
How to Build Remote Working System for Organizations?

remote working system

How to Build Remote Working System for Organizations


As the pandemic COVID-19 spread all over the world, it’s certainly been an unexpected situation for many sectors of industries. With the emergency that happened, all the sectors including businesses are now requiring their employees to start working from home (WFH). For the majority of organizations globally, this is a temporary situation. However, for some, this shift would become long-term.

According to Gartner’s survey, 74% of CFO’s are considering remote work permanently for a high percentage of their employees after COVID-19. The survey is revealed following with the opportunity of the cost benefits of remote workforces that CFOs got. However, building a remote working culture bring challenges for some organizations, especially in communication and collaborations system. Then, how organizations enable a proper remote working system?

1. Maintaining collaboration

Many organizations were not prepared for remote working systems, therefore a solution is needed to implement process changes and upgrade systems to accommodate a remote workforce. However, a remote workforce can not succeed if the strategies were only prepared for the short-term. Thus, to achieve long-term success, organizations need to take the advantage of better communication and collaboration across the management.

Cloud Computing can be a solution for that. Because by offering its virtual environment and its flexibility, organizations can experience collaborative working anywhere, anytime, and with any devices as long as it is connected to the internet. Furthermore, this technology also has layered firewalls, so organizations don’t need to be questioned more about its security.

2. Combine the right tools and processes into the system

Having the right tools and technologies is a great start, however, it wouldn’t be enough for the organizations if there are no proper processes and how-to-use the tools to be delivered to the employees. Try to communicate it clearly with the employees, so they would know what they need to use, how to use it, and why they need to use it, as well as how to get help when needed.

3. Establish a Backup system

According to, the pandemic COVID-19 that spread all over the world including Indonesia has become an opportunity for hackers. It happens not only because people’s activity on the internet has increased, but it is also caused by many organizations that implementing a remote working system don’t have a proper security system.

If your organization implementing a remote working culture, you might don’t want this cyber attack case to be happened to the organization, right? Don’t worry! to mitigate the risk of a cyberattack, organization can establish a Backup system as the solution. With Backup, data and applications can be replicate to the cloud and will be restored to the on-premise again if the organization having data loss caused by cyber-attacks or human errors. Thus, organizations still could implement remote working culture without any worries.

Zettagrid Indonesia is an Indonesian cloud service provider that offers Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solutions such as Backup as a Service (BaaS), Virtual Server, Virtual Datacenter, and Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS). Zettagrid Indonesia is also VMware’s Cloud Verified Partner and has data center locations in Jakarta and Cibitung. We are committed to being closer to you and ready to help you 24/7.

If you have any further questions about the cloud, you can contact us here or through our team at

Arupa Cloud Desktop : Solusi Remote Desktop Aman Untuk WFH

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Remote Desktop by Arupa Cloud Desktop

Arupa Cloud Desktop : Solusi Remote Desktop Aman Untuk WFH

Work From Home ( WFH ) selama masa pandemi COVID-19 menjadi alternatif yang dipilih untuk tetap menjaga produktivitas kerja. Banyak kalangan harus melakukan penyesuaian dalam menjalankan aktivitasnya selama masa yang tidak menentu sperti saat ini. Untuk mendukung WFH, tentu diperlukan solusi-solusi yang lebih cerdas dan efektif. Kondisi seperti itu tentunya menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi pelaku usaha, salah satunya mengenai fleksibilitas tempat bekerja dan keamanan data perusahaan selama pandemi berlangsung.

Untuk itu, PT Arupa Cloud Nusantara, sebuah  perusahaan pengembang solusi cloud computing lokal asal Indonesia yang telah mendapatkan sertifikat Cloud Verified Provider dari VMware telah meluncurkan Arupa Cloud Desktop (ACD). ACD merupakan solusi  remote desktop berbasis cloud yang fleksibel, mudah digunakan, dan dilengkapi dengan sistem keamanan yang berlapis untuk membantu perusahaan menjaga keamanan data dan meningkatkan produktivitas kerja selama WFH berlangsung.

Arupa Cloud Desktop (ACD) menawarkan kemudahan dalam mengakses aplikasi maupun desktop melalui perangkat dengan sistem operasi apapun, kapanpun, dan di manapun hanya melalu web browser pada desktop maupun laptop yang dimiliki oleh karyawan.

“Di suasana pandemi yang tidak menentu seperti ini, tentunya perusahaan membutuhkan solusi yang tepat untuk karyawan agar tetap dapat bekerja dengan produktif,” kata Reza Kertadjaja, Direktur PT. Arupa Cloud Nusantara, dalam keterangan terulisnya, Ahad (13/9).

“Menggunakan Arupa Cloud Desktop, pelaku bisnis tidak perlu lagi mengeluarkan biaya yang tinggi dan waktu untuk pengadaan alat atau sistem yang lama ketika harus memobilisasi karyawannya baik saat bekerja di kantor maupun WFH,” jelas Reza.

Menurut Reza, solusi WFH juga harus memperhatikan masalah keamanan  untuk menghindari kejahatan atau serangan Siber. Hal tersebut tentunya harus diwaspadai oleh para pelaku usaha.

“Dengan kehadiran Arupa Cloud Desktop, pengusaha tidak perlu lagi khawatir karena ACD telah dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur keamanan dari mulai firewall, IDS/IPS, VPN, dan standar SSL Encryption yang akan memproteksi sistem online banking dan secure payment,” tegasnya

Reza juga menambahkan bahwa ACD berdiri diatas infrastruktur cloud dari Zettagrid yang telah memiliki lokasi data center di Indonesia dengan sistem keamanan yang ketat. Sehingga pengusaha tidak perlu ragu terkait keamanan data perusahaan. Selain itu, pengusaha juga tidak perlu memindahkan data atau aplikasi perusahaan, karena ACD dapat langsung terintegrasi dengan server perusahaan.

Selain soal kemanan, solusi ACD juga dapat menghemat kuota internet yang menjadi kebutuhan tambahan tersendiri bagi pelaku usaha maupun karyawan. Namun dengan ACD, penggunaan kuota bisa menjadi lebih hemat.

Hal itu dikemukakan Johannes Saputra, IT Project & DevelopmentChemstation Asia yang telah menggunakan ACD sejak PSBB bulan Maret lalu. Chemstation Asia (CSA) merupakan salah satu perusahaan distributor bahan industri kimia yang terkemuka di ASEAN.

“Arupa Cloud Desktop dapat menghemat kuota internet dari sisi karyawan. Karena ACD ini di akses hanya melalui web browser, sehingga karyawan tidak perlu lagi membuka banyak aplikasi seperti solusi lainnya,” ungkapnya.

Jika anda tertarik, anda dapat langsung mencoba GRATIS Remote Desktop dari Cloud Provider Indonesia ini di link berikut ini

Source: Mobitekno