
Zettagrid and Veeam transform data protection and increase ransomware resilience throughout the Asia Pacific region

Featured Image - Zettagrid and Veeam transform data protection and increase ransomware resilience throughout the Asia Pacific region

Zettagrid menjadi salah satu partner Veeam yang paling kompeten dalam berkomitmen untuk memastikan semua data pelanggan terlindungi dan aman dengan cara meningkatkan ketahanan ransomware, memenuhi persyaratan lokal untuk penyimpanan data (tanpa biaya egress), dan memenuhi persyaratan terhadap undang-undang kedaulatan data dan privasi di setiap market yang dilayani.

Zettagrid sebagai Platinum Veeam Cloud & Service Provider (VCSP) partner telah mendapatkan beberapa penghargaan seperti Veeam Innovation, Veeam Launch Partner, dan Veeam Cloud Provider Partner of the Year. Mari simak kisah suksesnya di sini:

Mengulik Keuntungan Penggunaan Cloud Pada Bisnis Hospitality

Cloud Pada Bisnis Hospitality

Mengulik Keuntungan Penggunaan Cloud Pada Bisnis Hospitality


Pandemi yang sudah dua tahun terjadi di Indonesia membawa banyak dampak, baik positif maupun negative. Dampaknya pun dapat dirasakan di berbagai sector industry terutama di bidang hospitality. Dengan adanya pandemik tidak sedikit hotel-hotel yang gulung tikar akibat sedikit bahkan tidak adanya okupansi kamar yang terisi.

Dari data yang diperoleh Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia (PHRI), di tahun 2020 setidaknya terdapat lonjakan penurunan okupansi hotel di Bali sebesar 80%. Dengan kejadian seperti ini tentunya para pelaku usaha perhotelan harus melakukan efisiensi besar-besaran di berbagai aspek. Salah satunya penggunaan infrastruktur IT.

Lalu, apakah salah satu kegunaan cloud computing dalam industri perhotelan? Mari simak cerita dari salah satu client Arupa di bidang perhotelan, IHG (InterContinental Hotels Group). IHG merupakan perusahaan multinasional yang bergerak dibidang hospitality.  Di Indonesia sendiri, IHG memiliki puluhan hotel yang tersebar di kota-kota besar di Indonesia.

Dengan bisnis yang besar, tidak heran IHG membutuhkan solusi untuk memproteksi data-data pelanggannya seperti database customer, data karyawan hotel, data inventaris hotel dan data-data krusial lainnya. Untuk itu IHG melakukan backup untuk data-data krusialnya.

Sebelum menggunakan cloud, IHG melakukan backup di media hardware/physical, namun dengan physical hardware pastinya akan ada limitasi besaran storage, sedangkan data akan terus tumbuh. Belum lagi selama pandemi, manajemen juga dituntut untuk melakukan efisiensi biaya termasuk biaya pengembangan IT. Sehingga IHG memilih menggunakan Veeam cloud backup di Arupa Object Storage untuk melakukan backup untuk data krusialnya.

Selain harganya yang lebih terjangkau, solusi cloud juga dapat tersedia dengan cepat dan di set up lebih mudah daripada instalasi hardware. IHG sendiri merasakan bahwa saat ini tidak lagi khawatir akan kehilangan data karena data dapat ter-restore kapan saja jika dibutuhkan. Tidak hanya tim IT yang puas, namun tim keuangan pun juga merasakan kepuasan yang sama setelah menggunakan Arupa Object Storage sebagai media backup karena biayanya lebih murah dan biaya sesuai dengan kebutuhan yang digunakan.

Ingin merasakan perubahan positif untuk IT bisnis anda seperti yang dirasakan IHG? Hubungi kami di sini atau e-mail ke

3 Risks That Weighing Your Business After Data Loss in Office 365

3 Risks That Weighing Your Business After Data Loss in Office 365

3 Risks That Weighing Your Business After Data Loss in Office 365

By: Gita Gisela

According to, Microsoft Office 365 now has 258 million users around the world. In additional, this fact showed that people now already using cloud as the solution to enhances their activities in this digital era.

Although Microsoft Office 365 offers features that allowed workforce to move faster, it does not mean disaster could not be found on its system. If you think this cloud has a secure system to protect all the critical data in Office 365 from disaster, then you are wrong. According to Veeam, over 1000 IT Pros surveyed, 81% of users experienced data loss in Office 365. Ranging from simple user error to major data security threats. So, what will happen if the enterprises lost its critical data in office 365?

Of course, there’s consequences that need to be faced. Therefore, enterprises need a back up solutions and Disaster Recovery (DR) that can reduce impact from the accident. These are some risks you need to know when your company experienced data loss in Office 365 without having any back up and DR system:

  1. Losing Data Permanently

Have you ever thought about going to work in the morning, then suddenly you find out that you suddenly lost your critical data in Office 365? Some of those critical data you have lost, might still can be saved if your company has a data back up system. But if it doesn’t, the company has to be prepared for losing data permanently. Which it means, this could impact to your business operations.

  1. Expensive

Not having a data back up system doesn’t mean that there is no other way to get back the data you have lost. Of course, company can still find the alternative ways to restore deleted and corrupted data from system. One of them, by using a premium recovery software that sold on the market. However, this methode has a complex process and spend a lot of money. Plus, not all kind of files can be restored. So, the best way that can be done in preventing data loss in Office 365 is by using a reliable data back up system. Not only to efficient the process, but also to save costs.

  1. Wasting time

Imagine, when the company needs to move forward, suddenly various important data that support its business continuity have lost in Office 365 by a virus. Meanwhile, your company don’t have a data back up system, so it needs to recreate the critical data as same as the first ones. It definitely will take several days even to several months to recreate, depending on how much business the company runs. Therefore, this methodes will obstruct a company development in running its business.

So, could you imagine if you lost your critical documents on Office 365? How to prevent this accident? Stay update with us to find the solution with Veeam Office 365 Backup on Zettagrid.

Contact us to be the first customer who tries Veaam Office 365 Backup on Zettagrid send us e-mail at

5 Common Causes of Data Loss in Office 365

data loss in office 365

5 Common Causes of Data Loss in Office 365


Nowadays, we could see that lot of companies start moving its IT workload to the cloud. Beside the trusted security system, cloud is more user friendly and easy to set up. Furthermore, it allows workforce to move faster, collaborate across business, and reduce operational costs for the company.

One of the most popular cloud categories that usually use for business is Software as a Service (SaaS), for example Office 365 by Microsoft.  Office 365 offers various features, from e-mail, cloud apps, until file sharing. Even though people think that it is secure enough, do you know that companies could also lost their data on Office 365?

data loss in office 365

This data loss caused by several common reason such as; Human error, Virus or malware, Software Corruption, Overwritten Data, and Hacker attack. Read on the 5 common causes of Data Loss in Office 365:

Human error

Human error that mostly happened is accidental deletion within Office 365. It is almost happened to users unintentionally deleted important e-mails, documents, or any other critical data in Office 365.

A common reason why users inadvertently deletes their data is because they think it is no longer needed. But after sometimes they will need in again suddenly for some reasons.

Or also they forget click the wrong button and could not get the data back before they realized it.

Virus or malware

Veeam stated that Malware and viruses have done serious damage to organizations globally in just the past year alone unexceptionally for Office 365. Even Office 365 has protection against malware, but it does not guarantee that they could detect every infection.

Software corruption

Software Corruption is one of the big cause of data loss. For example, if users want to Install or update the Office 365 and then the system suddenly have problem, and the data lost the second after.

Overwritten data

Office 365 does remind its users when their workload is almost full. But it is not enough protection against the risk of overwritten data. Users could lost their oldest e-mail, data, documents, or any critical data if their data space is not enough anymore.

External attack

It is true that technology growth is faster than we think and bring a lot positive changes in our life. In other hand, it is also bring negativity, one of them is hacker. It is possible for Office 365 to get attacked by hacker. For example, if there is a phishing e-mail and then the user click it and hacker could remove the data easily after.

So, could you imagine if you lost your critical documents on Office 365? How to prevent this accident? Stay update with Zettagrid to find the solution with Veeam Office 365 Backup on Zettagrid.

Contact us for more information aboutt Veaam Office 365 Backup on Zettagrid send us e-mail at or click here.

Free Webinar: The Cloud For Digital Business Era

Free Webinar: The Cloud For Digital Business Era

Cloud in Digital Business Era


Pandemic COVID-19 has changed some aspects in human lifestyle. Almost every activities that people do it’s now on digital, from studying, entertain, even business industry. As the digital infrastructure, cloud computing infrastructure now plays a crucial role not only during, but also for the business recovery after we survive the pandemic.

As the new normal life in our society begin, the digital business era now has come to move faster than we think. Thanks to cloud technology that help enterprises to makes their life easier with its automation, flexibility and efficiency.

Zettagrid with Veeam software collaborated  on FREE WEBINAR “Zettagrid e-CloudTalk Vol.03: The Cloud For Digital Business Era”. Streaming live on Zoom Meetings, meet our guest speakers form Veeam Sofware, Daniel Omardin as Senior Manager Cloud and Service Provider SEAK. Also get inspired from Purnawan Yunianto as MIS Manager at Datascrip on how Veeam Cloud Connect help business in the digital business era.

Date: Thursday, 23 July 2020
Time: 14.00 – 16.00 WIB
Where: Zoom Meetings

Register now to get OVO CREDITS 50K after the event**

**Terms and conditions apply

**Zettagrid Teams decision is final

Pssst, it’s not an usual boring presentation, it’s e-Talk show, thus we also have another guest speaker to announce soon!

If you have any questions or having trouble with registration feel free to reach out us at or click here

Zettagrid Cloud Talk 2020 Event Highlights

Zettagrid Cloud Talk 2020 Event Highlights

Zettagrid Cloud Talk 2020

Zettagrid Indonesia successfully held its first event in 2020 called “Zettagrid Cloud Talk 2020: Seamlessly Automated Your Cloud Backup”. This event held on 23 January 2020 at CoHive 101, Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta. Zettagrid Cloud Talk is an event series that created to keep its audiences update on Zettagrid latest technology and growth. In collaboration with Veeam, Zettagrid hopes that it will bring insights about the importance of cloud backup for people business in this digital era.

Zettagrid Cloud Talk 2020

On this event, Country Manager of Zettagrid Indonesia, Reza Kertadjadja mentioned that 2019 been a busy year for Zettagrid Indonesia as its company joined with several IT communities and held several events from local to International events such as Veeam Solution Day Singapore 2019. Reza also mentioned that Zettagrid Indonesia remain to grow every year and currently has 150 clients.

Zettagrid Cloud Talk 2020

On the other hand, Dolly Indra GM Sales of Zettagrid Indonesia updated that in 2020, Zettagrid will released several new products, that is currently under development by Zettagrid team. The three new products include; Veeam Availability Console, VMware vCloud Availability, and Container Service Extension (Kubernetes).

Zettagrid Cloud Talk 2020

Thanks to Mr. Santoso Gunawan from PT. Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk who’s spare his time to shared insights about his experiences in using Veeam cloud connect backup and replication product in Zettagrid cloud.

Newin Atmarumeksa as Technical Consultant Veeam Indonesia explained about Veeam V9.5 features and give a little sneak peak about Veeam 10. He ended with questions and answers session that catch the audience attention.

Last but not least, Zettagrid Indonesia Customer Success Lead, Novia Kurniasih explained about the strategy to designing backup. Starts from determine what data that has to be backed up until the test and monitor backup system steps. She also revealed some of her customer’s study cases that using Veeam Backup and Replication.

Thank you for all attendees for your participation at Zettagrid Cloud Talk 2020. Hope this event could be beneficial for your work and business. If you have more questions or interested in our products contact us here at or call us at +6221 2789 9962.

Promo 11.11 Gratis 60 Hari Untuk Area Surabaya

Promo 11.11

Promo 11.11 Gratis 60 Hari Untuk Area Surabaya

Penyedia layanan cloud computing Zettagrid  Indonesia, kini resmi hadir di Surabaya bertepatan dengan Hari Pahlawan Nasional 2019 (10 November 2019).

Sebelumnya Zettagrid Indonesia telah memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan cloud di Jakarta. Melihat antusiasme pelanggan yang cukup tinggi, Zettagrid Indonesia membuka kantor cabang baru di Surabaya yang di harapkan dapat memberikan solusi bagi infrastruktur IT pada bisnis anda khususnya untuk anda yang berada di daerah Surabaya dan sekitarnya. Saat ini Zettagrid Indonesia telah memiliki 2 availability zone di Indonesia.

Untuk merayakan kehadiran Zettagrid Indonesia di Surabaya sekaligus Hari Belanja Nasional 11.11, kami memberikan promo GRATIS 60 Hari untuk produk VDC Backup dan Veeam Backup. Promo ini dapat anda dapatkan dengan berlangganan minimum satu tahun. Promo ini hanya berlaku pada area Surabaya dan sekitarnya.

Ayo, tunggu apa lagi! Mulailah beralih ke layanan cloud Zettagrid Indonesia untuk memudahkan bisnis anda! Untuk info lebih lanjut, anda dapat menghubungi kami disini atau hubungi Sales Representative kami di area Surabaya; Yogie +62 812-3384-6878.