
Zettagrid TechVerse Vol. 2 – Cyber Attacks: Risks and How to Avoid Them

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Zettagrid TechVerse Vol. 2 – Cyber Attacks: Risks and How to Avoid Them

Belakangan ini, serangan cyber di Indonesia sedang marak terjadi. Bahkan serangan cyber terjadi setiap 39 detik setiap harinya di seluruh dunia. Serangan cyber ini juga menjadi ancaman, baik bagi kalangan bawah hingga kalangan atas. Seperti kita ketahui, belum lama ini situs pemerintah juga tidak luput dari serangan cyber. Serangan cyber lainnya seperti phishing, pembobolan data, ransomware, pencurian properti intelektual perusahaan, espionage perusahaan, dan pencurian identitas juga marak terjadi.

Faktor umum yang membuat bisnis atau perusahaan terserang ancaman cyber adalah karena lemahnya kemanan cyber yang mereka gunakan atau miliki. Selain itu, karena masih banyak sebagian dari perusahaan yang mengabaikan persoalan cyber security pada domain yang mereka miliki menjadi faktor lain yang cukup umum dijumpai.

Akibat dari serangan cyber tersebut dapat membuat kerugian secara finansial, bahkan sampai menyebabkan kebangkrutan pada perusahaan. Maraknya serangan cyber ini juga menyebabkan masyarakat semakin khawatir dan was-was beraktivitas selama di internet. Sehingga mereka lebih hati-hati saat ingin menggunakan layanan, terlebih yang menggunakan jaringan internet.

Maka dari itu, penting halnya bagi Anda untuk memperhatikan keamanan cyber pada bisnis. Hal ini dilakukan agar perusahaan mendapatkan reputasi yang positif dari masyarakat, hingga meminimalisir kerugian jika terjadi serangan cyber pada perusahaan Anda.

Untuk mengetahui bagaimana meningkatkan keamanan cyber pada perusahaan, Zettagrid Indonesia bersama NOOSC mengundang Anda untuk mengikuti webinar eksklusif yang bertajuk Zettagrid TechVerse vol.2 – Cyber Attacks: Risks and How to Avoid Them yang akan diadakan pada

Hari/ Tanggal  : Rabu, 26 Oktober 2022

Waktu                : 14.00 – 16.00 WIB

Tempat              : Zoom Meeting

Novia Kurniasih selaku Customer Success Lead dari Zettagrid Indonesia dan Miftahudin Luthfi selaku Business Development Section Head dari NOOSC akan membahas banyak sekali insight terkait cyber security yang sayang untuk Anda lewatkan.

Spesial bagi Anda yang mengikuti webinar ini, NOOSC sebagai event partner kami memberikan FREE Security Score Card assessment bagi Anda yang ingin mengetahui seberapa aman domain Anda dari serangan cyber. Jika Anda tertarik, Anda dapat mengisi form kesediaan yang ada di link registrasi.


Indah (+62 813-1455-1837)

Link registrasi:

Zettagrid e-TechDay vol.02: Simplify Your Backup and DR With Veeam Cloud Connect

Zettagrid Backup and DR

Zettagrid e-TechDay vol.02: Simplify Your Backup and DR With Veeam Cloud Connect

Pandemic COVID-19 has changed some aspects in human lifestyle. Almost every activities that people do it’s now on digital, from studying, entertain, even business industry. As the new normal life in our society begin, the digital business era now has come to move faster than we think. Thanks to cloud technology that help enterprises to makes their life easier with its automation, flexibility and efficiency.

Not only become a digital infrastructure solution for enterprises, cloud also help increase business efficiency by reducing CAPEX and OPEX  investment. Furthermore, cloud also fast to develop, enterprises only need hours to develop it not like on-premises. By cloud automation, now protecting your company data become more simple.

Learn more about how to simplify your data protection with Veeam Cloud Connect on “Zettagrid e-TechDay Vol.02: Simplify Your Backup and Disaster Recovery With Veeam Cloud Connect”. Directly explain by Zettagrid Australia Senior Virtualization Engineer, Daniel Santini, get insight and live demo of  Veeam Cloud Connect Backup and Replication on Zettagrid.

Date: Thursday, 30 July 2020
Time: 14.00-16.00 WIB
Place: Zoom Video Meeting
Link registration:

Register now and save your spot! Watch the live webinar until it’s finish and get a chance to win OVO credits in the end of event. For more information about the event, you could contact us at or click here . See you there!

IT Webinar Accelerate Your Business Innovation With Cloud

IT Webinar Accelerate Your Business Innovation With Cloud


IT Webinar

Pandemic COVID-19 has changed some aspects in human lifestyle. Almost every activities that people do it’s now on digital, from studying, entertain, even business industry. As the digital infrastructure, cloud computing infrastructure now plays a crucial role not only during, but also for the business recovery after we survive the pandemic.

As now we reach to the “new normal” transition stage, enterprises are forced to adapt faster with the social distancing regulations to keep their business running well. Then how to accelerate business innovation on this new normal condition? How cloud infrastructure can help companies to be agile on adapting all the new rules?

Join us on FREE IT Webinar Zettagrid e-CloudTalk “Accelerate Your Business Innovation With Cloud Infrastructure” . Zettagrid e-CloudTalk is an online talk show that specially crafted for tech enthusiast to learn more about IT solution especially in cloud computing. Say bye to boring presentation and feel free to ask your thoughts with our guest speakers.

This time we have special opportunity to invite our loyal and happy customer that will share their thought about how cloud infrastructure helps their business became more agile and easily adapt to innovation so they can reach their business success.

Event details

Date: Tuesday, 23 June 2020
Time: 14.00-16.00 WIB
Paulus Somadjaja, President Director of PT. Beta Pramesti Asia
Arief Setiabudi, Chief Information Officer of Alami Sharia
Where: Zoom Meetings
Link Register:

Pssst, it’s not an usual boring presentation, it’s e-Talk show! Register now and get chance to win OVO credits during the session. See you!

If you have any questions or having trouble with registration feel free to reach out us at or click here

Free IT Webinar Migrate and Modernize VMware Cloud

Free IT Webinar

Free IT Webinar Migrate and Modernize VMware Cloud on Zettagrid

Memasuki new normal atau Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar Transisi (PSBB Transisi), tentunya semua kegiatan tatap muka secara langsung masih dibatasi. Untuk itu perusahaan perlu untuk mulai memindahkan bisnisnya ke arag digital untuk mempertahankan bisnisnya agar terus berjalan tanpa hambatan, salah satunya memindahkan data ke dalam cloud computing. Tentunya pada masa pandemi ini, cloud computing berperan penting untuk menjadi solusi pengganti dari physical server.

Zettagrid Indonesia sebagai penyedia layanan cloud asal Australia yang telah memiliki 2 lokasi data center di Indonesia dengan sertifikasi Tier IV, mengadakan FREE IT WEBINAR bertajuk Zettagrid e-Tech Day “Migrate and Modernize VMware Cloud on Zettagrid: Simple, secure, scalable, and reliable cloud infrastructure”. Didalam webinar ini anda akan mendapatkan insight dan belajar langsung dari local cloud expert Zettagrid Indonesia Bapak Aditya Rahmawan sebagai Cloud Consultant Zettagrid Indonesia tentang bagaimana cara anda mendeploy dan memigrasikan data anda ke dalam Virtual Datacenter yang dimiliki oleh Zettagrid.

Berikut detail waktu dan tempat dari webinar ini:

Date: Tuesday, 16 June 2020
Time: 14.00-16.00 WIB
Place: Zoom Video Meeting
Link registration:

Registrasikan diri anda sekarang, dan dapatkan kesempatan untuk memenangkan OVO credits dari Zettagrid sejumlah ratusan ribu rupiah. Jangan lewatkan juga promo menarik yang akan kami berikan dari sesi webinar ini. Untuk pertanyaan dan informasi lebih lanjut anda dapat menghubungi kami di

Free IT Webinar Zettagrid e-CloudTalk

Free IT Webinar Zettagrid e-CloudTalk

IT Webinar

Pandemic COVID-19 has changed some aspects in human lifestyle. Almost every activities that people do it’s now on digital, from studying, entertain, even business industry. As the digital infrastructure, cloud computing now plays a crucial role not only during, but also for the business recovery after we survive the pandemic.

Moreover, in some countries that successfully decreased and even successfully stop the COVID-19 outbreaks, they start to educate the “new normal” lifestyle that advice almost all activities will move to digital to keep the social distancing. So what is the next step that IT operations should do after the pandemic outbreaks is over?

Join us on FREE IT Webinar Zettagrid e-CloudTalk “Next Step For IT Operations After Surviving The Pandemic Outbreaks” to get insight from our cloud expertise. e-CloudTalk is an online talk show that specially crafted for tech enthusiast to learn more about IT solution especially in cloud computing. Say bye to boring presentation and feel free to ask your thoughts with our cloud experts.

Event details

Date: Thursday, 14 May 2020
Time: 15.00-16.30 WIB
Where: Microsoft Teams Meetings
Link Register:

Pssst, it’s not an usual boring presentation, it’s e-Talk show! Register now and get chance to win OVO credits during the session. See you!

If you have any questions or having trouble with registration feel free to reach out us at or click here