
Confidently Build Your Cloud With Red Hat Enterprise Linux

build your cloudConfidently Build Your Cloud With Red Hat Enterprise Linux


Your cloud journey involves more than just switching up your IT. It’s about transforming and build your business from enabling technology, people, process, governance to security and operations. There is no limit to what you can achieve on the cloud.

Then how you could confidently build your cloud especially your infrastructure. Find the answer on Zettagrid e-TechDay Vol.10: Confidently Build Your Cloud With Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Meet our expert Muhammad Yunus as Presales Engineer Zettagrid Indonesia and Wisa Prabowo as Solution Architect Red Hat Indonesia.

Event Details:
Date: Wednesday, 7 July 2021
Time: 02.00 – 03.30 PM
Where: Zoom Meetings
Click Here To Register

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How to implement Disaster Recovery Plan for SAP?

disaster recovery plan for SAP

How to implement Disaster Recovery Plan for SAP?

 In developing a business, disaster is not a matter of if anymore, but when. Therefore, before disaster strikes the organization, enterprise needs to mitigate the plan to prevent the risks of disaster. Implementing Disaster Recovery can be the solution to solve this problem. With its capability to recover business-critical systems and data, the organization can save its business continuity. That’s why some organizations see Disaster Recovery as a critical solution to their survival, including for SAP.

Disaster Recovery for SAP has always been a discussion since SAP is one of the most mission-critical applications for organization. IDC analyzed the cost to the company, should a critical application fail. They calculated the cost to be between $500.000 to $1 million per hour of downtime. But, no worries, as organizations are ready to effectively combat downtime in SAP with the recovery solution, the business can save cost and minimize the loss.

This article will be discussing how to implement a Disaster Recovery plan for SAP. Read them below here:

1. Planning The Basic Infrastructure 

The first thing to ensure an effective recovery plan for a SAP-based business is to maintain an ecosystem that has uninterrupted power supply. Plan for redundancies from multiple providers and power generators. With an adequate supply of diesel, enterprise can keep the business running for at least 48 hours.

However, redundancies also need to be planned for internet connectivity. A single connection is fraught with risks and at least two separate companies providing connectivity will mitigate the risk of connection downtimes. This also needs to be set up to automatically switch using adequate network hardware.

The next step is business needs to ensure that all the hardware has built-in redundancy. The last thing business would want to experience is to be left with data backups and nowhere to install them. This is very crucial to get you back on your feet without delay, in the event of a disaster. Regular audits to ensure that these systems are functioning as expected is the first and most important aspect of any recovery Plan.

2. Search for the RPO and RTO

RPO and RTO are the two key parameters that form the crux of Disaster Recovery planning for SAP. RTO stands for Recovery Time Objective and RPO stands for Recovery Point Objective. Practical, pre-defined, and pre-approved RPO and RTO are essential to chart your recovery plan.

With these two aspects, business would know how long it would take before they can switch to the SAP recovery site.

3. Disaster Recovery Plans and the Technologies used

Disaster Recovery plan for SAP begins by planning backups of the database that stores all the information managed by the SAP applications. the technologies used for this purpose can be traditional or advanced, such as Network Attached Storage (NAS), VMware SRM for SAP DR, cloud DR, HANA-specific Disaster Recovery, or Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS).

4. Geographical Location of Disaster Recovery site or center

After choosing the method of recovery to be implemented for SAP, the next most important aspect is to choose the ideal center that provides a safe house for your data. The Disaster Recovery center should be in a different seismic zone. A rule of thumb is to have at least 60 km between two data centers. This helps mitigate the risk of seismic activity at these centers.


Those are ways to implement a Disaster Recovery plan for SAP. If you have any questions related to our Disaster Recovery solutions, you can contact us here or through

Strategi Backup 3-2-1 Untuk Perlindungan Data

strategi backup 3-2-1Strategi Backup 3-2-1 Untuk Perlindungan Data

Di era digital seperti sekarang ini, kebutuhan mem-backup data bukan lagi hal yang baru untuk dilakukan oleh organisasi. Seiring dengan data yang kian bertambah setiap harinya, strategi perlindungan data seperti Backup pun semakin diminati dan diimplementasikan oleh berbagai bisnis untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya kehilangan data. Salah satu contohnya adalah strategi Backup 3-2-1.

Secara praktik, strategi Backup 3-2-1 bertujuan untuk menyalin dan menyimpan data di beberapa medium yang berbeda. Dengan cara tersebut, bisnis diharapkan bisa menyelamatkan datanya apabila terjadi human error ataupun bencana alam yang dapat berdampak pada kehilangan data. Kemudian, bagaimana cara untuk mulai mengimplementasikan strategi satu ini?

Mengenal Strategi Backup 3-2-1

Menurut, strategi Backup 3-2-1 berarti memiliki setidaknya tiga salinan dari total data Anda, dengan dua di antaranya ditempatkan secara lokal tetapi pada media yang berbeda, sedangkan satu salinan data di tempatkan di offsite. Sebagai contoh, mari kita coba menggunakan “data penjualan bisnis” Anda sebagai skenario strategi pencadangan data ini.

Dalam komputer pribadi Anda, tersimpan data penjualan bisnis yang sering diperbarui setiap minggunya. Data yang tersimpan tersebut merupakan data pertama yang perlu di-Backup di medium berbeda. Untuk mengakalinya, Anda menggunakan external Hard-Drive untuk menyimpan salinan kedua dari data penjualan bisnis Anda. Tak tanggung-tanggung, Anda juga menggunakan solusi Backup seperti Cloud Backup sebagai offsite untuk menyimpan salinan ketiga dari data penjualan bisnis Anda. Dengan demikian, salinan data ketiga yang terletak di offsite tersebut akan disimpan di data center.

Mengapa dua disimpan di lokal dan satu di Offsite?

Apapun perangkat yang Anda miliki, on-site Backup merupakan cara paling cepat dan mudah untuk mengakses data ketika sesuatu terjadi pada perangkat Anda. Jadi ketika laptop atau komputer Anda mengalami kerusakan, Anda masih memiliki external hard drive untuk mendapatkan kembali data Anda.  

Meskipun memiliki on-site Backup seperti contoh di atas merupakan awal yang baik, tetapi memiliki offsite Backup adalah komponen kunci dalam strategi Backup 3-2-1. Cadangan di on-site memang mudah diatur, namun sayangnya salinan data Anda tersebut rentan mengalami kehilangan jika terjadi pencurian, banjir, kebakaran, dan kejadian tidak terduga lainnya.

Apakah solusi Cloud merupakan medium yang sempurna?

Sesuai dengan kemampuannya yang fleksibel, cloud bisa menjadi pendekatan paling mumpuni untuk memulai strategi Backup 3-2-1. Dengan mereplikasi data Anda dan menyimpannya di data center lain, Anda bisa mendapatkan ketenangan dan dengan mudah mencadangkan data Anda kapan saja secara otomatis.

Dengan Arupa Object Storage Anda dapat menyimpan data backup hingga bilangan petabyte dengan lebih fleksibel di offsite sehingga memenuhi kebutuhan Backup 3-2-1 Anda. Jika Anda sekarang sudah menggunakan NAS ataupun solusi pencadangan data di perusahaan Anda, kami dapat membantu Anda untuk mencapai strategi Backup 3-2-1.

Zettagrid Indonesia merupakan penyedia layanan Cloud Computing Indonesia yang menyediakan solusi IaaS seperti Virtual Data Center (VDC), Virtual Private Server (VPS), Backup as a Service (BaaS), Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS), dan Object Storage as a Service (OSaaS). Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan lebih lanjut tentang solusi cloud kami, Anda dapat menghubungi kami di sini atau ke

Tertarik untuk mengenal solusi Object Storage? Baca produk kami selengkapnya di sini.


Why Business Needs Disaster Recovery for SAP? 

Why Business Needs Disaster Recovery for SAP? 

As the digital economy expands, technology adoption like SAP becomes growing for some organizations. With its development and automation, SAP has helped organizations work seamlessly in this era. Therefore, it’s not a surprise anymore to see this technology as a worth investment for enterprise to start to digitize its business operational system. 

However, adopting SAP to automate business operations does not mean it can be free from the threat. Security threats or disasters can strike the organization system, including SAP, anytime it can and cause many risks for its continuity. That’s why adopting SAP would be ideal if the organization also prepares for the solution to prevent the threats. One of them is by using Disaster Recovery.

According to, Disaster Recovery enables organizations to take preventive measures to ensure the business continues to function uninterrupted despite facing a disaster situation. By minimizing the effects of a jolt and recover any lost assets, Disaster Recovery can be a key component for Business Continuity plan. Not only that, having a Disaster Recovery plan for SAP will also prevent business from some risks. Curious to know what is the risk? Read them below here:

1. Prevent Loss That Caused by Failed SAP Application

Disaster Recovery for SAP

(Source: fizkes from shutterstock)

Implementing SAP system that is a perfect fit for your business is never a spontaneous decision, considering it has a massive investment. That’s why for some business, choosing SAP takes plan, strategies, and considerations to become successful. But for some, SAP projects that lack of a sound strategic plan have led to epic disasters like SAP application failure. 

That’s why having a Disaster Recovery for SAP is important for business. By implementing it, business can save financial costs of SAP application failure per hour. Not only that, but Disaster Recovery can also recover the SAP systems that were impacted by the failure. Thus, business operational system still can be run without having an extended downtime.

2. Minimize the Risk of Downtime

(Source: 3d imagination from shutterstock)

Disasters, or even failures, are common things that can occur and cause downtime to business. Moreover, these can lead to huge losses in man-hours within and outside of the organization. That’s why before it strikes, business needs to consider the solution for its system, especially for its SAP application.

Create a strategy with Disaster Recovery can be an option to prevent its manifold effects. By having a second-site that places and recovers system including SAP, a business can save and minimize the risks of downtime. That’s why organizations need to think twice about a solution like Disaster Recovery for SAP to save its business continuity.

3.  Save Business Reputation

Disaster Recovery for SAP

(Source: Jirsak from shutterstock)

Experiencing a downtime to business can impact everything, whether it can be revenue loss or the worse, business can lose its reputation and trust from its customer that is caused by the down business operations and services.

That’s why Disaster Recovery for SAP is critical for business. By saving time from extended downtime, Disaster Recovery solutions enable business to maintain and save its reputation before it gets worse. Thus, business still can save trust, whether from suppliers or customers.

Those are the three reasons why you need Disaster Recovery for SAP. If you have any questions related to our Disaster Recovery solutions, you can contact us here or through


What To Prevent In Migrating To Cloud? 

migrating to cloudWhat To Prevent In Migrating To Cloud? 

In expanding business systems, enterprise often look for the best asset for integration. Technology such as Cloud Service Provider can be an option for business integration systems. Not only because it’s affordable, but it also can be allocated and changed in minutes. Even enterprises technology elites are spending dollars on the Public Cloud these days. Thus, it can be a good idea for a business long-term investment.

However, implementing cloud infrastructure can’t be defined as a solution to fix existing problems, such as data mess, application issues, inadequate security, or frequent outages due to a lack of operational disciplines and tools. Once business migrates these issues, it will end up with less-than-optimal systems in the cloud. Moreover, it can get worse if the IT department still be on the learning curve of using the Public Cloud. So, it will be increasing risk and cost without improving any of its systems.

Therefore, business needs to know what mistakes in migrating to the cloud. No worries, below here we have compiled three things that needed to avoid in cloud migration. Read them below here:

1. Migrating all business data to the cloud

migrating to cloud

(Source: jirsak from Getty Images)

In developing a business, having multiple sources is important for storing enterprise data. But if you don’t look at this side, then you just make a big mistake for business continuity.

Having a massive number of redundant databases and no one knows where all the data is, can be fatal for the business. Moreover, if the business decided to migrate all data – including the complex one – to the cloud, it will not improve everything except for causing a new problem. Therefore, consider and segmented what to store and integrated into the cloud is important to do. Thus, business investment in cloud infrastructure can be effective and beneficial.

2. Forget to secure the data

migrating to cloud

(Source: stevanovicigor from Getty Images)

Migrating certain data to cloud infrastructure must include proper security practices from the organization. Even, a change is needed once the data move. But, if your organization does no comply with this practice, then you just caused a new problem for cloud migration.

As migrating encrypted data to the cloud, the organization certainly thinks if the assets are normally well-locked down. Little did they know, it is easy to inadvertently create vulnerabilities in the cloud since customers are responsible for setting many security controls around their apps and data. That’s why securing the data by encrypting them is important for the organization before it is being moved to the cloud.

3.  Assuming that all cloud environments are the same

(Source: Denis Isakov from Getty Images Pro)

Once business decided to migrate their system to cloud, they can’t assume that all cloud environments are the same. Every cloud provider designs their cloud differently, specializing in different functions and capabilities for their deployment.

That’s why in migrating to cloud, business should never blindly do it from one cloud to another before becoming familiar with its new environment. Otherwise, the migration process will be a problem while organization needs to struggle to reconfigure data to fit the new environment.

Zettagrid Indonesia is a Cloud Service Provider in Indonesia that provides Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) such as VMware Virtual Data Center, VMware Virtual Server, Veeam Backup, and so on. If you have any questions related to the effective backup strategy or cloud solutions, you can reach us here or through


Semangat Diskon 45% HUT RI Ke-75

Diskon HUT RI Ke-75

Semangat Diskon 45% HUT RI Ke-75

Perayaan Hari Ulang Tahun Republik Indonesia yang ke-75 tahun ini memang berbeda. Bagaimana tidak, saat ini negara kita, bahkan dunia masih diterjang badai pandemi COVID-19 yang telah merubah tatanan gaya hidup masyarakat dan juga berdampak bagi hampir seluruh sektor industri dan ekonomi di Indonesia.

Namun, layaknya pahlawan yang dulu telah berjuang melawan penjajah selama ratusan tahun, kita juga harus tetap Semangat 45 untuk mewujudkan cita-cita para pahlawan untuk memajukan negera ini. Sesuai dengan tema HUT RI tahun ini “Bangga Buatan Indonesia” Zettagrid, sebagai penyedia layanan lokal cloud computing Tier IV di Indonesia yang telah memiliki 2 lokasi data center dan juga telah memiliki kantor cabang di Jawa timur. Mendukung pemerintah untuk menuju Indonesia Maju, dengan selalu memberikan pelayanan terbaik pada sektor infrastruktur cloud yang saat ini memegang peranan besar dalam digitalisasi yang semakin cepat pertumbuhannya ditengah situasi pandemi, yang membatasi kita untuk bertatap muka langsung seperti biasanya.

Untuk itu, Zettagrid Indonesia yang tahun ini berhasil mendapatkan sertifikasi “VMware Cloud Verified Provider” yang pertama di Indonesia, memberikan penawaran spesial bertajuk “Semangat Diskon 45% HUT RI Ke-75”. Diskon ini berlaku untuk seluruh produk yang terdapat dalam katalog Zettagrid dan berlaku dari tanggal 12 Agustus 2020 – 12 September 2020 dengan syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku sebagai berikut;

• Promo diskon 45% berlaku untuk semua produk katalog Zettagrid, kecuali katalog lisensi software.
• Promo diskon 45% dapat dinikmati untuk hingga 31 Desember 2020.
• Per tanggal 1 Januari 2021 pelanggan akan dikenakan biaya normal.
• Minimum kontrak berlangganan selama 1 tahun.
• Promo berlaku selama periode 12 Agustus – 12 September 2020.
• Promo tidak dapat digabungkan dengan promo lainnya.
• Promo hanya berlaku untuk pembelian baru (non-upgrade/resize).
• Promo berlaku metode pembayaran prepay bulanan diawal.

Tunggu apalagi! Jangan sampai kelewatan, ayo tunjukan Semangat 45-mu dan rayakan kemerdekaan bersama Zettagrid dengan penawaran yang kami berikan! Jika anda berminat anda dapat menghubungi kami melalui e-mail di, layanan live chat di website kami, atau klik disini.