
3 Things to Consider in Keeping Your IT Resilient During Shopping Season

IT Resilient During the Shopping Season

3 Things to Consider in Keeping Your IT Resilient During Shopping Season

2020 is upon us and thus it’s the year-end sale season again. This is the prime time for people to checking off their shopping lists. For those seeking for deals and discounts, this is the time. For one, the National Online Shopping Day (HARBOLNAS) in Indonesia will be held on 12 December. But whether your business is online or offline, this the period where IT department are on high alert and preparing for a “Frenzy” time.

From promotional content, marketing emails, or any other materials that will increase traffic on your websites and stores, those will just open more risk of vulnerability and attack surface for data and IT systems. Any weaknesses that are small enough on any time of the year, will be amplified and surfaced. On this shopping season, make sure that your business has the resilience to face the high traffic without a scratch. Here are 3 things that you should prepare to keep up your business with the year-end sale season traffic:

  • Prepare your IT infrastructure

Be ready to scale up for the increase in traffic. It’s not that easy to add more hardware at will. But with the advent of cloud (Infrastructure as a Service), you can get a cost-effective way to ensure your applications are ready to meet demands by increasing resources based on need and load-balancing across multiple servers. Once you have the right infrastructure in place, make sure to stress test it thoroughly and regularly so you’re confident it can handle even the craziest of shopping days.

  • Prepare your team for the IT storm

On this period, make sure your IT team and IT vendor partners are equipped and know what to do in different disaster scenarios, even when small issues arise and just managing the inflow. It is more important than ever for optimal customer service. Give them the plans and tools to deal with potential issues with grace and poise long before they are thrown into the fray. Make sure that your internet provider, your cloud partner, and your IT staff are ready as well. In the event of disaster, making sure everyone prepares for what could happen is paramount.

  • Keep your systems online and resilient

With sales at their peak, the cost of downtime is also at its highest around HARBOLNAS. Assuring that your process-critical data and applications can be recovered as fast as possible, with minimal data gaps, is so important right now. By using DRaaS solution from Zettagrid Indonesia, you can recover your systems within minutes even seconds if a disaster or outage strikes. Issues will arise when your entire business is pushed to its limit—make sure that it has the resilience to bounce back from even the worst-case scenario.

Sources: Zerto

Getting Know More About RPO and RTO


Getting Know More About RPO and RTO

Downtime can be a big problem if you are running a critical business operation. It’s something that could happened at any time, might cause lost revenue and even your customer. Cybercrimes, power outage, fire, flood, or earthquake are just several events that may cause downtime and data loss. To have a sustainable business, you need to prepare yourself. One important thing to have is a solid Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) plan.

Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Recovery Time Objective (RTO) are two important parameters that could define BCDR plan. So, what is RPO and RTO?


Recovery Point Objective (RPO) is focused on data and your company loss tolerance in relation to your data. RPO limits how far to roll back in time and defines the maximum allowable amount of lost data measured in time from a downtime to the last valid backup.

For instance, in financial business, one hour of data loss could be a disaster as they operate live transactions. Another example is when you are running an e-commerce/marketplace business, one hour you lose your data, you might be lost your orders and your potential customers. RPO is about how much of data that you willing to lose before it affects your work when your systems are crashes.

On the other hand, Recovery Time Objective (RTO) is focused on downtime and how long it takes to recover after a disaster happened. For example, in a ride hailing business, how long it takes for an app to back to normal after a downtime is critical because a minute you got downtime, you might missed a lot of orders from your customers and end up they will choose another ride hailing app to provide their needs.

Zettagrid Indonesia delivers a comprehensive business continuity and disaster recovery solutions that provide data recovery, fault tolerance and high availability. We making disaster recovery easier and financially friendly by offering varieties of DR solutions that suit with your business needs. Contact us at for more information.


Sources:, Veeam

Zettagrid Made Its First Mark on vFORUM Singapore 2019

Zettagrid Made Its First Mark on vFORUM Singapore 2019

After expanding and has two availability zones in Indonesia for two years, Zettagrid officially launches its availability zone in Singapore through vFORUM Singapore 2019 event that held by VMware. This event successfully attracts more than 1000 participants on last Thursday, 14 November 2019 at Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore. Here are some highlights from the event.

vFORUM Singapore


Thank you for your visit at our showcase on this event. If you are curious with our Virtual Data Center, Backup, and Disaster Recovery solution, you can directly reach Gordon Salvage our Account Manager in Singapore on email; or for Indonesia area. We can’t wait to Simplify Your Cloud Experience.

Promo 11.11 Gratis 60 Hari Untuk Area Surabaya

Promo 11.11

Promo 11.11 Gratis 60 Hari Untuk Area Surabaya

Penyedia layanan cloud computing Zettagrid  Indonesia, kini resmi hadir di Surabaya bertepatan dengan Hari Pahlawan Nasional 2019 (10 November 2019).

Sebelumnya Zettagrid Indonesia telah memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan cloud di Jakarta. Melihat antusiasme pelanggan yang cukup tinggi, Zettagrid Indonesia membuka kantor cabang baru di Surabaya yang di harapkan dapat memberikan solusi bagi infrastruktur IT pada bisnis anda khususnya untuk anda yang berada di daerah Surabaya dan sekitarnya. Saat ini Zettagrid Indonesia telah memiliki 2 availability zone di Indonesia.

Untuk merayakan kehadiran Zettagrid Indonesia di Surabaya sekaligus Hari Belanja Nasional 11.11, kami memberikan promo GRATIS 60 Hari untuk produk VDC Backup dan Veeam Backup. Promo ini dapat anda dapatkan dengan berlangganan minimum satu tahun. Promo ini hanya berlaku pada area Surabaya dan sekitarnya.

Ayo, tunggu apa lagi! Mulailah beralih ke layanan cloud Zettagrid Indonesia untuk memudahkan bisnis anda! Untuk info lebih lanjut, anda dapat menghubungi kami disini atau hubungi Sales Representative kami di area Surabaya; Yogie +62 812-3384-6878.

We Are on vFORUM 2019 Singapore

Vforum Singapore 2019

We Are on vFORUM Singapore 2019

We are glad to announce that we will be taking part on vFORUM 2019 that will be held on 14 November 2019 at Raffles City Convention Centre from 07.30 AM – 6.00 PM.  vFORUM 2019 captures the momentum of today’s rapidly changing IT environment and puts it within your grasp so you can accelerate your cloud journey to support your business.

Transform networking and security for speed and flexibility. Deliver digital workspaces for amazing mobile experiences. Whatever you need to know, you’ll find the best information, tools, and partnerships to take IT, and your power to shape it to the next level.

Register now and make your mark with Zettagrid on vForum 2019 Singapore! See you there.




Promo Spesial Sumpah Pemuda



Promo Spesial Sumpah Pemuda

Promo Spesial Sumpah Pemuda

Semangat Sumpah Pemuda!

Momentum Hari Peringatan Sumpah Pemuda adalah saatnya untuk kita mengobarkan semangat untuk mendukung kemajuan Indonesia.  Zettagrid Indonesia turut mendukung kemajuan bangsa dengan memberikan layanan cloud yang mudah digunakan dan terpercaya untuk usaha anda. Bersamaan dengan peringatan Sumpah Pemuda, Zettagrid Indonesia memberikan promo spesial sumpah pemuda Discount 50% untuk 6 bulan pertama pemakaian VDC Backup dan  atau produk Secondsite Interzone  sebagai proteksi layanan backup dan disaster recovery virtual data center anda. Promo ini berlaku untuk minimal pembelian produk selama satu tahun.

Pesan sekarang dan jadilah orang yang menggunakan  produk VDC Backup pertama di dunia! Promo berlaku hingga 28 November 2019.

Hubungi kami di atau di 0811-28-38-78


Salam Semangat,

Zettagrid Indonesia

Why Disaster Recovery Becomes Critical For Your Business?

Disaster Recovery

Why Disaster Recovery Becomes Critical For Your Business?

Disaster recovery becomes one of critical needs almost in every industry. The National Archives and Records Administration reports that 93% of companies that lost their data center for 10 days or more due to a disaster, filed for bankruptcy within one year of the disaster. In addition, 43 percent of companies that do not have a disaster recovery plan will go out of business in the aftermath of major data loss. Here are the the benefits of using Disaster Recovery;

Stay Safe against the Effects of Natural Disasters:

Natural disasters can occur anytime and in any form such as; earthquake, flood, hurricane, or other extreme disaster which are unpredictable. Your business can face devastating downtime when such disasters occur. The National Archives and Records Administration has found that above 90% of the organizations that experience minimum 7 days downtime, go out of business within a year. Disaster Recovery will protect your data and ensure your business is not compromised with downtime.


Reduce the Impact of Cyber Attacks:

Disaster Recovery assists in minimizing the impact of attacks and risks by cyber criminals. As the data generated everyday is increasing, criminals are also expanding their techniques to attack small businesses that they think are susceptible. The overall weak security maintained by several small businesses makes them an easy goal for attacks and probes.


System Failure:

A system like the hardware, machines or other components might fail. However you buy the system with a guarantee of 99% uptime, it will certainly encounter issues after some time and experience at least some downtime. Even if you spend hard on technology, no solution is a perfect one. Therefore, businesses need to invest in robust disaster recovery that can support all of these risks.

Take a look at our disaster recovery solution here


Sources: Unitrends, Milesweb

Survive Disasters With Zettagrid and Veeam

“The only thing harder than planning for an emergency is explaining why you didn’t” – Unknown

In the Information Age, where your business is expected to be up and running 24/7, you need a robust and effective disaster recovery plan. 2016 statistics show that the average workers lose 38 hours every year due to slow internet connectivity and downtime, that’s a full week every year that each employee is unproductive. It is no wonder that some businesses never recover from a serious disaster, multiply that across an entire organisation and the costs start to become unbearable.

It is easy to assume your business’s computing systems will never go down. This assumption cannot be further from the truth. The fact of the matter is that disasters happen! However, instead of focussing on the catastrophe itself and whether it will happen or not, it’s important to concentrate on developing an effective disaster recovery plan.

Disaster Recovery: What, How, Why?

Disaster recovery (DR) aims to protect your company from the after-effects of any event that can hamper or risk the smooth functioning of your business’s daily operations. The cause of organisational downtime can range from a Denial-Of-Service attack or any other cyber attack to hardware or equipment failure or even a natural disaster.

What do you do? How do you implement a cost-effective disaster recovery plan? The reality is, in our fast-paced, online world, if you are unable to transact or conduct your business, your target audience will not wait for the fault to be fixed. They will rush off to your competition. This could end up costing your business hundreds of thousands of dollars in the long run.

The great news is that there are companies in the marketplace such as Zettagrid who utilise Veeam technology to offer comprehensive Disaster Recovery Solutions.

Veeam and Zettagrid: The Perfect Team

In essence, Disaster Recovery utilises cloud computing infrastructure to protect your business applications and data from ceasing to function due to a disaster. The successful DR model consists of two essential components: hardware and software. In the event of a disaster, both of these components work together to ensure a smooth transition from your primary to your secondary system.

This is why you need a well-matched team to keep you covered. With Zettagrid and Veeam working together, you have that full coverage.


First, you are protected by Veeam providing the software side of the Disaster Recovery model. Veeam Replication uses an image-based recovery replication solution. With this setup, your VM maintains constant replication. If your VM should go down, your vital information is ready to access again in mere minutes, with no loss of data.


This is paired with the hardware – Zettagrid cloud computing. As the most advanced self-service cloud hosting platform in Indonesia, Zettagrid provides the ideal storage to keep your important data safe.

By using the services of these two complementary companies together, your business enjoys the benefit of having both the powerful technology and the high-quality cloud-based backup services that will ensure your DRaaS solution will work as expected when disaster does strike.

Find out more about Veeam Replication powered by Veeam.

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Why Real-Time Disaster Recovery Needs to Be a Critical Part of Your eCommerce Business Processes

“Make ‘business continuity’ ‘business as usual’ and embed it into your management routines as decisions are made, instead of an afterthought, check off the box exercise later.” – Bobbie Garrett

Business continuity management, or disaster recovery management, needs to be a vital part of a successful eCommerce business model. Furthermore, it is important for e-retailers to bear in mind that consumers in the Information Age are accustomed to having instant access to almost everything that they require. Therefore, to keep your customers, and your business, it is critical that you have a real-time disaster recovery plan in place to keep your computer systems up and running all the time.

The Financial Impact of a Disaster

It is important to consider the impact of conversion rate optimisation (CRO) on the sales of an eCommerce retailer. CRO is the system for increasing the number of visitors to your website and converting them into returning customers. It is easier to convince a returning customer to continue purchasing your products than it is to convert a new visitor into a returning customer. Statistics show that the ROI on returning customers can be more than 15 times that of new customers, while the ROI on new customer conversions remains consistent at 4 to 6 times at best.

Let’s presume you are an eCommerce retailer who has just experienced a disaster and your website has gone down, thus, preventing customers from transacting on your site. Not only will you lose sales while your website is down, your CRO figures will drop drastically because your website is not available for visitors to browse through.

Real-time Recovery

To ensure your customers keep on returning to purchase from your website and new visitors are afforded the opportunity to convert into returning customers, it is important to implement a robust disaster recovery or backup plan.

In order to swap seamlessly from your primary information systems to the secondary or backup systems, both need to be kept in sync with each other. An important part of the DRaaS model ensures that both your business’s primary and secondary systems are maintained in sync in real-time. Without this real-time service, you will not be able to swap seamlessly between the two systems.

A Prepared Business Is a Successful Business

The practical application of real-time disaster recovery in the form of DRaaS is essential to your daily business operations.

Not only will your profitability take a knock from the actual system downtime, but the damage to your brand’s reputation will also add to the long-term reduction in your sales figures. It is far easier to ensure you have a healthy disaster recovery plan in place than it is to try and repair your brand’s reputational damage.

Take a look at our real-time disaster recovery solution SecondSite, powered by Zerto.


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