
5 Serangan Siber Yang Perlu Bisnis Waspadai

serangan siber

5 Serangan Siber Yang Perlu Bisnis Waspadai

Saat mengembangkan bisnis, Anda pastinya telah memprediksi segala jenis ancaman dan potensinya terhadap keberlangsungan perusahaan. Mulai dari bencana alam, human error, hingga serangan siber, ketiganya memiliki potensi bahaya terhadap operasional bisnis. Terutama bila dikaitkan dengan kehilangan data perusahaan.

Di masa pandemi COVID-19 seperti sekarang, serangan siber menjadi ancaman paling tinggi untuk berbagai organisasi. Seiring banyaknya pengguna yang bekerja dan belajar dari rumah secara daring, pelaku serangan siber pun semakin gencar untuk melancarkan aksinya. Bahkan Cisco Umbrella pun melaporkan setidaknya terjadi peningkatan sebesar 40% serangan siber pada pandemi tahun lalu.

Melihat kasus ini, tentunya bisnis tidak hanya harus melindungi datanya. Mengenal segala jenis serangan siber juga perlu dilakukan agar strategi perlindungan data dapat dieksekusi tim IT dengan maksimal. Lalu jenis serangan siber apa saja yang perlu diwaspadai bisnis?

1. The Corporate Spies

serangan siber

(Source: South_agency from Getty Images Signature)

Banyak perusahaan melanggengkan jenis serangan siber The Corporate Spies untuk menyusup atau meretas sistem IT para pesaingnya. Dengan menggunakan peretas untuk melakukan spionase pada para pesaing bisnis, perusahaan bisa mencuri data penting pesaingnya seperti rencana bisnis, hak paten, data keuangan, kontrak, dan lainnya. Salah satu contoh kasus yang bisa diambil dari serangan siber satu ini adalah Compulife – NAAIP. 

Pada tahun 2020, Compulife Software, Inc. menuduh pesaingnya melakukan spionase untuk meretas dan mencuri data miliknya. Bukti juga menegaskan bahwa NAAIP menyewa seorang peretas untuk spionase perusahaan. Meski pengadilan kelas bawah memutuskan bahwa spionase tersebut tidak terhitung  sebagai kejahatan, Pengadilan Sirkuit justru tidak setuju dengan putusan tersebut dan memvonis NAAIP bersalah.

2. Nation-State Hackers

serangan siber

(Source: Wpadington from Getty Images)

Menurut Search Security, jenis serangan siber satu ini sering digunakan oleh pemerintah untuk meretas sistem maupun melakukan tindakan kejahatan terhadap rivalnya. Pernyataan tersebut dapat didasari ketika melihat serangan Solarwinds yang menyebabkan pelanggaran jaringan besar-besaran, hingga memungkinkan peretas untuk membocorkan ribuan data organisasi secara global, termasuk data pemerintah Amerika Serikat.  Lalu, bagaimana ini bisa terjadi?

Pada serangan siber tersebut, peretas memasang malware mereka ke SolarWinds, sebuah perusahaan yang memproduksi platform pemantauan kinerja IT yang disebut Orion. Perlu diketahui, ribuan perusahaan di seluruh dunia menggunakan perangkat lunak yang diproduksi oleh SolarWinds tersebut. Karena telah disusupi oleh malware, semua perangkat lunak dari pelanggan SolarWinds akhirnya tercemar pada bulan Maret hingga Juni 2020.

AS meyakini bila peristiwa tersebut terjadi karena ulah rusia. Tapi itu tidak sepenuhnya benar, ada juga kelompok peretas yang diduga memiliki hubungan dengan pemerintah Korea Utara dan Iran. 

3.  Script-Kiddies

serangan siber

(Source: kaptnali from Getty Images)

Meskipun dianggap amatir karena banyak meretas demi kesenangan, tapi Anda tidak boleh menganggap remeh serangan siber jenis Script-Kiddies. Serangan jenis satu ini cukup dikenal setelah memaksa ratusan website offline pada Jumat 2016 lalu. Bahkan, para ahli juga mempercayai bahwa Script-Kiddies sering membantu penjahat serius melalui penyelidikan sembrono dan kompromi sistem mereka.

Maka dari itu, Anda perlu berhati-hati agar bisnis dapat terlindungi dari serangan siber satu ini. Tapi, bagaimana caranya agar sistem IT terhindar dari serangan Script-Kiddies? Berikut tipsnya:

  • Perbarui perangkat lunak keamanan Anda secara teratur.
  • Lacak lalu lintas situs Anda secara teratur.
  • Jangan gunakan kata sandi yang lemah.

4. Cryptojackers

(Source: stevanovicigor from Getty Images Pro)

Cryptojackers merupakan jenis serangan siber yang mencuri daya komputasi dan sumber daya pengguna untuk meraup cryptocurrency. Dilansir MUO, McAfee pernah mengalami peningkatan 4000 persen dalam malware penambangan kripto pada 2019 lalu. Yang paling menakutkan, peretas beralih dari mengkompromikan PC pengguna individu dan perangkat seluler hingga menyusup ke situs web populer dan menyebarkan malware ke siapapun yang mengunjunginya.

Melihat kasus tersebut, Anda tentu perlu berhati-hati dalam melindungi data dan perangkat perusahaan. Maka dari itu, untuk meminimalisir potensi serangan cryptojackers, Anda bisa mengikuti tips berikut:

  • Selalu waspada terhadap perubahan perilaku perangkat Anda.
  • Gunakan selalu plugin, aplikasi, dan add on yang Anda kenal dan terpercaya.
  • Sebelum mengunduh aplikasi apapun, pastikan itu ditinjau dengan baik, diperbarui secara berkala, dan memiliki unduhan yang cukup.

5. Ransomware Sewaan

(Source: Zephyr18 from Getty Images Pro)

Banyak kelompok peretas terkenal di seluruh dunia menyediakan ransomware untuk disewakan. Kelompok-kelompok tersebut biasanya mengikuti model Ransomware as a Service (RaaS), di mana mereka menyewakan ransomware seperti pengembang perangkat lunak menyewakan produk Software as a Service (SaaS).

Salah satu yang cukup populer dari kasus ini adalah grup ransomware Darkside. Peretas tersebut menyerang Colonial Pipeline, sistem pipa minyak Amerika yang membawa bahan bakar jet dan bensin di sekitar AS. Akibat dari serangan siber tersebut, seluruh manajemen mengalami kerugian lebih dari $15 miliar.

Sebagai pengusaha, Anda pasti tidak ingin bisnis tertimpa ransomware seperti di atas bukan? Maka dari itu, strategi perlindungan data sangat penting untuk dimiliki oleh perusahaan, sehingga risiko kehilangan data bisa diminimalisir semaksimal mungkin. Lalu, bagaimana caranya agar bisnis mencapai strategi perlindungan data yang efektif untuk menghindari serangan siber? Ketahui tips selengkapnya dengan mengunjungi artikel ini.

Zettagrid Indonesia merupakan salah satu penyedia layanan cloud di Indonesia yang menyediakan Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) seperti Virtual Data Center (VDC), Virtual Private Server (VPS), Backup as a Service (BaaS), Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS), dan lainnya. Bila Anda memiliki pertanyaan tentang solusi atau keamanan cloud, Anda dapat menghubungi kami di sini atau ke

4 Benefits of AI in Cloud Computing

AI in cloud

4 Benefits of AI in Cloud Computing

 In this modern era, digital technology like Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become one of the solutions to boost the development of various industries. With its capability to automate business or even its operations, AI is believed to be the technology that increases company productivity. Therefore, it is not a surprise anymore to see the market of AI in the oil and gas industry predicted to reach US 3,81 Billion Dollars, with a CAGR of 10,96% for 2020-2025.

However, developing AI systems requires large data sets. If the organization only relies on the local premise, AI deployment will result in a big investment and inefficiency considering the On-Premise will need maintenance. That’s why before AI development is going further, organizations need to look for an efficient solution. One of them is by implementing Cloud Computing.

The combination of AI and Cloud Computing results in an extensive network capable of holding massive volumes of data, while continuously learning and improving. Hence, both assist in the automation of routine activities within IT infrastructure and result in IT efficiency.

Not only that but developing AI in Cloud Computing also has benefits for the organization. All of them can be seen below here:

1. Automate the workflow

AI in cloud

(Source: Wright Studio from Shutterstock)

Running IT resources and business operations at the same time can be overwhelming for some organizations. Even if it’s also implemented AI, a business can find it difficult to manage its workflow and IT efficiency. But no worries, as long as Cloud Computing can be used for AI, the organization can pass the challenge and achieve maximum productivity.

AI can automate complex and repetitive tasks to boost productivity and perform data analysis without any human intervention. So, when the organization develops AI in Cloud Computing, the IT team can focus on strategic operations while AI performs regular tasks. Hence, the organization can be more efficient, strategic, and insight-driven.

2. Maintain organizations data management

(Source: Alexander Supertramp from Shutterstock)

Besides increasing efficiency and flexibility, developing AI in Cloud Computing would also play a significant role in processing, managing, and structuring data.

By using cloud for AI, organization can boost marketing, customer care, and supply chain data management with more reliable real-time data. AI tools streamline how data is ingested, modified, and managed. For example, organization can deploy AI tools into Zettagrid Indonesia cloud to get real-time personalization, detect cyber threats, and maintenance scenarios.

3. Deeper Insights

AI in cloud

(Source: NicoElNino from Shutterstock)

Developing AI in Cloud Computing can identify patterns and trends in vast data sets. It uses historical data and compares it to the most recent data, which provides IT teams with well-informed, data-backed intelligence.

On top of that, using cloud computing for AI tools can also perform data analysis fast so organizations can rapidly and efficiently address customer queries and issues. The observations and valuable advice gained from AI capabilities result in quicker and more accurate results. Therefore, the cloud is efficient for business continuity.

4. Lowering costs

AI in cloud

(Source: Palto from Shutterstock)

A big advantage of Cloud Computing is that it eliminates costs related to on-site data centers, such as hardware and maintenance. Those upfront costs can be prohibitive with AI projects, but in the cloud enterprises can instantly access these tools for a monthly fee making research and development-related costs more manageable. Additionally, AI in cloud can gain insights from the data and analyze it without human intervention. That’s why, it is more efficient not only in cost but also in human resources.

Zettagrid Indonesia is a Cloud Service Provider in Indonesia that provides Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) such as VMware Virtual Data Center, VMware Virtual Server, Veeam Backup, and so on. If you have any questions related to our cloud solutions for AI, you can reach us here or through


How to implement Disaster Recovery Plan for SAP?

disaster recovery plan for SAP

How to implement Disaster Recovery Plan for SAP?

 In developing a business, disaster is not a matter of if anymore, but when. Therefore, before disaster strikes the organization, enterprise needs to mitigate the plan to prevent the risks of disaster. Implementing Disaster Recovery can be the solution to solve this problem. With its capability to recover business-critical systems and data, the organization can save its business continuity. That’s why some organizations see Disaster Recovery as a critical solution to their survival, including for SAP.

Disaster Recovery for SAP has always been a discussion since SAP is one of the most mission-critical applications for organization. IDC analyzed the cost to the company, should a critical application fail. They calculated the cost to be between $500.000 to $1 million per hour of downtime. But, no worries, as organizations are ready to effectively combat downtime in SAP with the recovery solution, the business can save cost and minimize the loss.

This article will be discussing how to implement a Disaster Recovery plan for SAP. Read them below here:

1. Planning The Basic Infrastructure 

The first thing to ensure an effective recovery plan for a SAP-based business is to maintain an ecosystem that has uninterrupted power supply. Plan for redundancies from multiple providers and power generators. With an adequate supply of diesel, enterprise can keep the business running for at least 48 hours.

However, redundancies also need to be planned for internet connectivity. A single connection is fraught with risks and at least two separate companies providing connectivity will mitigate the risk of connection downtimes. This also needs to be set up to automatically switch using adequate network hardware.

The next step is business needs to ensure that all the hardware has built-in redundancy. The last thing business would want to experience is to be left with data backups and nowhere to install them. This is very crucial to get you back on your feet without delay, in the event of a disaster. Regular audits to ensure that these systems are functioning as expected is the first and most important aspect of any recovery Plan.

2. Search for the RPO and RTO

RPO and RTO are the two key parameters that form the crux of Disaster Recovery planning for SAP. RTO stands for Recovery Time Objective and RPO stands for Recovery Point Objective. Practical, pre-defined, and pre-approved RPO and RTO are essential to chart your recovery plan.

With these two aspects, business would know how long it would take before they can switch to the SAP recovery site.

3. Disaster Recovery Plans and the Technologies used

Disaster Recovery plan for SAP begins by planning backups of the database that stores all the information managed by the SAP applications. the technologies used for this purpose can be traditional or advanced, such as Network Attached Storage (NAS), VMware SRM for SAP DR, cloud DR, HANA-specific Disaster Recovery, or Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS).

4. Geographical Location of Disaster Recovery site or center

After choosing the method of recovery to be implemented for SAP, the next most important aspect is to choose the ideal center that provides a safe house for your data. The Disaster Recovery center should be in a different seismic zone. A rule of thumb is to have at least 60 km between two data centers. This helps mitigate the risk of seismic activity at these centers.


Those are ways to implement a Disaster Recovery plan for SAP. If you have any questions related to our Disaster Recovery solutions, you can contact us here or through

Zettagrid Indonesia Raih DELL Technologies Best Solution CSP Partner Awards

Zettagrid solution partner

Zettagrid Indonesia Raih DELL Technologies Best Solution CSP Partner Awards

16 Juni 2021 menjadi salah satu hari sukses bagi Zettagrid Indonesia. Komitmen Zettagrid Indonesia untuk memberdayakan pelanggan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan IT, menorehkan perusahaan pada acara DELL Technologies Partner Business Conference Award yang diselenggarakan oleh DELL Technologies secara daring melalui online conference.

Dilansir dari, DELL Technologies Partner Business Conference Award merupakan acara tahunan untuk para mitra DELL Technologies. Melalui program ini, DELL Technologies berupaya untuk merayakan kesuksesan dan menanti peluang besama para mitra di masa depan.

Sebagai mitra DELL Technologies, Zettagrid Indonesia merasa terhormat untuk menjadi salah satu partisipan sekaligus nominasi acara dalam salah satu kategori yang diusung. Tak hanya itu, Zettagrid juga turut berbangga atas pemberian penghargaan “Best Solution Cloud Service Provider (CSP) Partner of FY21” oleh DELL Technologies pada acara tersebut.

Bagi perusahaan, penghargaan ini tidak hanya merupakan pengakuan atas kinerja positif Zettagrid Indonesia dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan bisnis DELL Technologies di tahun 2021. Tetapi, ini juga menjadi peluang bagi Zettagrid untuk terus tumbuh bersama DELL Technologies dalam membangun Industri Teknologi yang lebih maju di Indonesia.

Read more

Strategi Backup 3-2-1 Untuk Perlindungan Data

strategi backup 3-2-1Strategi Backup 3-2-1 Untuk Perlindungan Data

Di era digital seperti sekarang ini, kebutuhan mem-backup data bukan lagi hal yang baru untuk dilakukan oleh organisasi. Seiring dengan data yang kian bertambah setiap harinya, strategi perlindungan data seperti Backup pun semakin diminati dan diimplementasikan oleh berbagai bisnis untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya kehilangan data. Salah satu contohnya adalah strategi Backup 3-2-1.

Secara praktik, strategi Backup 3-2-1 bertujuan untuk menyalin dan menyimpan data di beberapa medium yang berbeda. Dengan cara tersebut, bisnis diharapkan bisa menyelamatkan datanya apabila terjadi human error ataupun bencana alam yang dapat berdampak pada kehilangan data. Kemudian, bagaimana cara untuk mulai mengimplementasikan strategi satu ini?

Mengenal Strategi Backup 3-2-1

Menurut, strategi Backup 3-2-1 berarti memiliki setidaknya tiga salinan dari total data Anda, dengan dua di antaranya ditempatkan secara lokal tetapi pada media yang berbeda, sedangkan satu salinan data di tempatkan di offsite. Sebagai contoh, mari kita coba menggunakan “data penjualan bisnis” Anda sebagai skenario strategi pencadangan data ini.

Dalam komputer pribadi Anda, tersimpan data penjualan bisnis yang sering diperbarui setiap minggunya. Data yang tersimpan tersebut merupakan data pertama yang perlu di-Backup di medium berbeda. Untuk mengakalinya, Anda menggunakan external Hard-Drive untuk menyimpan salinan kedua dari data penjualan bisnis Anda. Tak tanggung-tanggung, Anda juga menggunakan solusi Backup seperti Cloud Backup sebagai offsite untuk menyimpan salinan ketiga dari data penjualan bisnis Anda. Dengan demikian, salinan data ketiga yang terletak di offsite tersebut akan disimpan di data center.

Mengapa dua disimpan di lokal dan satu di Offsite?

Apapun perangkat yang Anda miliki, on-site Backup merupakan cara paling cepat dan mudah untuk mengakses data ketika sesuatu terjadi pada perangkat Anda. Jadi ketika laptop atau komputer Anda mengalami kerusakan, Anda masih memiliki external hard drive untuk mendapatkan kembali data Anda.  

Meskipun memiliki on-site Backup seperti contoh di atas merupakan awal yang baik, tetapi memiliki offsite Backup adalah komponen kunci dalam strategi Backup 3-2-1. Cadangan di on-site memang mudah diatur, namun sayangnya salinan data Anda tersebut rentan mengalami kehilangan jika terjadi pencurian, banjir, kebakaran, dan kejadian tidak terduga lainnya.

Apakah solusi Cloud merupakan medium yang sempurna?

Sesuai dengan kemampuannya yang fleksibel, cloud bisa menjadi pendekatan paling mumpuni untuk memulai strategi Backup 3-2-1. Dengan mereplikasi data Anda dan menyimpannya di data center lain, Anda bisa mendapatkan ketenangan dan dengan mudah mencadangkan data Anda kapan saja secara otomatis.

Dengan Arupa Object Storage Anda dapat menyimpan data backup hingga bilangan petabyte dengan lebih fleksibel di offsite sehingga memenuhi kebutuhan Backup 3-2-1 Anda. Jika Anda sekarang sudah menggunakan NAS ataupun solusi pencadangan data di perusahaan Anda, kami dapat membantu Anda untuk mencapai strategi Backup 3-2-1.

Zettagrid Indonesia merupakan penyedia layanan Cloud Computing Indonesia yang menyediakan solusi IaaS seperti Virtual Data Center (VDC), Virtual Private Server (VPS), Backup as a Service (BaaS), Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS), dan Object Storage as a Service (OSaaS). Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan lebih lanjut tentang solusi cloud kami, Anda dapat menghubungi kami di sini atau ke

Tertarik untuk mengenal solusi Object Storage? Baca produk kami selengkapnya di sini.


Drive Business Innovation With The Cloud

drive business with cloudDrive Business Innovation With The Cloud

Many businesses currently rely on the cloud solely to save money or add simple mobility, but these organizations are hardly scratching the surface of the cloud’s true capabilities. Cloud Computing offers countless opportunities to drive business innovation, and it’s time for the business world to take advantage of this.

Zettagrid Indonesia with Dell Technologies invites you to hear what and PT. IndoSterling Aset Manajemen said about how cloud computing could drive its business innovation and their experiences also tips to maximize the usage of cloud computing. Meet Arif Darmawan as ISV and CSP Lead Dell Technologies, Jefriansyah Hertikawan as CTO & Co Founder of, also Supriadi as IT Coordinantor PT. IndoSterling Aset Manajemen on Zettagrid e-CloudTalk vol.06: Drive Business Innovation With The Cloud”:


Event Details:
Date: Thursday, 24 June 2021
Time: 02.00 – 04.00 PM
Where: Zoom Meetings


Event Agenda:

  • Building a Better Cloud Begins with Better Infrastructure – Arif Darmawan, ISV & CSP Lead DELL Technologies Indonesia.
  • Sharing experiences and live talkshow with guest speakers

Register now and get chance to win FOLDABLE BIKE and SMARTWATCHES also get a chance to win shopping vouchers at the end of the event.

Why Business Needs Disaster Recovery for SAP? 

Why Business Needs Disaster Recovery for SAP? 

As the digital economy expands, technology adoption like SAP becomes growing for some organizations. With its development and automation, SAP has helped organizations work seamlessly in this era. Therefore, it’s not a surprise anymore to see this technology as a worth investment for enterprise to start to digitize its business operational system. 

However, adopting SAP to automate business operations does not mean it can be free from the threat. Security threats or disasters can strike the organization system, including SAP, anytime it can and cause many risks for its continuity. That’s why adopting SAP would be ideal if the organization also prepares for the solution to prevent the threats. One of them is by using Disaster Recovery.

According to, Disaster Recovery enables organizations to take preventive measures to ensure the business continues to function uninterrupted despite facing a disaster situation. By minimizing the effects of a jolt and recover any lost assets, Disaster Recovery can be a key component for Business Continuity plan. Not only that, having a Disaster Recovery plan for SAP will also prevent business from some risks. Curious to know what is the risk? Read them below here:

1. Prevent Loss That Caused by Failed SAP Application

Disaster Recovery for SAP

(Source: fizkes from shutterstock)

Implementing SAP system that is a perfect fit for your business is never a spontaneous decision, considering it has a massive investment. That’s why for some business, choosing SAP takes plan, strategies, and considerations to become successful. But for some, SAP projects that lack of a sound strategic plan have led to epic disasters like SAP application failure. 

That’s why having a Disaster Recovery for SAP is important for business. By implementing it, business can save financial costs of SAP application failure per hour. Not only that, but Disaster Recovery can also recover the SAP systems that were impacted by the failure. Thus, business operational system still can be run without having an extended downtime.

2. Minimize the Risk of Downtime

(Source: 3d imagination from shutterstock)

Disasters, or even failures, are common things that can occur and cause downtime to business. Moreover, these can lead to huge losses in man-hours within and outside of the organization. That’s why before it strikes, business needs to consider the solution for its system, especially for its SAP application.

Create a strategy with Disaster Recovery can be an option to prevent its manifold effects. By having a second-site that places and recovers system including SAP, a business can save and minimize the risks of downtime. That’s why organizations need to think twice about a solution like Disaster Recovery for SAP to save its business continuity.

3.  Save Business Reputation

Disaster Recovery for SAP

(Source: Jirsak from shutterstock)

Experiencing a downtime to business can impact everything, whether it can be revenue loss or the worse, business can lose its reputation and trust from its customer that is caused by the down business operations and services.

That’s why Disaster Recovery for SAP is critical for business. By saving time from extended downtime, Disaster Recovery solutions enable business to maintain and save its reputation before it gets worse. Thus, business still can save trust, whether from suppliers or customers.

Those are the three reasons why you need Disaster Recovery for SAP. If you have any questions related to our Disaster Recovery solutions, you can contact us here or through


What To Prevent In Migrating To Cloud? 

migrating to cloudWhat To Prevent In Migrating To Cloud? 

In expanding business systems, enterprise often look for the best asset for integration. Technology such as Cloud Service Provider can be an option for business integration systems. Not only because it’s affordable, but it also can be allocated and changed in minutes. Even enterprises technology elites are spending dollars on the Public Cloud these days. Thus, it can be a good idea for a business long-term investment.

However, implementing cloud infrastructure can’t be defined as a solution to fix existing problems, such as data mess, application issues, inadequate security, or frequent outages due to a lack of operational disciplines and tools. Once business migrates these issues, it will end up with less-than-optimal systems in the cloud. Moreover, it can get worse if the IT department still be on the learning curve of using the Public Cloud. So, it will be increasing risk and cost without improving any of its systems.

Therefore, business needs to know what mistakes in migrating to the cloud. No worries, below here we have compiled three things that needed to avoid in cloud migration. Read them below here:

1. Migrating all business data to the cloud

migrating to cloud

(Source: jirsak from Getty Images)

In developing a business, having multiple sources is important for storing enterprise data. But if you don’t look at this side, then you just make a big mistake for business continuity.

Having a massive number of redundant databases and no one knows where all the data is, can be fatal for the business. Moreover, if the business decided to migrate all data – including the complex one – to the cloud, it will not improve everything except for causing a new problem. Therefore, consider and segmented what to store and integrated into the cloud is important to do. Thus, business investment in cloud infrastructure can be effective and beneficial.

2. Forget to secure the data

migrating to cloud

(Source: stevanovicigor from Getty Images)

Migrating certain data to cloud infrastructure must include proper security practices from the organization. Even, a change is needed once the data move. But, if your organization does no comply with this practice, then you just caused a new problem for cloud migration.

As migrating encrypted data to the cloud, the organization certainly thinks if the assets are normally well-locked down. Little did they know, it is easy to inadvertently create vulnerabilities in the cloud since customers are responsible for setting many security controls around their apps and data. That’s why securing the data by encrypting them is important for the organization before it is being moved to the cloud.

3.  Assuming that all cloud environments are the same

(Source: Denis Isakov from Getty Images Pro)

Once business decided to migrate their system to cloud, they can’t assume that all cloud environments are the same. Every cloud provider designs their cloud differently, specializing in different functions and capabilities for their deployment.

That’s why in migrating to cloud, business should never blindly do it from one cloud to another before becoming familiar with its new environment. Otherwise, the migration process will be a problem while organization needs to struggle to reconfigure data to fit the new environment.

Zettagrid Indonesia is a Cloud Service Provider in Indonesia that provides Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) such as VMware Virtual Data Center, VMware Virtual Server, Veeam Backup, and so on. If you have any questions related to the effective backup strategy or cloud solutions, you can reach us here or through


Perlukah Melakukan Backup Pada Microsoft Teams?

Backup Microsoft TeamsPerlukah Melakukan Backup Pada Microsoft Teams?

Aktif menggunakan layanan kolaboratif seperti Microsoft Teams memang bisa memudahkan sistem kerja perusahaan. Tapi, pernahkah terpikirkan oleh Anda untuk juga menerapkan sistem Backup pada Microsoft Teams?

Setelah satu tahun diterjang pandemi COVID-19, kini banyak perusahaan menerapkan sistem kerja dari mana saja atau hybrid working. Sejalan dengan penerapannya, berbagai online tools pun menjadi primadona yang dimanfaatkan oleh bisnis untuk bisa berkomunikasi dan bekerja secara kolaboratif. Salah satunya adalah dengan menggunakan layanan Microsoft Teams.

Bagi Anda yang menggunakan Microsoft Teams, Anda pasti berpikir jika layanan satu ini mampu memudahkan sistem kerja perusahaan. Apalagi jika bisnis menerapkan hybrid working, pastinya pertemuan tatap muka, penyimpanan data, dan proyek kerja bersama tetap terasa mudah dilakukan mengingat layanan ini menawarkan beragam fitur kolaboratif. 

Namun demikian, menggunakan Microsoft Teams tanpa strategi perlindungan data saja sangat berisiko bagi bisnis. Coba bayangkan, saat akses dan data Microsoft Teams bisnis Anda terserang hacker atau Human Error, kehilangan data tentu menjadi dampak utama yang bisa disebabkan oleh kedua ancaman tersebut. Oleh sebab itu, bisnis perlu memikirkan ulang terkait keamanan data di Microsoft Teams-nya.

Aktif melakukan Backup pada Microsoft Teams bisa menjadi salah satu pilihan untuk menghindari ancaman tadi. Dengan menyimpan salinan data ke cloud, Anda tidak perlu khawatir lagi akan kehilangan data atau akses ke layanan tersebut. Tak hanya itu, beberapa alasan juga turut mendasari pentingnya melakukan Backup pada Microsoft Teams. Salah empat di antaranya bisa Anda lihat di bawah ini:

1. Data Tidak Sengaja Terhapus

Backup Microsoft Teams

(Source: abluecup from Getty Images)

Alasan utama yang perlu Anda pertimbangkan terkait pentingnya Backup ialah pengguna bisa saja menghapus data, file, atau kontak penting di Microsoft Teams secara tidak sengaja. Atau dalam kasus lain, pengguna menimpa data penting dengan yang tidak terpakai di layanan tersebut. 

Akibatnya, kehilangan data bisa terjadi di Microsoft Teams bisnis Anda. Meskipun Anda berpikir Microsoft 365 menyediakan OneDrive Recycle Bin, namun fitur tersebut tetap tidak akan efektif untuk mengembalikan data penting yang telah lama terhapus atau tertimpa. 

Backup bisa menjadi solusi yang tepat untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Dengan menyalin layanan Microsoft 365 ke cloud, perusahaan bisa memulihkan kembali data yang hilang ke On-Premise, sehingga risiko kehilangan data dapat diminimalisir semaksimal mungkin. 

2. Kebutuhan Regulasi Perusahaan 

Backup Microsoft Teams

(Source: Ricfard Villalonundefined Undefined from Getty Images)

Dalam organisasi atau perusahaan terkadang Anda dituntut untuk memiliki Backup pada seluruh data Anda. Begitu pula jika bisnis Anda menggunakan layanan Microsoft 365, Backup pastinya juga diperlukan sebagai kebutuhan regulasi perusahaan.

Maka dari itu, melakukan Backup pada Microsoft 365 penting dilakukan tidak hanya untuk menghindari ancaman kehilangan data, tetapi juga untuk mematuhi kebutuhan regulasi penyimpanan atau perlindungan data.

3. Ancaman Internal Bisnis

(Source: shironosov from Getty Images Pro)

Pernahkah Anda mendengar seorang karyawan sengaja menghapus semua datanya ketika akan keluar dari pekerjaannya? Atau melihat seorang karyawan menyabotase sistem IT perusahaan lantaran bersengketa dengan Manajemen? 

Dua kasus internal tersebut merupakan hal yang lumrah terjadi pada bisnis. Bahkan bila manajemen lengah, dua kasus tersebut bisa merugikan perusahaan. Oleh sebab itu, antisipasi dengan sistem keamanan data yang solid penting dilakukan oleh perusahaan. Sehingga ini akan menghindari terjadinya kehilangan data, terutama di Microsoft Teams. 

Backup bisa menjadi opsi untuk melindungi bisnis dari risiko kehilangan data. Sehingga ketika salah satu data penting di Microsoft Teams terhapus, bisnis bisa tetap mendapatkan salinan datanya kembali melalui sistem Backup.

4. Ancaman External Bisnis  

(Source: undefined undifined from Getty Images Pro)

Bencana alam hingga serangan siber, pastinya telah menjadi bayang-bayang bisnis ketika menjalani sistem hybrid working. Bagaimana tidak, dengan bekerja dari mana saja, ancaman bisa lebih mudah menghampiri. Apalagi bila bisnis Anda tidak memiliki sistem keamanan data yang optimal. Tentunya ini akan berisiko tidak hanya bagi satu atau dua pengguna, tetapi juga untuk seluruh operasional bisnis.

Maka dari itu, memiliki strategi perlindungan data seperti Backup bisa menjadi solusinya. Selain bertujuan untuk menyalin data Microsoft Teams bisnis Anda, Backup juga berfungsi untuk meminimalisir kerugian akibat hilangnya data atau sistem mengalami yang downtime.

Itulah beberapa alasan mengapa Anda perlu menerapkan strategi Backup pada Microsoft Teams. Bila Anda memiliki pertanyaan lebih lanjut terkait solusi Backup pada layanan Microsoft 365, Anda bisa menghubungi tim kami di sini atau ke

Try This 4 Steps To The Effective Backup Strategy

effective backup strategyTry This 4 Steps To The Effective Backup Strategy

In managing a business, enterprises certainly think that data is the key to its success. Along with the record of data that is collected and increasing by the day, enterprise can optimize and grow their business in a better way. That’s why the availability of data must be kept and protected to prevent its loss.

Building a backup strategy can be one of the options that give enterprise peace of mind. By having the copy of data or its backup, enterprise don’t have to worry more if threats like human errors, overwritten data, and even ransomware strike business systems.

Additionally, backing up business data will also let the business get back up and running after its end-point protection software got breached. In this case, ransomware even required an effective backup strategy to defeat. Therefore, having a very current backup of everything located off-site with effective security can help to defeat ransomware easier.

This article has listed four steps to help enterprise build effective backup strategy. Read them below here:

1. Create Multiple Copies

effective backup strategy

(Source: alengo from Getty Images Signature)

When we talk about data backup, business needs to create multiple copies in multiple areas. In this case, enterprise can implement the 3-2-1 rule for backup to protect its data. But, what is the 3-2-1 rule?

The 3-2-1 rule was stated by US photographer Peter Krogh while writing a book about digital asset management. Here’s the recap:

  • Three: Three copies of business data should be maintained. One is the original or production copy, then the two are the backup copies. All copies contain the same data from the same point in time. This method aims to save at least one copy of data once the others fail or disappear.
  • Two: Two copies of business data exist on media that are separate from one another, even if those are in the same geographic location. For example, one copy on a server, and the other would be on an external hard disk.
  • One: One data copy exists in an offsite location. This could be in another office, data center, or in the cloud.

2. Implement Your Backup on Public Cloud

effective backup strategy

(Source: model-la from Getty Images)

As the previous point before, physical storage is not enough to protect business data from threats. Therefore modern alternatives are needed by enterprises for optimizing the data protection strategy. One of them is by implementing backup on Public Cloud Service Provider.

Numerous Cloud Service Providers offer Backup-as-a-Service (BaaS) for business. That way, a business can be able to protect its data by provision and run its backup from Public Cloud infrastructure. Furthermore, the BaaS is even simpler than other software, because there are no operating systems or hardware to configure by the business.

3. Engage Services that Focus on Data Safety

(Source: jirsak from Getty Images)

The cloud has become a fantastic aid to companies looking to quickly and easily implement a reliable backup strategy. Prices are low, standards are open, not proprietary, on-site hardware is also low or even nonexistent, and your data can be accessed or fully restored from practically anywhere. That’s why its services are beneficial for business. 

However, using a cloud service provider for the effective backup strategy also includes a Service Level Agreements (SLA), which details what security measures are being used and how it is enforced. That’s why business needs to identify what security features that provider can offer based on its SLA. 

Not only that but security certifications like ISO27001, ISO9001, and PCI DSS are also needed to be considered in looking for a provider. That way, business would know that the provider has a guarantee in securing its client’s data.

4. Automate Your Backups

effective backup strategy

(Source: 5432action from Getty Images)

Backing up data manually every time there’s a concern can be troublesome for business. Especially, when business doesn’t acknowledge how to set automatic constant data backup. It would be a problem not only for the business operation but also for its services when disaster occurred.

That’s why setting and scheduling automatic backups on a constant and recurring basis is needed. So, business don’t have to worry more if disaster occurs, because this backup strategy has been prepared to replicate business data regularly.  

Zettagrid Indonesia is a Cloud Service Provider in Indonesia that provides Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) such as VMware Virtual Data Center, VMware Virtual Server, Veeam Backup, and so on. If you have any questions related to the effective backup strategy or cloud solutions, you can reach us here or through