
Next Major Cloud Markets Could Be Least Expected

As organizations in developing countries leapfrog to advanced technologies, conditions are ripening for nascent markets to surge ahead with the cloud.

Today’s developing countries might surprise outsiders. Swiftly modernizing under the radar, developing countries do not look so technologically different from their more developed neighbors.

These areas are a greenfield, allowing businesses I work with there to hop straight into cloud environments. Faced with sudden, heightened connectivity, many developing countries readily challenge the status quo with more advanced digital technologies and behaviors. This is not unlike the trajectory of more mature markets, except for the rapid rate at which this digital transformation occurs.


Untapped Markets Tap into Cloud Computing

Developing countries are untapped markets and opportunities for businesses to be among the first to meet the burgeoning demands of a rising economic class. To fulfill a developing country’s unique needs, though, businesses must be able to deliver new, tailored solutions on largely untested grounds.

Cloud technologies are ideal for these businesses. It includes all the ingredients needed to accelerate innovation in volatile markets: agility, flexibility, reliability, scalability, and affordability.

With multiple clouds, in particular, companies can choose the best combination of cloud technologies to scale at low costs, while complying with data privacy and government regulations. With little or no legacy systems, businesses can skip the complicated migration process and smoothly transition to manage multi-cloud environments.

Though developing countries still lack some resources to support cloud infrastructures, like expansive networks and effective power grids, I see it coming. Consider Bangladesh and Pakistan (two emerging markets in Asia my team and I know well).

Construction on a Tier 4 data center in Bangladesh, projected to be one of the largest in the world, is already underway to support cloud computing in the region. Pakistan established its first cloud-based data center in 2016, no more than a month after the country’s largest telecommunications provider partnered with IBM on a public cloud. Today, Pakistan is setting up a government public cloud (G-cloud) thanks to the ongoing partnership between the country’s National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC) and VMware.


Digital Transformation Is Faster and Further Than Expected

Organizations in nascent markets may be playing catchup to what those in more developed markets have already done, but less-developed markets have the luxury of skipping ahead instead of repeating the same evolutionary process. Many of the companies I work with in these countries plan to go full steam ahead with advanced technologies from day one—solutions that many well-established companies in more developed markets still lack.

That means business leaders can leapfrog traditional data centers and start from the ground up in the cloud—or often in multiple clouds.

Government support is further ushering along digital transformation in developing countries. Working toward Pakistan’s Vision 2025 priorities (include modernizing infrastructure and strengthening regional connectivity), NTC initially partnered with VMware last year to modernize the organization’s IT infrastructure and accelerate network expansion.


Sudden Connectivity Challenges the Status Quo

Mobile devices and the internet are still new technologies in developing countries, but that all changes when income levels rise, the cost of the technologies falls, and networks expand. It would not surprise me to see highways of connectivity arrive in the world’s most remote regions before roads or railways.

The economies of Bangladesh and Pakistan grew 7.1 and 5.3 percent, respectively, in 2017, surpassing worldwide economic growth at less than 4 percent. The countries’ populations—among the 10 largest in the world—are expected to drive notable growth of the world’s total mobile subscribers in the next seven years, with their own mobile penetration (unique mobile subscribers as a percentage of the population) jumping to 60 and 50 percent, respectively, by 2025.

Because of this heightened mobile connectivity, residents in these remote areas can open a bank account in areas where physical branches do not exist or connect with doctors where healthcare systems do not reach. People there grow accustomed to using mobile devices and the internet in their daily lives, and eventually, they expect the same mobile connectivity in their professional lives.

On the ground, I’m seeing similar expectations forming in developing countries for fast, reliable, highly available cloud connectivity.


Sources: VMware/Radius

Need cloud computing? Do not hesitate to contact us at or call to +62 811 28 38 78

“Keeping the lights on”

“Keeping the lights on” 24 hours a day 7 days a week (24×7), Anda akan mendapatkan pengalaman bahwa:

  • Virtual Machine Anda sudah siap dan siap digunakan.
  • Layanan Backup dan Recovery dapat diandalkan dan bekerja baik saat Anda membutuhkannya
  • Layanan Disaster dan Replikasi dapat diandalkan dan bekerja saat Anda membutuhkannya
  • Zettagrid selalu siap kapanpun dan dapat dihubungi saat Anda membutuhkan bantuan.
  • Zettagrid selalu melayani Anda dengan sepenuh hati.

Zettagrid menyediakan dukungan infrastruktur 24 jam sehari, tujuh hari seminggu. Bantuan pelanggan membantu Anda apabila meminta suatu request atau order untuk memeriksa update status dari layanan Anda. Saat Anda melakukan request bantuan ke Zettagrid, Anda disini akan dibantu bahwa request Anda tersebut akan ditanggapi dengan cepat dan tepat pada waktunya oleh team customer support Zettagrid sesuai dengan SLA yang kami janjikan dan dan akan request tersebut diselesaikan secepat mungkin. Selain itu Zettagrid juga memberikan kemudahan layanan yang transparan bagi Anda. Status kondisi dari sistem layanan Zettagrid di publish untuk khalayak ramai dan informasi tersebut dapat dilihat pada website kami. Apakah Anda ingin mengintegrasikan status Zettagrid dengan sistem monitoring Anda sendiri?

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Hubungi kami supaya Anda bisa mendapatkan layanan bantuan dari Zettagrid. Hubungi + 62-811-28-38-78 / + 62-21-2960-7589 atau email

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Zettagrid Indonesia Featured Products


JAKARTA, 19 September 2017: Zettagrid Indonesia is the best cloud provider in Indonesia. We deliver the most advanced, automated, secure, and self-service cloud hosting platform. Please visit for further information.


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What’s On Every CIOs Mind? Cloud and Mobility


Written by Nicki Pereira, Chief Technology Officer of Zettagrid  : Although cloud computing has been around for over a decade, for most people outside of the tech industry, it will feel like a relatively new concept. But it’s easy to forget, just how much it has changed office life since its arrival.

Employees have broken out of their cubicles and into open plan offices in a bid to increase collaboration. The days of fax machines and landline telephones are disappearing. The rise of the hot desking means that you don’t even need to sit at the same desk every day.

There is an argument that the traditional desk has already been retired from the office. Gathering spaces are now frequented by the uber cool who can be found intensely staring down at a laptop screen or managing a breakout session while sat on multicoloured bean bags. More info at


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Australian Cloud Service Provider Hits Indonesia


JAKARTA, 12 September 2017: Australian infrastructure-as-a-service provider Zettagrid has begun its assault on the wider APAC region, opening a new zone in Jakarta.

The new Indonesian offering will provide a range of coputing services, including virtual server, virtual data centre, backup and disaster recovery, built and managed in an enteprise grade VMware certified environment.

Nathan Harman, Zetta Group chief executive, says the expansion is part of Zettagrid’s global strategy and marks the first step in the channel-focused company’s strategy to deliver cloud services to the whole APAC region.

“Zettagrid has built a powerful reputation in the Australian market since our inception in 2010, and with the increasing adoption of cloud computing amongst enterprises globally, expansion into South East Asia is the next important milestone for our organisation,” Harman says.

In Australia the company manages more than 4,000 virtual machines with more than 100 channel partners nationally.

Reza Kertadjaja, Zettagrid Indonesia country manager, says there is a need in the Indonesian market for a locally hosted cloud IaaS service with easy management and integrated billing.

“Zettagrid has a long and successful track record of working with partners to design, build and manage complex cloud platforms that meet the many needs of IT organisations,” Kertadjaja says.

Zettagrid says it will offer its channel partner program to Indonesian businesses, rewarding partners who build innvoative customer solutions using technology based on Zettagrid’s infrastructure.

“This engagement includes the expansion of Zettagrid Australia’s channel partner program to local Indonesian solution providers and system integrators,” Zettagrid says.

Last month Zettagrid was awarded 2017 Cloud Partner of the Year for Asia Pacific by Zerto. More info at EnterpriseChannelAsia


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