
Understanding The Risk of Attack Surface for Businesses

risk of attack surface

Understanding The Risk of Attack Surface for Businesses

Reducing the risk of attack surface is essential, especially in small and mid-size business environments. By having a certainty that the attack surface has been kept as small as possible, the company has successfully satisfied the basic cyber security measure.

That’s why, understanding how it works and how it may rise may help businesses reduce the risk of cyber attack engagements and ensuring business continuity.

While most small and mid-size businesses may think that they are too small to become a cyberattack target, revealing how attack surfaces could penetrate the inner section of the business may uncover other company’s vulnerabilities, especially in term of IT network management.

Thus, understanding the IT environment and the element surrounding it in the business’s surface attack risks would be a good step to strengthening the defense. 

Primary Attack Surfaces 

risk of attack surface

(Source: D3Damon from Getty Images Signature)

Before understanding the risk of the attack surface, it’s better to learn about the kinds of attack surfaces. There are two of them, devices and people.


As you may see today, businesses are getting familiar with Internet usage, allowing more and more devices to be connected. Despite the fact that it’s great for the company’s production management, it could be a gateway for criminals to enter, attacking the business while there’s a chance.

They usually have their most common weapons, Ransomware, and Hybrid Ransomware. Ransomware is already bad enough as the program allows cybercriminals to penetrate a device, take control of it, and demand a ransom from a user. Hybrid Ransomware works in a similar way but affects a greater aspect of the system. While Ransomware may affect one device, the hybrid form can affect the entire network.


In the common scenario, sophisticated cyberattacks usually target the weakest aspect in the digital security chain, which is the people. According to DBIR 2020 report by Verizon, almost 22% of breaches were caused by human error. Meanwhile, nearly 95% of cloud breaches also happened due to human errors, as stated by Gartner.

However, the must-have protocols usually revolve around password policies, and other safeguards usually can’t be found in small and mid-size businesses. This condition is making the risk rises higher. The situation is even worsened by the fact that 66% of people still use the same password combination despite their understanding of how important to change passwords for different accounts.

More skillful attackers also have a trick to use social engineering to gain access to networks from the employees themselves. What social engineering does is trick people to give in any confidential information about the company. Usually, the attackers would use some media like email, pretending to be a credible individual or an organization. Most workers who are still clueless about this can’t be able to defend themselves.

Attack Surface Management’s Essential Components 

risk of attack surface

(Source: Urupong from Getty Images Pro)

Now, to mitigate the risk of the attack surface while strengthening the data protection, there are some steps SMBs can do:


The very first step of any attack surface management is to discover all the assets that have been used or connected to the internet that contains the company’s sensitive data, including trade secrets information.

However, the assets can either be owned and operated by the organization or third parties like cloud providers, suppliers, or business partners.

Classification Method

After the assets have been discovered, the next step would be digital asset inventory classification. This step includes dispatching and labelling the assets based on the properties, type, and how critical are they for business.

Ratings and Scorings

The attack surface management wouldn’t be completed without actionable risk scoring and rating. Usually, companies always have thousands or even millions of growing data. Without the security rating protocols, it will be harder to identify any security issues for each asset and whether they’re at risk for security breaches.

Security Monitoring

To offer decent data protection for the company, continuous security monitoring is always needed as a part of mitigating the risk of the attack surface.


Now, you’ve gained an understanding that SMBs are currently facing an ever-growing problem that could be unstoppable. But, with adequate knowledge of what key security measures are needed for better cyber security and actionable approaches to maintain the security, businesses or organizations will be managed to strive against the risk of the attack surface and successfully maintain their business continuity.

If you want to learn more about how to prevent cyber-attack with Attack Surface Management, you can register to “Zettagrid e-Techday: How to Secure Your Business from Data Breach with Attack Surface Management” on Thursday, 29 September 2020, on Zoom Meeting here.

5 Warehousing Issues You Need To Avoid

Warehousing Issues

5 Warehousing Issues You Need To Avoid


The development of digital technology has given some ease to various aspects of life. Ranging  from lifestyle, needs, even business, people now can feel the benefits of them digitally. Not only that, the digital era also created efforts that can bring innovation in various industries. One of them is by utilizing cloud computing.

Today, cloud utilization has evolved from a simple usage concept to become a technology solution in various industries. This can happen because of the flexibility, scalability and accessibility of it that give ease for an enterprise. That’s why it is not a surprise if cloud now has become a business strategy for many enterprises. Especially for enterprises that depend on their business in the warehousing field.

With a cloud-based Warehouse Management System (WMS), enterprise can avoid various warehousing issues. This was also stated by Antony Wijaya, as a Business Development at Largo, when he was a speaker at the online workshop “Zettagrid e-Techday vol. 04: Run a Cloud-based Warehouse Management System Like a Pro” on October 20, 2020. Antony explained that there are at least 5 warehousing issues that can be prevented when using a cloud-based WMS. There are: 

  1. False Distribution

When storing one type of item in large quantities at a warehouse, many enterprises certainly don’t know which item is the new one or the expired one. This will become a problem if the goods with a near expiration date are left for a long time in the warehouse. Meanwhile, goods with a long expiration time are taken out first.

That’s why, a cloud-based WMS is needed to avoid these warehousing issues. So, the goods that need to be distributed will not affect business continuity.

  1. The number of goods available cannot be expected

Sometimes, enterprises don’t know the exact amount of goods that are available in the warehouse. Although it is natural, this kind of warehousing management will be a problem if it continues. Not only that, it will also affect sales for not gaining the best results for the company. Therefore, enterprises can use a cloud-based WMS to find out the quantity of goods, so enterprises will prevent these warehousing issues and still be able to reach sales targets exactly.

  1. Items are lost and found

When storing large quantities of goods in the warehouse, usually enterprises will experience sudden loss of goods. It should be noted that the loss of an item that occurs is not caused by theft, considering that the item can be found again in an unexpected time. This is a common problem when enterprise doesn’t use cloud-based WMS. So it is not surprising that warehousing management is not neatly organized and structured. 

  1. Calculate the availability of goods manually

Today, many enterprises still use the stock opname method for counting goods. Stock opname is a form of activity to calculate the stock of goods in the warehouse before they are sold. This activity is generally wasting time, because you will manually check and calculate the items in the warehouse. 

However, with a cloud-based WMS, enterprises no longer need to do that. Only by scanning a barcode , the counting process can be done quickly and efficiently. Beside that, errors in administrative and counting goods can be minimized. 

  1. Efficiency

When enterprises manage a warehouse manually, the workforce that needs to monitor goods distribution activities definitely not a few. This will be very inefficient for the company. Thus, a cloud-based WMS is needed in this case in order to save existing resources and minimize manual warehouse operations.   

If you want to find out more about this session you can watch the online talk show again on our Youtube account here. And if you are interested in cloud solutions to support your business continuity, you can contact us at or click here.

Jaga Keamanan dan Performa Aplikasi Dengan Cloudflare Enterprise

Cloudflare Enterprise

Jaga Keamanan dan Performa Aplikasi Dengan Cloudflare Enterprise


Ditengah kemajuan teknologi digital yang semakin pesat, pelaku usaha kini dituntut untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan serta performa aplikasi pelanggan agar dapat diakses dengan cepat dan aman. Apalagi ditengah kondisi pandemi COVID-19 yang tak pasti ini, aktifitas dilakukan kebanyakan secara online. Sehingga penting untuk menjaga kestabilan performan aplikasi untuk pelanggan anda.

Namun untuk menambahkan fitur proteksi keamanan dan performa aplikasi yang diakses melalui internet menjadi cepat tentu membutuhkan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Sehingga hal ini menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi para pelaku usaha untuk menjaga performa aplikasi agar aman dan cepat.

Di bulan September ini, Zettagrid meluncurkan produk baru yaitu Cloudflare Enterprise. Solusi yang menawarkan solusi all-in-one secure dan apps performance dengan fitur antara lain:

  • Web Application Firewall (WAF)
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • Priority Network

Cloudflare Enterprise menawarkan kemudahan dalam penggunaan, skalabilitas serta biaya yang dapat diprediksi. Sehingga perusahaan anda tidak perlu lagi untuk takut akan pengeluaran ivestasi yang besar. Selain itu waktu implementasi pembangunan platform ini pun juga singkat. Anda dapat lebih fokus mengerjakan strategi bisnis anda kedepannya dibandingkan harus selalu memikirkan lama pembuatan dari sistem ini. Sehingga beban pengeluaran IT perusahaan dapat efisien dan lebih terukur dengan menggunakan platform ini.

Anda dapat menikmati keunggulan yang ditawarkan oleh Cloudflare di Zettagrid hanya dalam waktu yang singkat. Katakan selamat tinggal pada proses deployment yang memakan waktu yang panjang dan biaya investasi yang besar.

Jadilah pengguna Cloudflare by Zettagrid yang pertama dan nikmati keuntungannya dengan harga yang lebih bersahabat. Jika anda tertarik, hubungi kami disini untuk mengatur waktu konsultasi dengan cloud expert kami secara GRATIS atau e-mail ke

The Role Of Firewall On Cloud Computing

Firewall on cloud

The role of Firewall on Cloud Computing

It is true that the digital era has opened up many opportunities in utilizing technology in everyday’s life. Various aspects ranging from lifestyle, entertainment, business and even healthcare are now into digital. That’s why technology can make it easier for people’s activities today.

Although it has many positive impacts on everyday life, technology could also come with the risks that can be occured. Sometimes, technology with a low security system has a big potential threat, especially to the company or organization that owns the system. Therefore, protection is needed to avoid technological security risks. One of them is by using a Firewall system.

According to Forcepoint, a firewall is a network security device that can monitor traffic, grant permission, or block user activity in accordance with implemented security rules. This system aims to provide a barrier between your organization’s internal network and traffic from its external sources. Hence, malicious traffic such as viruses and hacker attacks can be blocked with a Firewall system.

Not only that, Firewall also has a crucial functions for Cloud Computing which is currently becoming a digital infrastructure. Here are 3 functions of Firewall on Cloud that you need to know:

  1. Protect the server from suspicious remote access

If your business is currently running remotely, then each user will definitely work remotely as well. Of course, users will need an internet connection because of it. However, does the internet connection that you use have the same security system as you work at the office?

In the current situation, hackers might attack and move user’s monitor controls. Like the case of a hacker attacking a video conference application a few times ago. However, by installing a Firewall, you don’t have to worry about it. Because, the function of a Firewall on Cloud is to determine which users can access the company’s servers.

  1. Block content that is dangerous 

Have you ever warned that the website you access has content that can compromise the security of your data? If you have experienced this, it can be said that it is one of the functions of Firewall. At Zettagrid cloud service, we have a layered Firewall that can detect dangerous websites for your data security. Hence, the website can’t be opened by the user anymore.

  1. Protect your company data

Like network security systems in general, a Firewall on Cloud becomes a protection for internal company data. Therefore, it can’t be accessed easily by others and your vital data is not easily stolen, lost, or even used for unwanted things.

Zettagrid Indonesia provides cloud services with layered Firewalls that comply with international security certification standards. So, you no longer need to worry about starting to move your data to the Zettagrid cloud because its security has been guaranteed.

If you are interested, you can contact us here or through our team at

The Benefits Of Virtual Datacenter

Benefits of Virtual Datacenter

The Benefits Of Virtual Datacenter

During this pandemic, cloud computing became a solution for enterprise in various industries. Besides efficient IT costs and capacity, the cloud also improves business operations even though it is run remotely. This happened without no reason of course, but cloud computing has an IT infrastructure that can support user success. One of them that is quite crucial in cloud infrastructure is a Virtual Datacenter (VDC).

A Virtual Data Center is a collection of cloud infrastructure resources that are used to store data and information securely. These resources can be contained in computation, memory, storage, and bandwidth. Beside that, this system also can support the infrastructure to be more complex with functions, operating systems, and virtual machine (VM) specifications as needed.

According to, Virtual Datacenter is hosted on a public cloud and is based on VMware vCloud technology which provides full compatibility with any VMware environment. This solution is builts on open standards with OVF packaging for transport workload and interoperability with additional support for VMware vCloud API. Therefore, Virtual Datacenter resources can be made available for applications, business units, and projects as needed without having to worry about physical capacity.

Not only that, a Virtual Data Center also offers public and private catalogs of Virtual Machine (VM) templates. So, users can build new virtual machines quickly, or upload VMs that are already running in the user’s internal environment. Users can also enable to build virtual applications (vApps) on Virtual Datacenter. So, if you have an application that requires more than one VM also custom security and startup parameters, you could use vApps.

In Zettagrid Indonesia, Virtual Datacenter not only will enable you to control your own virtual server. But, it also will bring you some benefits. Let’s see the Benefits of Virtual Datacenter 

  1. Replicating Data For Backup System

Losing all critical data in VM can be scary. But, if you decide to use Virtual Datacenter from Zettagrid, you don’t have to worry about it anymore. Because it will keep your VM safe by providing a secure cloud backup with a customizable schedule. By replicating your data from a Virtual Datacenter, it will allow you to roll back to the previous VM version.

  1. Intelligent Management

You can set various network settings (local network, NAT, Firewall, Load Balancer, VPN/Metro Ethernet and others). Beside that, you can collaborate your virtual machines into clusters (vApp) according to the purpose or function of your business applications (web servers, databases).

  1. IT Cost-Efficient

When you have more control over the cloud you use, you only have to pay for what you actually need. So, you can decide what scale you want to set up according to your organization’s demands for growth, without investing more on CapEx for hardware. That’s why it is affordable to use for enterprise in improving business continuity.

See for further information about our Virtual Datacenter here. And if you want to feel the benefits of  Virtual Datacenter you could contact us at, we will be ready 24×7 to simplify your cloud experience.

Dorong Bisnis di Masa PSBB Dengan 3 Teknologi Ini

Bisnis di masa PSBB

Dorong Bisnis di Masa PSBB Dengan 3 Teknologi Ini


Setelah Gubernur DKI Jakarta mengumumkan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) akan dilakukan kembali, pengusaha dari berbagai industri pun kini harus kembali merencanakan sistem bekerja dari rumah (WFH). Berbagai cara pastinya dilakukan oleh pengusaha agar sistem operasional bisnis dapat terus berjalan di masa pandemi ini. Mulai dari membawa pulang kebutuhan kantor hingga memindahkan data-data penting dari on-premise ke device pribadi.

Namun cara-cara tersebut pastinya akan sangat merepotkan untuk dilakukan. Tak hanya itu, pemindahan data dari on-premise ke device pun akan menyita waktu. Sehingga, diperlukan teknologi solutif yang dapat membantu bisnis pengusaha di masa pandemi ini. Namun, Anda tidak perlu khawatir jika belum menemukan solusinya. Berikut kami sediakan 3 teknologi yang bisa menjadi solusi bisnis di masa PSBB ini. Simak ulasannya!

  1.     Teknologi Blockchain

Jika bisnis yang Anda jalankan saat ini mengutamakan pengelolalaan data secara akurat dan transparan, Anda bisa menggunakan teknologi blockchain sebagai solusinya. Blockchain menjadi teknologi baru yang berperan penting dalam membantu usaha saat social distancing. Teknologi ini dapat digunakan untuk memantau rantai pasokan secara mendalam, mendigitalkan perniagaan, hingga mengotomatiskan pembayaran karcis parkir. Sehingga, keuangan bisnis di masa PSBB pun dapat dikelola dengan baik, cepat, dan transparan.

  1.     Jaringan Internet

Meski infrastruktur jaringan internet bukan merupakan teknologi yang cukup menarik, sistem ini sebenarnya cukup berpengaruh bagi pengusaha yang sedang menjalani remote working. Hal ini tentunya disebabkan oleh konektivitas jaringan yang luas, sehingga mempermudah masyarakat untuk terhubung secara digital. Bagi pengusaha, internet bisa menjadi pilihan tak hanya untuk menjalankan bisnis, tetapi juga untuk membantu produktivitas kerja.  

  1.     Virtual DesktopArupa Cloud Desktop WFH

Bekerja dari rumah (WFH) menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi pelaku usaha. Pasalnya, bukan hanya device atau CPU yang terlalu besar untuk dibawa pulang karyawan, namun yang terpenting adalah keamanan data perusahaan saat mengakses aplikasi critical atau desktop dari luar kantor. Mengingat beberapa waktu lalu Badan Sandi Siber Negara (BSSN) meliputi 88 juta kasus kejahatan siber selama pandemi COVID-19. Untuk itu dibutuhkan solusi Virtual Desktop yang mudah digunakan dan pastinya dilengkapi dengan keamanan yang terjamin.

Arupa Cloud Desktop bisa menjadi pilihan bisnis di masa PSBB ini. Dengan memiliki kemampuan untuk mengoptimalisasi efisiensi IT, meningkatkan produktivitas user, serta memonitoring kegiatan user atau karyawan, pengusaha tidak perlu lagi khawatir dalam menjalankan usahanya di masa PSBB ini.

Tak hanya itu, Arupa Cloud Desktop menyediakan akses yang aman kepada karyawan untuk membuka data-data penting perusahaan pada aplikasi vital. Hal ini dikarenakan lapisan keamanan ACD yang setara dengan secure payment dan online banking.

Jika Anda ingin mengetahui lebih jauh mengenai Arupa Cloud Desktop, Anda bisa menghubungi kami di sini atau melalui tim kami di

Solusi PSBB Chemstation Asia: Arupa Cloud Desktop

Solusi PSBB Arupa Cloud Desktop

Solusi PSBB Chemstation Asia: Arupa Cloud Desktop


Chemstation Asia


Chemical, Manufacture, Distribution, and Logistic.

Kebutuhan Bisnis

Kami berusaha untuk tetap beraktifitas dalam situasi pandemic yang saat ini sedang terjadi di Indonesia. Kami pun mencoba mencari jalan alternatif agar kami bisa bekerja seperti biasanya. Yang dapat diartikan pekerja perusahaan CSA bisa bekerja tanpa harus ke kantor di saat masa PSBB maupun lockdown seperti saat ini.


Sebagai perusahaan yang memiliki karyawan dalam jumlah besar, kami merasa bertanggung jawab dalam menjaga kesehatan dan keselamatan pekerja. Kami memilih Arupa Cloud Desktop (ACD) untuk membantu perusahaan selama WFH. Selain itu, karena sistem keamanan data dan share data yang baik, user bisa melakukan kolaborasi data lain dari server atau local storage yang kami punya dengan aman.

Kenapa Memilih Arupa Cloud Desktop?

Di 2019 lalu, kami menggunakanan layanan Zettagrid khusus di cloud server data center. Sistem ini sebenarnya berfungsi untuk memindahkan data collection server dari on premise ke cloud dan itu cukup berhasil kurang lebih 70%. Kemudian berikutnya sales Zettagrid sendiri yang memberikan kami inovasi baru untuk konsep ACD ini. Awalnya, kami tidak begitu aware dengan konsep ini. Kami berpikir untuk apa perusahaan membuat cloud lagi kalau kami saja sudah punya cloud server

Ternyata, setelah didalami lagi, konsep ACD ini mirip dengan konsep yang pernah digunakan perusahaan di tahun 2010 saat menggunakan VM client. Kemudian kami berpikir perusahaan mungkin bisa fokuskan ACD ke beberapa fitur seperti email, karena tidak semua user bisa install email di handphone dan pc masing-masing dan ternyata berhasil. Tidak hanya untuk olah email, bahkan ACD juga bisa mengkolaborasikan data dan cloud Microsoft di servernya, juga menerapkan sistem remote desktop protocol (RDP). 

Selain itu, kami menganggap bahwa ACD sesuai untuk diimplementasikan di perusahaan karena melihat kompetensi dan pemahaman IT karyawan. Perusahaan CSA saat ini memiliki karyawan dengan generasi yang berbeda. Jadi, ketika kami memilih ACD, sistem ini tidak memberi kesulitan pada karyawan kami, terutama untuk karyawan senior. 

Sistem ACD juga mampu mengakses data maupun menyediakan sistem kerja seperti saat di kantor, walaupun saat ini perusahaan sedang tidak menerapkan sistem Work From Office (WFO). Dari sisi keamanan, kami melihat ACD memiliki sistem keamanan data yang baik. Jadi, karyawan mampu melakukan penggabungan maupun perubahan data pada satu server dan local storage yang perusahaan punya.

Apa Manfaat dari penggunaan ACD bagi PT Chemstation Asia?

  •   User-Friendly

Semenjak ACD menjadi solusi WFH, karyawan menjadi lebih antusias dalam menggunakan devicenya. Hal ini dikarenakan oleh RAM, CPU, dan hardisk yang dapat diatur sendiri secara maksimal oleh penggunaannya. Sehingga, dapat digunakan secara leluasa.

Penggunaan ACD yang difokuskan kepada RDP dan browser juga membuat kami lebih hemat dalam memakai jaringan internet. Hal ini dikarenakan penggunaan RDP yang hanya membutuhkan kurang lebih 1 Megabyte. Jadi, penggunaan jaringan internet tidak begitu banyak memakan biaya.


  • Sistem IT Yang Mudah Diatur 


Sejak perusahaan beralih menggunakan sistem ACD, sistem IT dapat lebih mudah diatur. Hal ini dikarenakan penambahan konfigurasi sistem baru dan device baru, serta konektivitas server dapat lebih mudah digunakan oleh kami. Data pun dapat lebih aman terjaga di pusat server. Jadi, kami tidak perlu khawatir lagi jika infrastruktur gedung maupun jaringan internet mengalami masalah.


Bagaimana Mengimplementasikan Arupa Cloud Desktop?

ACD mendapatkan respon positif dari karyawan tidak hanya karena storagenya yang besar, tetapi juga sistemnya yang mudah digunakan. Karyawan juga lebih antusias karena RAM, CPU, dan hardisk dapat diatur sendiri daya maksimumnya.  Cukup dengan mengklik remote desktop, kami sudah bisa mengakses komputer seperti biasa. Begitu juga untuk mencetak dokumen yang dimiliki. Jadi, tidak dibutuhkan waktu lama untuk melatih karyawan kami.

Bagaimana Penggunaan ACD Pada Aplikasi?

Berbagai aplikasi menjadi lebih mudah digunakan semenjak adanya penggunaan ACD. Perusahaan sekarang juga dapat lebih berfokus dalam mengatur email, aplikasi internal, dan aplikasi yang berhubungan dengan data-data yang ada di Amerika dan Singapore. Selain itu, penggunaan RDP pada ACD juga berhasil diterapkan sehingga memudahkan kami dalam mengakses email, data screening, hingga aplikasi langsung dari database tanpa mengurangi sistem keamanan cloud. Perusahaan juga dapat mengkolaborasikan data server dengan Azure Active Directory, melakukan konfigurasi, dan integrasi antara dua VDC utama yang ada di pusat data cloud.

Apa Tantangan Dalam Menggunakan ACD?

ACD ternyata memberikan tantangan tersendiri bagi kami. Karyawan yang menggunakan sistem ini dapat dikatakan lebih leluasa untuk mengakses data, aplikasi, dan memori dari pada biasanya. Hal ini kemudian berdampak pada lebihnya sistem RAM dan CPU. Akibatnya, kami perlu menganalisa kembali RAM dan CPU yang sesuai untuk penggunaan di masa mendatang.   

Apa Perbedaan yang Dirasakan?

  •      Dapat Melakukan Konfigurasi Sistem Di Manapun dan Kapanpun

Selain bisa bekerja di manapun dan kapanpun, ACD juga memudahkan perusahaan untuk melakukan konfigurasi dalam waktu apapun. Berbeda dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya ketika server belum menggunakan cloud. Kami bahkan harus melakukan konfigurasi keamanan secara manual dengan membutuhkan jaringan internet dan menunggu konfigurasi hingga selesai. Akibatnya, aktivitas lain pun terganggu.

Namun setelah menggunakan ACD dari layanan Zettagrid Indonesia, kami tidak perlu khawatir lagi. Sebab, tim Zettagrid membantu proses konfigurasi sistem hingga selesai. Jadi, tim IT perusahaan hanya perlu untuk melakukan print screen dan mengirimkan hasilnya ke tim support untuk dikonfirmasi. 

  •  Infrastruktur Berubah Drastis

Saat ini, kami tidak lagi mengkhawatirkan sistem jaringan, konfigurasi, hingga storage lokal, karena telah disediakan oleh ACD. Namun sebaliknya, kami kini lebih memperhatikan penggunaan layanan cloud yang saat ini tengah populer. Kami perlu lebih fokus dan mengupdate sistem layanan tersebut agar sistem IT tidak tertinggal jauh.

  •   Kepercayaan Dari Manajemen Perusahaan

Selama menggunakan ACD, kami sekarang dapat meraih kepercayaan manajemen terkait keamanan data yang tersimpan pada cloud perusahaan di Indonesia. Sebelumnya, manajemen belum mampu mempercayakan PT Chemstation Asia Indonesia dalam menyimpan data-data penting. Sehingga, penyimpanan lebih banyak dilakukan di perusahaan Singapore dan Malaysia, karena konfigurasi dan keamanannya yang terjamin. Tetapi sekarang, manajemen telah memberi kesempatan kepada kami untuk mengatur sistem data dan aplikasi pada perusahaan di Indonesia.

  •  Efisiensi Biaya IT

Dengan ACD, kami sekarang bisa mengefisiensikan biaya IT. Hal ini dikarenakan layanan yang digunakan perusahaan hanya berupa remote desktop secara server. Sehingga, penggunaan server di on-premise dapat dibuang sedikit menggunakan sistem cloud.


Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan lebih lanjut atau ingin melakukan free trial solusi Arupa Cloud Desktop, Anda dapat menghubungi kami di atau di sini.

Migrating SAP To The Cloud How?

Migrating SAP To The Cloud

Mirating SAP to Cloud

Mirating SAP to Cloud

According to, System Application and Product in Data Processing (SAP) migration to the cloud has become a major concern for enterprises today. This can be happened as the end of support for SAP Business Suites approaches fast in 2025. That’s why, if company take a longer time to postpone the move to S/4HANA, the further it may be left behind by faster and savvier competitors.

But despite of that, some organizations still rely on SAP enterprise software to run their applications until now. Not only company will loss against its competitors, this method could also impact to a lot of costs, as traditional on-premise deployment is both expensive to maintain and difficult to manage. Therefore, migrating SAP to the cloud is one of the solution as it comes with a host of benefits, ranging from the lower TCO to faster product deployments, and more large-scale business transformations.

But, this migration process also need to be determined by some aspects. Therefore, we decided to made up a list on how to migrate SAP to the cloud. Read them below to help the organizations achieve a smoother migration.

  1.     Checking compatibility 

Checking the compatibility of your SAP applications, databases and operating system with the cloud service providers is a must. This first step will allow the providers to support your SAP upgrades as well. Besides, it will enable the company to analyze and adjust to the technical, language standards, and governance of the potential cloud provider to your company’s internal standard. So, the company will recognize if that IT provider has a good solutions to analyze the risks and ensure data safety.

  1.     Choose the Size of Storage

If your company aims to grow a business over a period of time, you need to consider what size of cloud storage for migrating SAP. By implementing the average utilization policy and get its exact size the company needs, its business will be helped to grow whenever necessary. 

  1.     Decide What Cloud Server’s Best Location 

Cloud servers could be located in any part of the world. Therefore, you must decide where its most appropriate location for your system to incurre costs of Wide Area Network (WAN). It can be started by knowing where the cloud providers located their data center. If your company found any providers servers and hosting applications had a closer location to your users, then it will enable them to have a great experience with your SAP.

  1.     Determine the Service You Need

Determining appropriate support for your SAP product is also necessary to be done. Therefore, you need to understand what service the company needs. Here we give you these three levels of service to choose:

  •  Entry-level.set (ES)

This first level is designed for disengaged ventures, small isolated work items, minimal SAP and database services intended for standalone SAP blueprints, training systems, demos, and so on. As it is entry level, most customers test new systems, create SAP demos, and conduct training programs.

  •   Development service (DS)

The second level is all about SAP and database support for development and quality assurance, ranging from development until it goes live. Usually, the cloud provider does it to support customers through the process of implementation, entire transition, to full service.

  • Full service (FS)

This full of support is designed to required for best system management. If the company need more support than one system landscape like in ES and DS, then this level of service might be the right one. Full service can be expanded to include language installations, SAP user administration, database refresh, and more. 

  1.     Planning and Budgeting 

Determining what to move first and what strategy to follow is important to make the migration as smooth as possible. Besides, it is a must to consider the testing costs. Therefore, assess the whole SAP landscape based on the data the company obtain is needed to draw up company budget on migrating SAP to the cloud. 

  1.     Testing 

If your company technologies and databases are running on a program that is not on the cloud, then it will need a changes to test those again. Although, this will take several times, yet it becomes an important step as it can contribute to the migrating SAP to the cloud and its final costs. 

  1.     Cleansing 

One of the biggest mistake in cloud migration would be the lack of consideration in how clean all files and data will be in the cloud. Therefore, before doing a migration, you need to clean the system of inconsistent and corrupted data, unreadable files, and other data that is unused. This aims to prevent process against bottlenecks. 

At Zettagrid, we could help you to reach your IT efficiency by migrating your SAP to the cloud. No worries, because Zettagrid already provides with layered firewall that of course it is very secure for your business. If you have further questions, you can contact us here or send us email to

Things to Consider Using Cloud-based Warehouse Management System

Warehouse Management System


Things to Consider Using Cloud-based Warehouse Management System

If you realized, cloud computing utilization has developed from being a simple business concept into a growing technology in various industries. This could be happened by the speed of its installation, flexibility and accessible for user. Therefore, cloud computing could be one of the solutions for enterprises to reduce on their infrastructure investments. Especially, when it comes to a business that running in a warehouse field.

But, if your company still use an on-premise Warehouse Management System (WMS), you should be worried. Basically, the company will not only lose their time,, but also money and customers. This can’t be happened for no reason of course, but suffers a major system failure such as critical data loss or unsatisfied customer can be occurred anytime. Therefore, cloud based WMS present to be a solution for a business.

Today, cloud based warehouse management system (WMS) is increase rapidly..  Not only because it has improvements in technology, but also its prototyping a various deployment options. Therefore, it will enable a fast, affordable transition, and improved warehouse performance. Not only that, several things also considered when it jump to improving warehouse by using cloud based WMS. Read them below to get the insights!

Efficient Warehouse Management

  1. Run a Business Efficiently

The detailed look of cloud-based WMS at your inventory and its automatic updated through a sensor in company network, actually made for a reason. This system was created to make all the information readily available for stakeholders in the company. By controlling the collected data, businesses can analyze the expenditures of internal software teams. Therefore, they can control the investment by focusing it to improve operational efficiencies.

Customer Warehouse Management

  1. Improving Customer Service

It is impossible to answer “I don’t know” when the company support line got a call from a customer asking for shipment status. Surely, this kind of service will lower the company image in the customer’s mind.

But, when the company decided to use a cloud-based WMS, customer questions on package status will likely be handled. Basically, this system allows teams to determine the status of package or shipment. Besides, this connected system provides everyone to track, verify, or even update arrival status of the shipment. So, it will help customers in managing their own supply chain or warehouse.


  1. Maintain Supply Chain Data

When the company decided to move WMS to the cloud, all its data and status updates indirectly has been digitized through an electronic data interchange (EDI). So, it will allow warehouse management to talk to company online stores, ERP systems, and share information with supply chain partners.

Here in Zettagrid we have Largo as our WMS partner that will support you to modernize and simplify your Warehouse Management System under Zettagrid cloud infrastructure. If you had a further question about cloud-based WMS? Contact us here.

3 Fungsi Firewall Pada Cloud Computing

Fungsi Firewall

3 Fungsi Firewall Pada Cloud Computing

Dengan adanya pandemik COVID-19, manusia mulai diarahkan ke dunia yang lebih modern yaitu dunia digital. Dengan adanya pembatasan sosial, orang-orang saat ini banyak melakukan kegiatan melaui dunia digital, dari mulai belanja, belajar, bekerja mencari hiburan dan bahkan untuk berobat sekarang sudah dapat di akses secara online melalui aplikasi maupun website.

Berkembangnya dunia digital memang membawa banyak dampak positif bagi kehidupan kita, tetapi tidak dipungkiri juga semakin maju teknologi maka tidak menutup kemungkinan kita, apalagi perusahaan atau organisasi dapat menerima dampak negatif dari kemajuan ini salah satunya menjadi korban serangan digital atau cyber crime.

Utuk itu diperlukan tembok atau benteng pelindung yang kokoh dan berlapis agar data perusahaan anda tetap terjaga keamanannya. Tembok pelindung dalam dunia digital ini disebut juga “Firewall”.

Menurut Forcepoint, Firewall adalah sebuah perangkat keamanan jaringan yang memonitor traffic dan memberikan izin atau memblokir yang user lakukan berdasarkan aturan keamanan yang telah ditetapkan.

Tujuan pembangunan firewall adalah untuk memberikan penghalang antara jaringan internal perusahaan/organisasi anda dengan traffic dari sumber eksternal perusahaan untuk memblokir traffic yang berbahaya, seperti virus dan serangan hacker.

Lalu apa saja fungsi dari Firewall pada Cloud yang saat ini menjadi infrastruktur digital untuk aplikasi yag kita gunakan sehari-hari? Berikut 3 fungsi Firewall yang terpasang pada cloud:

  1. Melindungi server dari akses jarak jauh yang tidak dikenal

Di saat perusahaan melakukan sistem kerja di rumah (WFH), user satu dengan yang lainnya bekerja dengan jarak yang jauh, dan belum tentu koneksi internet yang digunakan user memiliki tingkat keamanan yang sama pada saat bekerja di kantor. Di masa seperti ini hacker bisa saja menyerang dan menggerakan kendali monitor user. Contohnya issue yang sempat menggemparkan pemberitaan nasional mengenai serangan hacker melalui salah satu aplikasi video conference yang saat ini sering digunakan masyarakat untuk berkomunikasi. Dengan memasang Firewall, anda dapat menghindari hal-hal seperti ini terjadi karena firewall bertugas memilih user mana yang dikenal dan dapat mengakses server perusahaan.

  1. Memblokir konten yang berbahaya atau tidak diinginkan

Pernahkan anda ingin mengakses suatu website dari browser anda kemudian anda mendapatkan peringatan bahwa website tersebut memiliki konten yang tidak baik dan dapat membahayakan keamanan data anda? Ketika anda pernah mengalaminya, hal itu merupakan kinerja dari Firewall. Pada layanan cloud Zettagrid, kami memiliki Firewall yang berlapis, sehingga dapat mendeteksi website yang dapat membahayakan keamanan data anda sehingga website tersebut tidak lagi dapat dibuka oleh user.

  1. Melindungi data perusahaan anda

Seperti sistem keamanan jaringan pada umumnya, Firewall menjadi pelindung data-data internal yang perusahaan atau organisasi anda miliki agar tidak di akses oleh pihak lain. Sehingga data vital anda tidak mudah di curi, di hilangkan, atau bahkan digunakan untuk hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan.

Zettagrid Indonesia menyediakan layanan cloud dengan firewall berlapis yang sudah sesuai standar keamanan sertifikasi international. Sehingga anda tidak perlu takut untuk mulai memindahkan data anda ke cloud Zettagrid karena keamanan sudah terjamin.

Jika anda tertarik anda dapat menghubungi kami disini. Atau melalui e-mail