMR dan MOMRC di ISSOM pada 30 Agustus 2020 lalu.

  1.     BMWCCI One Make Race
Podium BMW OMR Round One ISSOM 2020

Tim Zettagrid Raih Podium Pertama di BMW One Make Race (OMR) 2020

BMWCCI One Make Race (OMR) merupakan salah satu kelas balapan yang cocok bagi pembalap pemula. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari visi BMWCCI yang bertujuan untuk mewadahi para anggota dengan memiliki minat terhadap motorsport. Untuk itu, Aditya Kurniawan selaku Ketua Pelaksana BMWCCI OMR berharap dapat mencetak bibit baru pembalap tidak hanya di tingkat nasional, melainkan juga pada tingkat internasional.

Pada kompetisi ISSOM 2020 lalu, BMWCCI OMR turut dimeriahkan oleh 9 peserta yang telah bertanding selama 10 putaran. Dari pertandingan tersebut bahkan memunculkan peserta baru, Viktor Herryanto, sebagai peraih podium juara pertama dalam kategori Rookie dan Reza Kertadjaja sebagai juara satu di kategori Advance. Tak hanya itu, selain turut dimeriahkan oleh 9 peserta lain dan didukung oleh Zettagrid Indonesia, BMWCCI OMR juga turut disponsori oleh Eneos dan Michellin.

  1.     Mercedes One Make Race Championship
Tim Zettagrid bersama Official MOMRC ISSOM 2020

Tim Zettagrid bersama Official MOMRC ISSOM 2020

Selain untuk menyalurkan minat terhadap balapan, Mercedes One Make Race Championship (MOMRC) ini juga menjadi tempatnya para pecinta mobil brand Mercedes-Benz. Meski dikhususkan bagi para pengguna Mercedes-Benz, namun ajang yang telah bergulir sejak tahun 2009 ini terus memberi tontonan menarik bagi para pegiat motorsport. 

Beberapa waktu lalu, MOMRC memeriahkan acara ISSOM 2020 dengan menghadirkan 10 peserta. Setelah melakukan 10 putaran, podium juara 1 pun turut diraih oleh Deo Popong. Tak hanya itu, kemeriahan kelas balap MOMRC pun turut disponsori tidak hanya oleh Zettagrid Indonesia, tetapi juga oleh GT Radial.    

Maju terus olahraga Indonesia dan bangga gunakan cloud lokal dengan data center lokasi Indonesia! Untuk informasi lebih lanjut anda dapat menghubungi kami di sini atau email ke


Cloud Computing-based Application for Startup Operations

Cloud Application Startup

Cloud Computing-based Application for Startup Operations

Cloud Computing-based Application for Startup Operations

Developing a startup, technology is needed to support its various operational systems. However, as a growing company, startups need to choose a technology that is effective but still budget-friendly. One interesting option is cloud computing-based technology, an internet-based data processing system.

As a startup that is often engaged in technology, and they don’t have to focus only on maintaining internet sites, but also on mobile applications. The expansion of startups to mobile applications can shorten and simplify the relationship between companies and customers. Therefore, they need the best components that can facilitate the company’s operational system, such as cloud computing-based application.

Then, why is cloud computing is an efficient component for startups? Through CoLearn Online — a webinar from CoHive entitled “Getting Started to Build Your Apps with Cloud”. In this webinar, also invited Aditya Irawan as Zettagrid Indonesia Cloud Architect, Jefriansyah Hertikawan Co-Founder, and Ceria Mentari, Partnership Associate CoHive as moderator.

Cloud computing-based application is a software program where cloud computing and existing components work side by side. Meanwhile, cloud computing is a computational data processing process that includes CPU, RAM, Network Speeds, software, OS, and storage via the internet network. With cloud computing, companies no longer need high-performance IT support to protect the company’s valuable data. Then, what are the benefits of using cloud computing-based applications for startups?

An effective operating system
According to Aditya, cloud computing components have a very good performance, supported by an adjustable storage size and network speed. Without using the cloud, you will need a lot of separate servers to operate the system. On the other hand, the cloud allows these servers to be consolidated in the same database and makes the system works in a simpler way. In terms of infrastructure, cloud computing doesn’t equip with hardware, thus making it free from hardware refreshment and is more cost-friendly. Also, cloud computing is very flexible as it is accessible remotely.

Let the company focus on anything else besides the system
As a startup business, startups have several phases of business development, one of them is the launch phase. In this phase, startups need to focus their business on the marketing and promotion process. However, as this phase requires high funds, many startups experience losses during the launch period. With cloud computing, startups can save for a rainy day for additional operating costs. Meaning more funds for product development and promotion.

According to Jefriansyah, the main goal of startups during the early phase is to achieve the market fit—a situation when the company managed to introduce its products to the public and bring the added-value to their customers. By using cloud computing-based application, companies can focus on the business and the IT infrastructure as well.

Enable startups to compete better
Cloud computing technology enables startups to compete better. The services offered by cloud computing allows its users to be free from taking care of its maintenance, security, and administration of all their IT solutions. So, companies can focus more on developing their products. However, if the company chooses to use the services of on-premise solutions, the whole process of rejuvenating the equipment is on the company. On-premise solutions itself is a custom-made technology infrastructure by a company for its own use. This means that it requires a higher budget and bigger challenges for the companies.

This insightful webinar regarding the technology side of a startup then invited many questions from the participants. One of them is how to make an application with an economical budget for a new company? On this question, Jefriansyah explains that there is one thing that startups need to pay attention to before making an app, and that is the framework. The framework will determine the capacity plan for the system and how it operates. Hence, startups need to research more before deciding which one is the most suitable for them. Also, Aditya added that to balance the books, the company can adjust the cloud computing service in accordance with their budget.

The advantages of the cloud-computing based application are a very attractive choice for startups. Especially with the benefits that support startups to be able to focus on product development and target achievement. The advantages of cloud computing are unprecedented. Besides being able to reduce operating costs, it can also work very efficiently and help users work more effectively. That is why, using cloud computing-based application can be the right choice for a growing company, such as a startup.

Source: CoHive

Why Cloud Computing is Vital for Firms in Enabling WFH

Why Cloud Computing is Vital for Firms in Enabling WFH

Why Cloud Computing

Why Cloud Computing 


Why cloud computing is vital for companies? Cloud is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, data storage, and computing power that is based on the internet. It enables the company to access software on the internet as a service at any time and from anywhere. Due to the work-from-home system that is implemented by the government, many companies have to settle for the new adjustments which require some modifications. Although working remotely may rise many challenges, by using cloud you can have access to your data from anywhere and optimize your business from home.

Many companies spend large amounts of money on developing their software system, but by using the cloud, it takes less time and cost to make it happens. To delve more about cloud computing, CoHive held an insightful discussion through CoLearn Online, titled “Facing Pandemic: Optimizing IT Operations in Uncertain Times.” Inviting Dolly Indra as the General Managers of Zettagrid Indonesia, the dialogue moderated by Indah Rahdiani (Event Management Senior Associate CoHive).

  1. Transparency cost

Investing and establishing software is very expensive. According to Dolly, transparency cost often failed to happen when it comes to technology and information investments, especially on-premise software (software that is installed and run conventionally on a company’s computer in a particular location). However, it does not occur in cloud computing because the costs required are not in the form of license fees, but subscription fees. Besides, the existence of a cloud computing system allows companies to reduce the cost needed for the computer infrastructure

 2. Flexibility

One of the significant benefits of cloud computing is flexibility. This service includes the period of subscription, the size of data storage, and the kind of application needed. It also gives the companies and their employees the mobility to work from any location. The file-sharing features on the cloud also allow them to develop and send the data faster and easier. For this matter, Dolly explained that cloud computing with on-premise software is superior from various sides. One of them is the unnecessary process of device shipment because everything can be done via the internet.

3. Good security system

According to Dolly, before choosing the cloud provider, the customers need to conduct thorough research regarding the security system. This research is essential to do as the customer has the right to make policy requests about the security system. Also, it’s necessary to know that storing the data on the cloud is safer than do it on physical servers. However, by storing the data on the cloud, the customers allowed to delete or move any confidential information remotely.

Moreover, Dolly gave an example from his clients at Zettagrid. Due to WFH, it has become an issue to access some confidential data of the company; however since they use cloud computing, it’s no longer a problem. To tackle this issue, this company then applied one of the services offered by cloud computing, the “disaster recovery protection”. This protection service allows customers to access the information even during an unexpected situation. This service has allowed the company to run their business even during the global pandemic.

Working from home has become a trend, but it has to be supported by the right technology. Therefore, cloud computing is here to become the solution to many companies that are still hanging upon the hardware system. By using the cloud, the deployment of software activation process will be faster, it will be easier to get additional revenue as the investment cost is rather low, and there’s a low level of risk. Furthermore, this is the right time to think ahead and choose the right technology for your company.

Source: CoHive

Tingkatkan Sistem IT Workload Bisnis Anda Dengan Cloud Provider

IT Workload

Tingkatkan Sistem IT Workload Bisnis Anda Dengan Cloud Provider

Sejak terjadinya pandemi COVID-19, berbagai industri dari sektor bisnis kini bertransformasi menjadi lebih digital. Hal ini dilakukan tentunya tidak hanya untuk mengikuti kebijakan social distancing, melainkan juga perilaku konsumen yang saat ini beralih secara daring. Untuk itu, akses internet saja tidak cukup dalam meningkatkan bisnis di masa pandemi ini. Sistem IT canggih lainnya juga diperlukan demi menunjang kebutuhan operasional bisnis, salah satunya adalah sistem cloud provider.

Selain menjadi solusi infrastruktur digital bagi perusahaan, sistem layanan cloud juga dapat membantu meningkatkan efisiensi bisnis dengan mengurangi investasi CAPEX dan OPEX. Tak hanya itu, deployment yang dapat dilakukan dalam beberapa jam saja, menjadikan cloud sebagai pilihan pengusaha untuk meningkatkan sistem IT workload bisnis anda di masa pandemi seperti sekarang.

Dalam talkshow bertajuk “Zettagrid e-CloudTalk vol. 04: Elevate Your IT Business Growth with Zettagrid” pada 26 Agustus 2020, Yohannes Saputra selaku IT Project and Development di Chemstation Asia (CSA), membagikan pengalaman perusahaannya saat menggunakan teknologi cloud infrastructure. Setelah melakukan beragam inovasi teknologi, CSA kini mempercayai sistem layanan cloud data center dari Zettagrid Indonesia untuk menopang sistem IT workload perusahaan.

Keputusan perusahaan tersebut pastinya terjadi bukan tanpa alasan. Mengingat sistem cabang perusahaan di 7 negara lainnya memiliki waktu yang berbeda, CSA membutuhkan sistem server yang dapat terus aktif demi meningkatkan operasional bisnisnya. Sehingga, sistem cloud dipercaya dapat menjadi solusi IT perusahaan tersebut.

Human error yang dapat terjadi sewaktu-waktu pun menjadi alasan berikutnya. Demi meminimalisir terjadinya risiko dari bencana, perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang distribusi kimia ini melihat perlunya sistem backup plan. Sehingga, jika terjadi gangguan seperti human error, sistem backup plan cloud dapat diaktifkan secara real time dan tidak mengganggu operasional lainnya.

Namun, mencari solusi operasional IT tidaklah cukup bagi bisnis yang sedang dijalankan. Bencana alam maupun serangan hacker tentunya dapat menimpa sistem IT workloads bisnis anda. Terutama bagi on-premise yang tidak memiliki standard data center seperti cloud provider.

Menurut Stephen Tukimin selaku VCPP Senior Solution Engineer di VMware, sistem layanan cloud tentunya memiliki standar yang dapat menjaga service level agreements (SLA). Standar tersebut bisa dilihat dari sisi infrastruktur, konektivitas jaringan, hingga keadaan daruratnya. Sehingga, kebijakan SLA yang jelas dapat menjadi jaminan bagi pengguna terkait keamanan data yang tersimpan pada sistem.

Jika anda ingin menyimak apa kata para pakar mengenai Cloud computing di Zettagrid e-CloudTalk Vol.04, anda dapat menyimak tayangannya di channel Youtube kami disini

Jika anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai Zettagrid, anda dapat menghubungi kami di sini atau email ke untuk memudahkan pengalaman cloud bagi bisnis anda.


Writer: Gita Gisela