
Disaster Recovery using Veeam Solutions

Disaster Recovery using Veeam Solutions

Maintaining the availability of a business is one of the critical factors that most companies should pay attention. If the business process suddenly stopped, even just for a few seconds, we can’t imagine how many data transactions will be impacted.

To prevent this from happening, we need to maximize the availability of our business, one of which is by implementing a Disaster Recovery solution.

What is a Disaster Recovery? How does Disaster Recovery work? What kind of Disaster Recovery solution that’s suitable for my business? Check out the full explanation in the webinar “Disaster Recovery using Veeam Solutions“, which will feature Teddi Suryadi, as a Cloud Consultant in Zettagrid Indonesia.

Event Details:

Day: Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Time: 2.00–4.00 PM

Link to register:

LIVE from Zoom.

Reserve your slot and get a chance to win FREE Shopping Vouchers, special promos, and get an e-certificate.

Mengapa Backup Data NAS Lebih Baik di Cloud?

backup data NAS

Mengapa Backup Data NAS Lebih Baik di Cloud?

Menjaga data agar tetap aman bukan hal yang mudah bagi beberapa perusahaan. Terkadang, ancaman kehilangan dapat terjadi dan risiko pun tidak dapat terhindari. Akibatnya, penyimpanan dalam jumlah lebih sering kali disiapkan oleh perusahaan untuk memenuhi kapasitas data yang kian meningkat. Salah satunya dengan memanfaatkan Network Attached Storage (NAS).

Seperti dilansir pada artikel sebelumnya, penggunaan NAS sudah tidak lagi asing di mata perusahaan, baik Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) maupun perusahaan besar. Selain dimanfaatkan untuk menyimpan dan melakukan backup file, NAS juga dapat dialih fungsikan untuk banyak hal, misalnya sebagai file server, virtualisasi, web-server, video surveillance, sinkronisasi data, dan banyak lagi.

Karena banyaknya fungsi dan pemanfaatan NAS tersebut, banyak pelaku usaha tidak hanya memanfaatkan satu NAS saja. Satu hardisk hingga NAS lebih pun diinvestasikan untuk memenuhi kapasitas pertumbuhan datanya. Padahal jika Anda pikirkan, hal ini tentu lebih tidak efisien dan ancaman kehilangan data seperti kerusakan sistem, human error, serangan siber, hingga pencurian hardisk atau NAS, masih tidak terlepas dari penggunaan tersebut.

Lantas, apa solusi yang tepat untuk lindungi data di NAS?

Cloud untuk Lindungi Data di NAS

Memanfaatkan solusi Cloud Backup bisa menjadi pilihan bagi perusahaan yang ingin melindungi datanya di NAS. Dengan menyalin data di lokasi off-site, perusahaan pun tidak perlu lagi khawatir akan risiko yang mungkin terjadi ketika data hilang.

Memiliki kemampuan mencadangkan data yang bisa dijadwalkan baik per-hari, per-minggu, hingga per-bulan, Cloud Backup dikenal sebagai solusi yang lebih fleksibel jika dibandingkan dengan solusi backup tradisional lainnya. Perusahaan juga tidak perlu lagi berinvestasi hardware untuk memenuhi pertumbuhan data, karena penyimpanan Cloud Backup dapat diskalabilitaskan sesuai dengan kapasitas data yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan.

Manfaat Cloud Backup untuk Data NAS

1. Melindungi data dari kerusakan penyimpanan fisik

Seperti yang dikatakan sebelumnya, mencadangkan data di cloud berarti Anda menyimpan salinan data di lokasi off-site. Alhasil, data yang dicadangkan tetap akan terlindungi ketika terjadi kerusakan fisik pada penyimpanan utama, NAS, atau pada sistem IT perusahaan.

2. Aman dari ancaman bencana alam

Begitu pula ketika perusahaan Anda dilanda bencana alam seperti banjir, gempa bumi, dan kebakaran. Meskipun sistem IT perusahaan mengalami kerusakan akibat kendala tersebut, data yang dicadangkan ke cloud tetap terlindungi tanpa terjadi kerusakan atau corruption. Bahkan, perusahaan masih bisa memulihkan datanya dari cloud untuk mengganti data yang rusak atau yang hilang.  

3. Terhindar dari ancaman Human Error

Meskipun sudah sering terjadi, namun ancaman human error seperti menghapus data secara tidak sengaja masih tidak dapat dihindari, baik di penyimpanan lokal utama atau di NAS. Akibatnya, aset data menghilang dan berbagai risiko pun dapat ditemui oleh perusahaan.

Namun, Anda tidak perlu khawatir akan ancaman ini ketika mencadangkan data ke cloud. Karena dengan cloud, data yang dicadangkan akan terlindungi dari ancaman apapun, sekalipun penghapusan data secara tidak sengaja.

4. Pengguna masih dapat mengakses data yang sudah dicadangkan lama

Mencari data yang sudah disimpan lama seperti berhari-hari, berbulan-bulan, atau bertahun-tahun lalu memang mewalahkan. Apalagi jika data yang disimpan tertimbun dengan data lainnya, atau corrupt akibat penyimpanan data fisik mengalami kerusakan, pastinya pencarian data sudah pasti terkendala.

Berbeda halnya bila Anda memanfaatkan Cloud Backup. Dengan solusi satu ini, data yang dibackup sudah pasti terlindungi dari kerusakan hardware dan bencana. Selain itu, kapasitas penyimpanannya yang fleksibel dan bisa diskalabilitaskan memudahkan perusahaan untuk memenuhi kapasitas penyimpannya. Sehingga, data yang sudah dibackup sejak lama seperti beberapa hari, bulan, maupun tahun lalu masih dapat diakses pengguna.

5.  Alokasi anggaran lebih efisien

Bila Anda memanfaatkan penyimpanan atau solusi backup lokal seperti hardisk atau NAS, investasi hardware sudah pasti diperlukan oleh perusahaan. Terlebih, bila penyimpanan backup lokal sudah tidak lagi memenuhi kapasitas jumlah data, Capital Expenses tentu akan dikeluarkan perusahaan untuk pembelian hardware lebih seperti hardisk atau NAS. 

Berbanding terbalik jika perusahaan memanfaatkan Cloud Backup. Dengan solusi satu ini, alokasi anggaran perusahaan dapat dijalankan secara efisien mengingat perusahaan hanya perlu membayar biaya langganan cloud tanpa disertai investasi hardware apapun.

Memanfaatkan Arupa Object Storage

Cloud Backup seperti Arupa Object Storage bisa menjadi solusi untuk perusahaan yang ingin melindungi data NAS dari ancaman kehilangan. Kompatibel dengan S3 Protocol yang dapat digunakan dengan berbagai aplikasi, Arupa Object Storage dapat menjadi solusi untuk berbagai keperluan perusahaan. Salah satu contohnya ialah untuk backup data NAS.

Zettagrid Indonesia merupakan penyedia layanan cloud lokal Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) berupa Virtual Data Center (VDC), Virtual Server, Backup as a Service (BaaS), Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS), dan lain-lain. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan mengenai solusi cloud, Anda dapat menghubungi kami di sini atau ke

What Need to Look For in Choosing Disaster Recovery?

choosing disaster recovery

What Need to Look For in Choosing Disaster Recovery?

As business evolves, utilizing Disaster Recovery is an important aspect for business systems and data to stay protected. By placing the safety backup plan on a secondary data center, enterprise can secure its business continuity out of the risk of downtime and data loss. Therefore, Disaster Recovery can be a solution for enterprise to minimize the loss of revenue, reputation, and all business data.

However, finding the right Disaster Recovery requires more technical level and the management experts to systematically meet those critical objectives. Moreover, not all Disaster Recovery capabilities are created equal. So, if your business needs to find Disaster Recovery solution, try not to focus on one cloud provider solution. Here are the tips to find the Disaster Recovery that your business needs:

1. Look for the reliability 

In requirement of choosing the best Disaster Recovery solution, a service which is highly reliable is supposed to be the important aspect that business looking for. This can be said as the failover service is going to take 24 hours before it starts to work.

Therefore, business needs to check that the cloud provider offers the high reliable Disaster Recovery. So, if your business experiencing downtime, the solution will be activated and begin to process your systems and applications.

2. Check the Flexibility

In this digital era, many businesses have turned to multi-cloud to optimize their IT environment. By adopting multi-cloud, IT departments not only can efficient their IT infrastructure, but also minimize the potential of hardware investment. That’s why this cloud model is often used for a solution for the company.

Disaster Recovery-optimized cloud is one of the popular drivers for multi cloud portfolios. But again, in looking for this solution, business needs to consider the cloud service provider who will work with you to customize the solution availability SLA. Thus, business will meet the flexibility in its IT infrastructure.  

3. Consider The ROI

 We all know, Disaster Recovery solution is a premium service and will cost more than backup and recovery services.

But still, calculate the cost of the service against business losses from a disaster event for true Return of Investment (ROI). According to, when a mission- or business-critical application must be continuously available, Disaster Recovery solution will keep it up and running. This protects the organization from major financial hits, should a critical application be unavailable for hours or days.

4. Security Concerns

Besides reliability and flexibility, the security feature also has to be one of the concern for business in choosing Disaster Recovery solution. To counter these concerns, business needs to look for a cloud service provider which enables secure Disaster Recovery replication, failover, and failback.

Not only that, but business also need to determine if the offsite data center that the provider offers is physically and digitally secure, and that they have the certifications to prove it. The providers should also be in compliance with regulations like HIPAA to ensure the security for business.

Those are tips that business need to look for in choosing Disaster Recovery. If you need a further information about how to choose the exact Disaster Recovery solution for your business, you can join us on “Zettagrid e-Techday: Choosing The Best Disaster Recovery Solution For Your Business” on Thursday, 25 November 2021.

If you have any questions related to cloud solution, you can contact us here or at

Secure Your Business from Data Breach with ASM

data breach with ASM

Secure Your Business from Data Breach with ASM

In the digital era, business is forced to adopt digital solutions to stay competitive. Even these solutions give many benefits for the business, it can also expand their potential attack surface and expose them to increased levels of cyber risk for example data breaches.

To stay protected from a data breach, many enterprises are now adopting Attack Surface Management (ASM) that works to continuously assess their network potential threats. Then, how does ASM work? Find the answer on “Zettagrid e-Techday: How to Secure Your Business from Data Breach with Attack Surface Management”. Meet our experts Nicholas NG as Managing Director & Founder of Provintell and also Tedi Suryadi as Cloud Consultant of Zettagrid Indonesia.

Event Details

Day: Thursday, 23 September 2021
Time: 02.00 – 04.00 PM
Link to register:
Live from Zoom Meeting

Register now and get a chance to win OVOand FREE e-certificate at the end of the event.

Zettagrid Indonesia is Certified as Gold Partner for DELL Technologies

Zettagrid Indonesia is Certified as Gold Partner for DELL Technologies

COVID-19 pandemic doesn’t halt Zettagrid Indonesia from getting an achievement as Gold Partner Certified for DELL Technologies. The certification is given by Denise Millard as Senior Vice President Global Alliances at DELL Technologies to Zettagrid Indonesia, as the company has met the program prerequisites and business requirements to Dell Technologies Cloud Service Provider Gold Partner Program.

The certification also is the recognition that Zettagrid Indonesia has accredited across DELL Technologies’ entire technology portfolio to offer a superior level of service that can simplify enterprise IT complexity, while gaining greater efficiency and capacity. 



Gold Partner DELL

(Source: DELL Technologies)

DELL Technologies delivers enterprise the power to run their digital future by enabling the organization to modernize, automate, and transform their IT capacity using industry-leading converged infrastructure, servers, storage, and data protection technologies.

As a Cloud Service Provider Gold Partner Program for DELL Technologies, Zettagrid Indonesia provides the accredited trained engineers and consultants to offer the highest levels of support and advice on DELL Technologies products and services. Thus, we are ready to design and implement the best solution for your IT business needs anytime you want.

Zettagrid Indonesia is a Cloud Service Provider in Indonesia that provides cloud Infrastructure as a Services (IaaS) such as Virtual Data Center (VDC), Virtual Server, Backup as a Service (BaaS), Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS), and so on. If you have any questions related to cloud solutions, you can contact us here or at

How to Develop Application on Cloud?

application on cloud

How to Develop Application on Cloud?

The massive adoption of Cloud Computing across businesses has proven us how beneficial this technology for industry is. By reducing capital investment in infrastructure and maintenance and ensure the availability of resources, the cloud is often the solution for business needs. Thus, it’s no longer strange to see enterprises more inclined towards cloud-based technology and rapidly hosting their system on cloud. Especially, when it comes to business application development.

However, developing business application on cloud is not as simple as you think. Instead, it has technical complexity and is challenging. The several challenges that need to be addressed by business, are:

  • Scalability: As you see the scalability of the product you deployed depends on the quality of the server. If you want the development on cloud to go smooth, then you will need excellent scalability opportunities to enable more users to manage it regularly. Thus, business will enjoy the higher profit of it.
  • Security: As it is stated before, developing application on cloud is not as simple as you think. Business also requires to watch their cloud security from the provider to avoid data breaches. To guarantee your companies utmost data privacy, business should use data encryption, ensure the cloud has SSL, and determine the provider with the trusted data regulation and compliance.

If business succeeds in obtaining those obstacles, then the development on cloud might go well for business. Therefore, this article provides three requirements that business need to prepare to obtain the challenge of developing application on cloud. Read them below here:

1. Development requirements

application on cloud

(Source: najkhetsamtip)

Before developing the application on cloud, you need to determine how its environment will work on cloud. If the dynamic scalability was the main reason for looking to the cloud, then its application should be engineered to take advantage of a parallel architecture.

Meanwhile, if it is designed with multi-threaded code that allows processing to be split into small chunks, it’s well suited for use within the cloud. On the other side, if an application is designed around single monolithic thread processing, it will be difficult to take advantage of the cloud’s distributed nature.

2. Application License

application on cloud

(Source: luis gomes from Pexels)

Most applications are made up of many different components that have some type of licensing agreement associated with them. If you want to develop it on cloud, you need to review each of those agreements to determine how that license will be affected by cloud deployment.

On the other hand, if your application uses a component that is licensed by CPU and you want to deploy it on cloud designed to launch new instances with more resources, you could easily exceed your CPU license limit. Therefore you need to review how your licenses affect the ability to scale by cloud.

3. Data Security

application on cloud

(Source: anyaberkut from Getty Images Pro)

As stated before, developing application on cloud also requires security to avoid any threats or data breaches. Therefore, these critical security components are important to prepare:

  • In developing application on cloud, its data must be protected. Therefore, the application must provide a mechanism to protect the data stored in cloud. Encrypting data can be the solution for this, so it will prevent data breaches.
  • According to, server-to-server communications are typically forgotten because they only happen within the data center. You will require to ensure the security of each server or cloud instances communication, in addition to the client to server communications.
  • Whether you only need cloud for application development, data protection is needed either at application or the transmission level. Therefore, business need to determine if the SSL has included with the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols.

Any application can be deployed on cloud. However, those elements above are also needed to succeed the development. Especially, for Human Resources Information System (HRIS). Therefore, to help you maximize the simple and secure development of application on cloud like HRIS cloud, you can join us on “Zettagrid e-TechDay: Simplify and Secure Your HR Management with HRIS Cloud”, on Tuesday, 31 August 2021.

If you have further question related to cloud solution, you can contact us here or at

Simplify and Secure Your HR Management with HRIS Cloud

HR management

Simplify and Secure Your HR Management with HRIS Cloud

Adopting work from home model is one of the efforts for enterprises to survive during the pandemic or even for the long term. This situation forces enterprises to utilize digital technology, such as the HRIS cloud platform to optimize business management. By using HRIS cloud solution, you could elevate your HR performance and success in the organization also increases your business efficiency by cutting the operational cost.

In partnership with PT. System Design Center (Xpresso HRIS), join us to get more insight about HRIS Cloud on “Zettagrid e-TechDay: Simplify and Secure Your HR Management with HRIS Cloud”. Meet our guest speaker Hendri Janto as Director and Founder of PT. System Design Center and hear their customer experience from Agus Raya as Manager IT Service Operation RS Pondok Indah and Ricky Salim as Staff Fungsional lV IIIA-F HRIS RS Hermina Group.


Event Details

Day: Tuesday, 31 August 2021
Time: 02.00 – 04.00 PM
Link to register:
Live from Zoom Meeting


Register now and get chance to win shopping voucher and FREE e-certificate at the end of the event.

Why Business Needs Modern Data Protection?

modern data protection

Why Business Needs Modern Data Protection?

The sudden transformation to remote work of the customer experience in 2020 created a growing volume and type of data for organizations. By this case, many business then turned to the cloud to scale up data capacity and agility. Although the cloud had helped enterprises to manage their data flexibly, backup solutions were often not upgraded in parallel by business.

Despite its critical importance, data backup has been one area where business often underestimates it. This tactic can backfire, leaving organizations vulnerable to failures, cybersecurity breaches, also rising data storage and maintenance cost. Therefore, today’s modern data protection like backup strategy is needed to prevent business from the risk of data loss.

Then, what can modern data protection deliver to business?

1. Modern data protection Provide Better Security

modern data protection

(Source: baranozdemir from Getty Images Signature)

Data storage costs are spiraling upwards as well, whether on-premises or related to unplanned cloud capacity growth. While the amount of data generated in 2020 was exceptional, the expansion of data generation has been ongoing for years and is not likely to abate. Systems may not have been built to withstand rapid increases in data or to handle information on the cloud, in muti- or hybrid-cloud, and across different platforms and even formats. Therefore, modern data protection needs to be built by enterprise.

Within the realm of data protection, advanced solutions provide better security, value, and the ability to grow and evolve with an organization. In more sophisticated scenarios, modern backup solutions can even help organizations reach into and leverage stored data to augment the growing tools that require vast amounts of information.

2. Modern data protection takes resiliency to the next level

modern data protection

(Source: ipopba from Getty Images)

While all data needs to be secure, some needs to be more secure: market performance trends used by an investment firm, for example, may not have the same security demands as a client’s account information. Data is also accessed at different times and frequencies. Therefore, modern data protection like Backup or Disaster Recovery is needed to help ensure that the right protection and access are optimally executed from the start.

Modern data protection can also learn how security needs evolve over time, based on changes in, such as usage, policies, or regulation. Imagine the benefits that such a system would have brought to an organization implementing GDPR compliance or ensuring secure, effective data integration as part of an acquisition.

Not only that but modern data protection can also track, identify, record, and analyze issues to suggest event resolution strategies. When combined with real-time monitoring, it can accelerate response time and reduces outages and related downtime. 

3. Automate IT environment for update and patch testing

modern data protection

(Source: metamorworks from Getty Images Pro)

Business should think beyond their data stores as simply a place to run to if and when disaster strikes. Rather than a cellar that contains copies of missing or corrupt information, comprehensive backup stores can be the ingredients of an entirely separate “test kitchen” for DevOps and DevTest teams.

Data backup can automate the environment requirement for update and patch testing and troubleshooting. It can deliver a protected production space where new apps can be run in a sandbox-type scenario. Not only that, but this modern data protection can also be a near-real-time resource for advanced analytics, reducing the need for multiple-data replication across the company. 

Zettagrid Indonesia is a Cloud Service Provider in Indonesia that provides Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) such as VMware Virtual Data Center, VMware Virtual Server, Veeam Backup, and so on. If you have any questions related to our solution, you can reach us here or through


Source: Veeam

6 Hambatan Bisnis Saat Bekerja Secara Remote

bekerja secara remote6 Hambatan Bisnis Saat Bekerja Secara Remote


Munculnya pandemi COVID-19 telah menjadi situasi yang tidak pasti bagi sektor bisnis di kala ini. Bagaimana tidak? Dengan terjadinya lonjakan kasus yang telah mencapai 488.310 korban positif, upaya pun tentunya diperlukan untuk mengurangi angka penyebaran tersebut. Termasuk salah satunya adalah dengan memberlakukan sistem kerja remote. Memang, hal ini bisa menjadi opsi agar pengusaha bisa tetap menjalankanbisnisnya. Namun, jika bisnis tidak memiliki manajemen kerja yang baik, bekerja secara remote pun akan dirasa sulit oleh para pengusaha dan karyawannya.

Dikatakan Bayu Tjandra selaku Business Development dari Supersoft di acara webinar “Zettagrid e-TechDay Vol.05: Digitalize & Secure Your Finance Solutions”, bisnis yang bekerja secara remote memiliki kemungkinan untuk menghadapi hambatan tertentu. Hambatan tersebut bahkan bisa pula dilihat dari studi yang dilakukan oleh Aberdeen. Diantaranya ialah:

  1. Ketidakmampuan untuk berkomunikasi dan berkolaborasi

Dengan adanya pandemi dan penerapan sistem kerja secara remote, 23% bisnis mengalami hambatan dalam berkomunikasi dan berkolaborasi dengan rekan lain maupun pelanggan. Biasanya, hambatan ini ditemukan di beberapa lini bisnis, seperti layanan ketenagakerjaan, konsultansi, hingga layanan konsumen yang minim akan kemampuan digital.

  1. Pekerjaan terganggu

Sebanyak 21% karyawan yang bekerja dari rumah (WFH), memiliki hambatan yang dapat mengganggu pekerjaannya. Hambatan ini biasanya datang dari diskusi keluarga hingga mengurus hewan peliharaan. Akibatnya, fokus pekerjaan pun terganggu dan karyawan tidak bisa bekerja secara maksimal.

  1. Masalah teknis

Saat bekerja secara remote, masalah teknis bisa menjadi tantangan yang dihadapi oleh karyawan. Pasalnya, sebanyak 18% karyawan memiliki masalah dalam mengakses data, keamanan, hingga manajemen jaringan saat bekerja secara remote. Bahkan, saat data bisa diakses pun performa sistem dan aplikasi mengalami gangguan. Sehingga tak sedikit karyawan yang terhambat pekerjaannya karena hal ini.

  1. Kurangnya perangkat kerja

Saat bekerja secara remote karyawan tentunya tidak bisa menggunakan berbagai perangkat yang biasa disediakan oleh kantor. Meski mereka memiliki perangkat pribadi, namun kapabilitasnya tidak sebanding dengan yang dimiliki oleh kantor. Hal ini pun akhirnya menghambat kinerja karyawan dengan persentase sebesar 14%.

  1. Terhalangnya proses bisnis dan arus kerja

Sampai saat ini, masih banyak bisnis yang menerapkan sistem kerja secara manual. Misalnya, seperti bisnis yang masih mengandalkan proses kerja dengan dokumentasi fisik dan arsip. Dengan adanya proses dan alur kerja ini, bisnis tentunya mengalami kesulitan ketika dihadapkan dengan situasi pandemi. Bahkan, Aberdeen menyatakan 12% proses bisnis dan arus kerja harus terhambat karena sistem kerja manual. Sangat merepotkan bukan?

Selain itu, sistem dokumentasi fisik dan arsip pun memiliki peluang untuk rusak dan hilang karena bencana. Pengusaha tentunya bukan lagi kesulitan ketika hal itu terjadi, tetapi bisnis juga bisa jatuh akibat hilangnya dokumentasi tersebut. Dari pada membiarkan itu terjadi, pengusaha bisa menggunakan penyimpanan data di cloud untuk melindungi data bisnis dari kerusakan. Dengan menggunakan cloud, pengusaha tidak hanya dapat bekerja secara remote, tetapi juga dapat membantu mengurangi penggunaan kertas maupun dokumen.

  1. Kesulitan mengakses data

Menurut studi Aberdeen, 10% bisnis mengalami kesulitan untuk mengakses data dan sistem bisnisnya saat bekerja secara remote. Hal ini dapat terjadi ketika bisnis memiliki kemampuan teknologi yang minim. Akibatnya, kinerja karyawan tidak dapat berjalan secara maksimal dan proses bisnis pun terhambat.

Anda pastinya tidak ingin hal tersebut terjadi kepada bisnis bukan? 

Untuk itu, upaya pun diperlukan demi mencegah hambatan yang mampu menyerang bisnis. Salah satu solusi akses data yang bisa diandalkan saat bekerja remote adalah dengan memanfaatkan penyedia layanan Cloud Computing. Dengan penyedia tersebut, Anda dapat dengan mudah menyimpan dan mengakses data di manapun dan kapanpun. Minimnya kemampuan teknologi bisnis pun tak perlu lagi dikhawatirkan, karena penyedia layanan siap membantu bisnis dalam mengakses data dengan mudah. 

Zettagrid Indonesia merupakan penyedia layanan cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) berupa Backup as a Service (BaaS), Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS), Virtual Data Center (VDC), dan Virtual Server. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan terkait solusi cloud, Anda bisa menghubungi kami di sini atau ke tim kami di

Jika anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai sesi ini anda bisa menyaksikan tayangannya kembali pada akun Youtube kami disini. Dan jika anda tertarik dengan solusi Cloud yang Zettagrid miliki, anda dapat menghubungi kami di atau klik disini.

4 Strategies To Backup Business Data

Backup Business Data4 Strategies To Backup Business Data


Data loss can be a serious problem for businesses of all sizes. By losing files and all critical data, means the business will lose time and money to restore it. This will not only bother enterprises to run the business well but it will also experience difficulties in continuing its innovation. 

Therefore, a solution is needed to protect all critical data from its loss. Cloud backup can be a good choice for enterprises to prevent data loss. By using Cloud Backup, enterprises not only replicate their data when a disaster occurs but also business continuity can be saved from all the risks. 

However, simply using Cloud Backup without any consideration is not enough. You need to consider IT business needs before deciding to use a cloud backup service to protect your data. In this article, we compiled 4 strategies for you to backup business data in the cloud. 

1. Data Recovery Needs

Cloud Backup can be a solution to protect and backup business data from its loss. However, before deciding to use cloud backup, it will be better if you consider what data you want to backup. If you want to protect all data in an IT environment system, you can use a comprehensive Cloud Backup. But, if you only want to protect services such as databases on Microsoft Exchange, you can only use Cloud Backup for specific mailboxes.

2. Understand that hypervisor data backup will not be sufficient

Virtualization may offer a variety of capabilities, including the ability to perform backups at the hypervisor level of a virtual machine (VM). However, this type of backup is just restoring your recovery to the VM level. Therefore, backup service in a VM operating system is needed rather than just on a virtualization host. This aims to get the organization for the best recovery option.

3. Use local protection systems as the first line of defense

Public cloud services may offer you unlimited servers and storage resources. However, while the public cloud is a critical step for securing business data, you should also consider backups on a local system. By using local resources to connect to systems and data enable it to produce the best performance as well.

4. Use cloud backup as a second choice

Cloud Backup storage can be a second attempt for organizations to back up business data when a disaster strikes. By using this technology, you can prioritize servers and data that require offsite disaster recovery protection. So, when an IT system experiences a natural disaster or human error, the data loss can be replaced by data that has been replicated in Cloud Backup. Therefore, it will not disrupt business continuity.

Zettagrid Indonesia is an Indonesian cloud service provider that offers Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solutions such as Backup as a Service (BaaS), Virtual Server, Virtual Datacenter, and Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS). Zettagrid Indonesia is also VMware’s Cloud Verified Partner and has data center locations in Jakarta and Cibitung. We are committed to being closer to you and ready to help you 24/7.

If you have any further questions about the cloud, you can contact us here or through our team at