
Mitigating The Risk of Hacker And Ransomware with Backup

hacker and ransomwareMitigating The Risk of Hacker And Ransomware with Backup

As digital technology evolves today, ransomware becomes one of easily concerning cyber scourge of our time. This type of malware can infect your computers, locking down business data and systems, until you have no access to it all. Most companies will usually pay the ransom as any downtime at all could be devastating to their business continuity. However, it doesn’t guarantee that your business data will be corrupt-free or has no malware infectious that caused data loss. Then, what can enterprises take to protect their data and business continuity against ransomware?

Find the answer on “Zettagrid #NgabuburIT: Mitigating The Risk of Hacker And Ransomware with Backup” and meet our expert, Gery Surjaudaja as Product Specialist at Zettagrid Indonesia.

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Date: Thursday, 21 April 2022

Time: 03.00 – 04.00 PM

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Apakah Firewall Saja Cukup Melindungi Anda Dari Kehilangan Data?

Firewall backup

Apakah Firewall Saja Cukup Melindungi Anda Dari Kehilangan Data?

Sistem firewall dan sistem backup dalam teknologi informasi adalah dua komponen terpisah tetapi memiliki kaitan yang erat. Firewall secara umum adalah sebuah perangkat (baik hardware ataupun software) yang memiliki fungsi untuk mengatur, mengontrol, dan juga mengawasi arus  keluar-masuk paket data pada sistem jaringan atau sistem operasi. Firewall dirancang untuk mencegah akses yang tidak diinginkan dari luar atau ke dalam suatu jaringan internal.

Sementara backup adalah proses membuat data cadangan dengan cara menyalin atau membuat arsip data komputer sehingga data tersebut dapat digunakan kembali apabila terjadi kerusakan atau kehilangan. Tujuan utama dari proses backup adalah untuk mengembalikan data pada satu kondisi di point in time atau titik tertentu di masa lalu ketika data tersebut hilang. baik karena terhapus atau karena rusak.

Sistem firewall biasanya digunakan sebagai metode pencegahan atau preventif sementara backup bersifat represif.  Berikut adalah beberapa fungsi firewall , diantaranya :

  • Firewall berfungsi untuk mengatur dan mencatat lalu lintas jaringan/operating system
  • Firewall berfungsi untuk menjaga kemanan jaringan internal
  • Firewall dapat digunakan untuk memblokir lalu lintas yang tidak aman
  • Firewall sebagai pos atau kontrol pengawas arus paket data
  • Firewall dapat digunakan untuk mengatur autentifikasi akses data
  • Firewall dapat digunakan untuk memblokir program jahat yang bisa menginfeksi komputer
  • Firewall sebagai tameng atau dinding untuk menghindari peretasan dan pembobolan data dan juga melindungi informasi pribadi dari pengguna tidak sah.


Bagi Tim IT infrastructure dalam mengoptimalkan security awareness perusahaan, selain dengan menggunakan sistem firewall biasanya mereka juga melengkapinya dengan sistem backup. Beberapa alasan backup ini dibutuhkan walaupun sudah mengganakan sistem firewall:

  • Sistem firewall bertujuan untuk melindungi jalur akses dari dalam maupun luar sistem tetap aman sementara backup bertujuan melindungi data dari virus atau malware.
  • Sistem backup dapat digunakan sebagai data cadangan ketika adanya kegagalan perangkat
  • Sistem backup dapat digunakan sebagai data cadangan ketika adanya human error seperti penghapusan data yang tidak disengaja
  • Sistem backup dapat digunakan sebagai data cadangan ketika sistem firewall sudah terbobol dan terjadi kehilangan atau kerusakan pada data utama
  • Bagi perusahaan tertentu, sistem backup diwajibkan atau dibutuhkan dalam rangka memenuhi regulasi institusi

Salah satu client kami di bidang retail contohnya, mereka sudah menggunakan firewall baik level infrastructure dan level operating sistem, selain itu mereka juga  sudah mengaktifkan firewall dengan spesifik whitelist source IP untuk menjamin sisi keamaan data dari pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Seiring berkembangnya malicious software atau  malware serta banyaknya celah keamaan suatu sistem atau aplikasi yang perlu diperhatikan, salah satu server aplikasi client A berhasil terinfeksi oleh malware terbaru. Data yang terdapat pada server mengalami kerusakan atau corrupt. Namun karena client tersebut sudah prepare dengan sistem backup dan menjalankan proses backup secara berkala, akhirnya data yang rusak dapat kembali di pulihkan dan tidak menyebabkan kehilangan data secara permanen.

Zettagrid Indonesia sebagai cloud provider di Indonesia, selain menyediakan infrastructure as a service (IaaS) juga menyediakan Backup as a service (Baas) layanan yang kami tawarkan diantaranya adalah Cloud Connect Backup  dengan teknologi dari Veeam yang dapat juga Anda gunakan sebagai solusi backup pada server on premise Anda serta VDC Backup dan Image Archive untuk server yang Anda gunakan di cloud Zettagrid. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai layanan Backup silahkan menghubungi kami disini atau melalui email ke

How to Protect Education Institution Data From Ransomware Attack?

protect education institution

How to Protect Education Institution Data From Ransomware Attack

In this modern era, internet has a vital role to ease our needs. Whether it is for entertainment, healthcare, business, and even education, these can be accessed now from anywhere and anytime as long as it is connected to the internet. However, regardless of its flexibility and advancement, doesn’t mean internet is a safe place to surf and access data. Cyber threat like ransomware also can be found by user. Therefore, a prevention is needed to avoid its risk, especially for education institution. 

According to Veeam, education institution is an attractive target for ransomware attacks. Students, teachers, and institute records are the lifeblood of any educational institute. The stakes are incredibly high for education institutes and organizations to adequately protect and secure their systems. Aside from the obvious financial implications of failing to protect data, it can also cause irreparable and immeasurable damage to an institution’s brand.

Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important for educational institutes to mitigate risk against ransomware attacks. The first crucial step is by identifying where ransomware attacks come from and what solution to decrease the chances of attacks breaking through.

Identify potential ransomware access for education institutions

protect education institution

(Source: peshkov from Getty Images)

Hackers can breach an institution’s data from anywhere, anytime, and on any device. Therefore, IT department needs to be prepared for what to protect in avoiding cyber attacks. One of the major ways is to identify hacker’s access to the institution’s system, such as Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and email.

RDP and email are the common systems that are often used by the institution. Connected by the internet network and offering flexible tools, both solutions can simplify user’s experience in collaborating with others. However, these workloads have a vulnerability to be attacked by ransomware.

Although its RDP has special IP addresses, redirecting RDP ports, complex passwords, and more, ransomware still can infect the system through its internet-connected. Not only that, but ransomware can also get through the system by phishing emails. That’s why before the risk is getting bigger, data protection is needed for education institutions.

The solution in Avoiding the Risk of Ransomware Attack

protect education institution

(Source: sefa ozel from Getty Images Pro)

Ransomware can bring education institutions not only to corrupt data and infected IT systems, but also it will bring them to data loss. To avoid this risk, become familiar to restore scenarios is important for Education institutions. So, it can give the organization familiarity with the process, a reasonable expectation of how much time is involved, and most importantly, confidence that the process will work.

Not only that but a recovery solution is also needed to meet the data protection strategy. With the flexible and reliable solution to recover data that lost or corrupted, education institution can avoid the risk of data loss that could impact to its continuity.

Determine a Reliable Backup Solution

(Source: Altayb from Getty Images Signature)

Implement reliable backup solution like Veeam Backup can help Education institution against data loss. By implementing its strategy for organizations’ IT systems, education institution can protect its continuity from unexpected loss. Not only that but Veeam Backup is also known for being the simple and flexible solution. This is a key set of attributes for organizations looking at strengthening their data management strategy.

Zettagrid Indonesia is a Cloud Service Provider in Indonesia that provides Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) such as VMware Virtual Data Center, VMware Virtual Server, Veeam Backup, and so on. If you have any questions related to our solution, you can reach us here or through

3 Risks That Weighing Your Business After Data Loss in Office 365

3 Risks That Weighing Your Business After Data Loss in Office 365

3 Risks That Weighing Your Business After Data Loss in Office 365

By: Gita Gisela

According to, Microsoft Office 365 now has 258 million users around the world. In additional, this fact showed that people now already using cloud as the solution to enhances their activities in this digital era.

Although Microsoft Office 365 offers features that allowed workforce to move faster, it does not mean disaster could not be found on its system. If you think this cloud has a secure system to protect all the critical data in Office 365 from disaster, then you are wrong. According to Veeam, over 1000 IT Pros surveyed, 81% of users experienced data loss in Office 365. Ranging from simple user error to major data security threats. So, what will happen if the enterprises lost its critical data in office 365?

Of course, there’s consequences that need to be faced. Therefore, enterprises need a back up solutions and Disaster Recovery (DR) that can reduce impact from the accident. These are some risks you need to know when your company experienced data loss in Office 365 without having any back up and DR system:

  1. Losing Data Permanently

Have you ever thought about going to work in the morning, then suddenly you find out that you suddenly lost your critical data in Office 365? Some of those critical data you have lost, might still can be saved if your company has a data back up system. But if it doesn’t, the company has to be prepared for losing data permanently. Which it means, this could impact to your business operations.

  1. Expensive

Not having a data back up system doesn’t mean that there is no other way to get back the data you have lost. Of course, company can still find the alternative ways to restore deleted and corrupted data from system. One of them, by using a premium recovery software that sold on the market. However, this methode has a complex process and spend a lot of money. Plus, not all kind of files can be restored. So, the best way that can be done in preventing data loss in Office 365 is by using a reliable data back up system. Not only to efficient the process, but also to save costs.

  1. Wasting time

Imagine, when the company needs to move forward, suddenly various important data that support its business continuity have lost in Office 365 by a virus. Meanwhile, your company don’t have a data back up system, so it needs to recreate the critical data as same as the first ones. It definitely will take several days even to several months to recreate, depending on how much business the company runs. Therefore, this methodes will obstruct a company development in running its business.

So, could you imagine if you lost your critical documents on Office 365? How to prevent this accident? Stay update with us to find the solution with Veeam Office 365 Backup on Zettagrid.

Contact us to be the first customer who tries Veaam Office 365 Backup on Zettagrid send us e-mail at

5 Common Causes of Data Loss in Office 365

data loss in office 365

5 Common Causes of Data Loss in Office 365


Nowadays, we could see that lot of companies start moving its IT workload to the cloud. Beside the trusted security system, cloud is more user friendly and easy to set up. Furthermore, it allows workforce to move faster, collaborate across business, and reduce operational costs for the company.

One of the most popular cloud categories that usually use for business is Software as a Service (SaaS), for example Office 365 by Microsoft.  Office 365 offers various features, from e-mail, cloud apps, until file sharing. Even though people think that it is secure enough, do you know that companies could also lost their data on Office 365?

data loss in office 365

This data loss caused by several common reason such as; Human error, Virus or malware, Software Corruption, Overwritten Data, and Hacker attack. Read on the 5 common causes of Data Loss in Office 365:

Human error

Human error that mostly happened is accidental deletion within Office 365. It is almost happened to users unintentionally deleted important e-mails, documents, or any other critical data in Office 365.

A common reason why users inadvertently deletes their data is because they think it is no longer needed. But after sometimes they will need in again suddenly for some reasons.

Or also they forget click the wrong button and could not get the data back before they realized it.

Virus or malware

Veeam stated that Malware and viruses have done serious damage to organizations globally in just the past year alone unexceptionally for Office 365. Even Office 365 has protection against malware, but it does not guarantee that they could detect every infection.

Software corruption

Software Corruption is one of the big cause of data loss. For example, if users want to Install or update the Office 365 and then the system suddenly have problem, and the data lost the second after.

Overwritten data

Office 365 does remind its users when their workload is almost full. But it is not enough protection against the risk of overwritten data. Users could lost their oldest e-mail, data, documents, or any critical data if their data space is not enough anymore.

External attack

It is true that technology growth is faster than we think and bring a lot positive changes in our life. In other hand, it is also bring negativity, one of them is hacker. It is possible for Office 365 to get attacked by hacker. For example, if there is a phishing e-mail and then the user click it and hacker could remove the data easily after.

So, could you imagine if you lost your critical documents on Office 365? How to prevent this accident? Stay update with Zettagrid to find the solution with Veeam Office 365 Backup on Zettagrid.

Contact us for more information aboutt Veaam Office 365 Backup on Zettagrid send us e-mail at or click here.

The Five Leading Causes of Data Loss


Data Loss

The Five Leading Causes of Data Loss

Remember how it feels when you accidentally deleted important data? Or when your PC was suddenly broken? Losing important data is the worst nightmare you can get in this digital age, not to mention if those data belong to your business.

Of course, there might be some ways to get back your data when you unintentionally delete your data. And often time, those process are meant to be done by professional, with no guarantee that everything can be recovered.

These are five leading causes of data loss you should know:

  1. Hardware or System Malfunctions

It has been observed that most of the data losses occur due to hardware or system malfunctions. Hard drive failure is the common cause of data loss. Hard drives are the flimsiest parts of a system. Most of the hard disk failure occurs due to mechanical issues, human mishandling, overheats, sudden power failure, liquid damage, etc. Hence, to prevent it from damage, one should keep the computer dust free and using an uninterrupted power supply to reduce the risk of data loss because of power failure.

  1. Power Outage

Certainly, a power failure can halt business operations significantly. A sudden shutdown due to an abrupt power outage can damage your hard drive which could lead to inaccessibility of your essential data. Thus, to avoid data loss situation, it is advised to use a generator or a backup battery to protect your system during a power outage.

  1. Human Errors

Another cause of data loss is human errors. For instance, when someone in your company unintentionally deleted files or folders. Sometimes, users delete some important files such as system registry settings, alteration OS files location or attribute, etc.

  1. Malware attack

There are various kind of viruses which could attack computers every day. Being connected to worldwide network has many advantages; however, it opens computers to many serious risks. Virus attack could impact your computer performs, even worst it can steal your important data too. Imagine your client databases, technical inventions, industrial information, or any data that have serious monetary value get damaged or stole by a hacker. That’s why it is important to have your backup data.

  1. Natural Disasters

Who can be blame if your office or your data center got flooded? Or if your building burnt down along with your data storage. Having regular backups and keeping them in various locations sometimes makes tremendous difference. Do not let accidents hit you unexpectedly, make backups of your data now.

Cloud Backup from Zettagrid provides solution to these 5 causes of Data Loss. You can quickly recover your data when you need to. Cloud Backup makes it easy for you to extend your Veeam Backup infrastructure into the cloud.  Interested in backup your data to Zettagrid? Contact Us Here


Sources: Imobie