
Tips Manajemen Data pada Multicloud

manajemen data multicloud

Dalam era digital saat ini, data telah menjadi aset yang sangat berharga bagi setiap organisasi. Oleh karena itu, manajemen data yang efektif sangat penting. Salah satu pendekatan yang semakin populer dalam manajemen data adalah penggunaan multicloud.

Apa Itu Multicloud?

Multicloud adalah pendekatan di mana suatu organisasi menggunakan lebih dari satu layanan cloud dari beberapa penyedia cloud. Dengan multicloud, organisasi dapat memanfaatkan keunggulan masing-masing platform cloud, seperti kapabilitas, fitur, dan harga yang berbeda.

Manajemen Data dalam Multicloud

Manajemen data dalam multicloud mencakup berbagai aktivitas seperti pengumpulan, penyimpanan, pemrosesan, dan analisis data. Selain itu, manajemen data juga melibatkan migrasi data antara berbagai platform cloud.

Tantangan Manajemen Data dalam Multicloud


Salah satu tantangan utama dalam manajemen data multicloud adalah kompleksitas. Setiap penyedia cloud memiliki cara mereka sendiri dalam menangani data, yang bisa berbeda satu sama lain. Oleh karena itu, organisasi perlu memiliki pemahaman yang baik tentang cara kerja setiap platform.

Keamanan Data

Masalah keamanan data juga menjadi perhatian utama. Data yang disimpan di cloud bisa menjadi target serangan cyber. Oleh karena itu, organisasi perlu memastikan bahwa mereka memiliki langkah-langkah keamanan yang tepat untuk melindungi data mereka.

Solusi Manajemen Data Multicloud

Untuk mengatasi tantangan ini, banyak organisasi beralih ke solusi manajemen data multicloud. Solusi ini dirancang untuk menyederhanakan proses manajemen data dan memastikan bahwa data dapat dengan mudah diakses dan dipindahkan antara berbagai platform cloud.

Alat Manajemen Data

Solusi manajemen data multicloud juga menyediakan alat untuk memantau dan mengelola kinerja, keamanan, dan biaya terkait dengan penyimpanan data. Ini memungkinkan organisasi untuk membuat keputusan yang lebih baik tentang bagaimana dan di mana mereka menyimpan data mereka.

Tips dalam Manajemen Data di Multicloud

Berikut adalah beberapa tips yang dapat membantu dalam manajemen data di multicloud:

  1. Pahami Kebutuhan Anda: Sebelum memilih platform cloud, pahami terlebih dahulu kebutuhan organisasi Anda. Apakah Anda membutuhkan penyimpanan data besar, analisis data cepat, atau komputasi berat? Jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini akan membantu Anda memilih platform yang tepat.
  2. Gunakan Solusi Manajemen Data: Solusi manajemen data multicloud dapat membantu menyederhanakan proses manajemen data. Solusi ini biasanya menyediakan alat untuk migrasi data, manajemen kinerja, dan keamanan data.
  3. Prioritaskan Keamanan: Keamanan data harus menjadi prioritas utama dalam manajemen data multicloud. Pastikan bahwa Anda memiliki langkah-langkah keamanan yang tepat untuk melindungi data Anda.
  4. Lakukan Backup Data: Selalu lakukan backup data Anda secara berkala. Ini akan membantu Anda menghindari kehilangan data jika terjadi masalah.
  5. Monitor Kinerja: Gunakan alat pemantauan untuk melacak kinerja platform cloud Anda. Ini akan membantu Anda mengidentifikasi dan mengatasi masalah sebelum mereka mempengaruhi operasi Anda.
  6. Pelajari tentang Hukum dan Regulasi: Beberapa industri memiliki regulasi khusus tentang bagaimana data harus dikelola dan disimpan. Pastikan Anda memahami hukum dan regulasi ini dan memastikan bahwa manajemen data Anda mematuhi mereka.

Manajemen data dalam multicloud adalah proses yang kompleks tetapi penting. Dengan pemahaman yang baik tentang tantangan yang terlibat dan dengan menggunakan solusi manajemen data multicloud yang tepat, organisasi dapat memanfaatkan keuntungan multicloud sambil meminimalkan risiko. Dengan demikian, mereka dapat menggunakan data mereka dengan cara yang paling efektif dan efisien.

Zettagrid Indonesia sebagai penyedia layanan cloud terkemuka, dapat menjadi solusi ideal untuk manajemen data dan seluruh infrastruktur IT perusahaan Anda. Dengan berbagai layanan yang ditawarkan, mulai dari cloud hosting hingga disaster recovery, Zettagrid Indonesia dapat membantu memastikan bahwa data Anda aman, mudah diakses, dan dikelola dengan efisien. Selain itu, Zettagrid juga menawarkan dukungan teknis yang handal, memastikan bahwa perusahaan Anda dapat memaksimalkan penggunaan teknologi cloud. Dengan Zettagrid Indonesia, Anda dapat fokus pada apa yang paling penting: mengembangkan bisnis Anda. Hubungi kami melalui atau nomor +62811283878.

Zettagrid and Veeam transform data protection and increase ransomware resilience throughout the Asia Pacific region

Featured Image - Zettagrid and Veeam transform data protection and increase ransomware resilience throughout the Asia Pacific region

Zettagrid menjadi salah satu partner Veeam yang paling kompeten dalam berkomitmen untuk memastikan semua data pelanggan terlindungi dan aman dengan cara meningkatkan ketahanan ransomware, memenuhi persyaratan lokal untuk penyimpanan data (tanpa biaya egress), dan memenuhi persyaratan terhadap undang-undang kedaulatan data dan privasi di setiap market yang dilayani.

Zettagrid sebagai Platinum Veeam Cloud & Service Provider (VCSP) partner telah mendapatkan beberapa penghargaan seperti Veeam Innovation, Veeam Launch Partner, dan Veeam Cloud Provider Partner of the Year. Mari simak kisah suksesnya di sini:

Apakah Firewall Saja Cukup Melindungi Anda Dari Kehilangan Data?

Firewall backup

Apakah Firewall Saja Cukup Melindungi Anda Dari Kehilangan Data?

Sistem firewall dan sistem backup dalam teknologi informasi adalah dua komponen terpisah tetapi memiliki kaitan yang erat. Firewall secara umum adalah sebuah perangkat (baik hardware ataupun software) yang memiliki fungsi untuk mengatur, mengontrol, dan juga mengawasi arus  keluar-masuk paket data pada sistem jaringan atau sistem operasi. Firewall dirancang untuk mencegah akses yang tidak diinginkan dari luar atau ke dalam suatu jaringan internal.

Sementara backup adalah proses membuat data cadangan dengan cara menyalin atau membuat arsip data komputer sehingga data tersebut dapat digunakan kembali apabila terjadi kerusakan atau kehilangan. Tujuan utama dari proses backup adalah untuk mengembalikan data pada satu kondisi di point in time atau titik tertentu di masa lalu ketika data tersebut hilang. baik karena terhapus atau karena rusak.

Sistem firewall biasanya digunakan sebagai metode pencegahan atau preventif sementara backup bersifat represif.  Berikut adalah beberapa fungsi firewall , diantaranya :

  • Firewall berfungsi untuk mengatur dan mencatat lalu lintas jaringan/operating system
  • Firewall berfungsi untuk menjaga kemanan jaringan internal
  • Firewall dapat digunakan untuk memblokir lalu lintas yang tidak aman
  • Firewall sebagai pos atau kontrol pengawas arus paket data
  • Firewall dapat digunakan untuk mengatur autentifikasi akses data
  • Firewall dapat digunakan untuk memblokir program jahat yang bisa menginfeksi komputer
  • Firewall sebagai tameng atau dinding untuk menghindari peretasan dan pembobolan data dan juga melindungi informasi pribadi dari pengguna tidak sah.


Bagi Tim IT infrastructure dalam mengoptimalkan security awareness perusahaan, selain dengan menggunakan sistem firewall biasanya mereka juga melengkapinya dengan sistem backup. Beberapa alasan backup ini dibutuhkan walaupun sudah mengganakan sistem firewall:

  • Sistem firewall bertujuan untuk melindungi jalur akses dari dalam maupun luar sistem tetap aman sementara backup bertujuan melindungi data dari virus atau malware.
  • Sistem backup dapat digunakan sebagai data cadangan ketika adanya kegagalan perangkat
  • Sistem backup dapat digunakan sebagai data cadangan ketika adanya human error seperti penghapusan data yang tidak disengaja
  • Sistem backup dapat digunakan sebagai data cadangan ketika sistem firewall sudah terbobol dan terjadi kehilangan atau kerusakan pada data utama
  • Bagi perusahaan tertentu, sistem backup diwajibkan atau dibutuhkan dalam rangka memenuhi regulasi institusi

Salah satu client kami di bidang retail contohnya, mereka sudah menggunakan firewall baik level infrastructure dan level operating sistem, selain itu mereka juga  sudah mengaktifkan firewall dengan spesifik whitelist source IP untuk menjamin sisi keamaan data dari pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Seiring berkembangnya malicious software atau  malware serta banyaknya celah keamaan suatu sistem atau aplikasi yang perlu diperhatikan, salah satu server aplikasi client A berhasil terinfeksi oleh malware terbaru. Data yang terdapat pada server mengalami kerusakan atau corrupt. Namun karena client tersebut sudah prepare dengan sistem backup dan menjalankan proses backup secara berkala, akhirnya data yang rusak dapat kembali di pulihkan dan tidak menyebabkan kehilangan data secara permanen.

Zettagrid Indonesia sebagai cloud provider di Indonesia, selain menyediakan infrastructure as a service (IaaS) juga menyediakan Backup as a service (Baas) layanan yang kami tawarkan diantaranya adalah Cloud Connect Backup  dengan teknologi dari Veeam yang dapat juga Anda gunakan sebagai solusi backup pada server on premise Anda serta VDC Backup dan Image Archive untuk server yang Anda gunakan di cloud Zettagrid. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai layanan Backup silahkan menghubungi kami disini atau melalui email ke

Understanding The Risk of Attack Surface for Businesses

risk of attack surface

Understanding The Risk of Attack Surface for Businesses

Reducing the risk of attack surface is essential, especially in small and mid-size business environments. By having a certainty that the attack surface has been kept as small as possible, the company has successfully satisfied the basic cyber security measure.

That’s why, understanding how it works and how it may rise may help businesses reduce the risk of cyber attack engagements and ensuring business continuity.

While most small and mid-size businesses may think that they are too small to become a cyberattack target, revealing how attack surfaces could penetrate the inner section of the business may uncover other company’s vulnerabilities, especially in term of IT network management.

Thus, understanding the IT environment and the element surrounding it in the business’s surface attack risks would be a good step to strengthening the defense. 

Primary Attack Surfaces 

risk of attack surface

(Source: D3Damon from Getty Images Signature)

Before understanding the risk of the attack surface, it’s better to learn about the kinds of attack surfaces. There are two of them, devices and people.


As you may see today, businesses are getting familiar with Internet usage, allowing more and more devices to be connected. Despite the fact that it’s great for the company’s production management, it could be a gateway for criminals to enter, attacking the business while there’s a chance.

They usually have their most common weapons, Ransomware, and Hybrid Ransomware. Ransomware is already bad enough as the program allows cybercriminals to penetrate a device, take control of it, and demand a ransom from a user. Hybrid Ransomware works in a similar way but affects a greater aspect of the system. While Ransomware may affect one device, the hybrid form can affect the entire network.


In the common scenario, sophisticated cyberattacks usually target the weakest aspect in the digital security chain, which is the people. According to DBIR 2020 report by Verizon, almost 22% of breaches were caused by human error. Meanwhile, nearly 95% of cloud breaches also happened due to human errors, as stated by Gartner.

However, the must-have protocols usually revolve around password policies, and other safeguards usually can’t be found in small and mid-size businesses. This condition is making the risk rises higher. The situation is even worsened by the fact that 66% of people still use the same password combination despite their understanding of how important to change passwords for different accounts.

More skillful attackers also have a trick to use social engineering to gain access to networks from the employees themselves. What social engineering does is trick people to give in any confidential information about the company. Usually, the attackers would use some media like email, pretending to be a credible individual or an organization. Most workers who are still clueless about this can’t be able to defend themselves.

Attack Surface Management’s Essential Components 

risk of attack surface

(Source: Urupong from Getty Images Pro)

Now, to mitigate the risk of the attack surface while strengthening the data protection, there are some steps SMBs can do:


The very first step of any attack surface management is to discover all the assets that have been used or connected to the internet that contains the company’s sensitive data, including trade secrets information.

However, the assets can either be owned and operated by the organization or third parties like cloud providers, suppliers, or business partners.

Classification Method

After the assets have been discovered, the next step would be digital asset inventory classification. This step includes dispatching and labelling the assets based on the properties, type, and how critical are they for business.

Ratings and Scorings

The attack surface management wouldn’t be completed without actionable risk scoring and rating. Usually, companies always have thousands or even millions of growing data. Without the security rating protocols, it will be harder to identify any security issues for each asset and whether they’re at risk for security breaches.

Security Monitoring

To offer decent data protection for the company, continuous security monitoring is always needed as a part of mitigating the risk of the attack surface.


Now, you’ve gained an understanding that SMBs are currently facing an ever-growing problem that could be unstoppable. But, with adequate knowledge of what key security measures are needed for better cyber security and actionable approaches to maintain the security, businesses or organizations will be managed to strive against the risk of the attack surface and successfully maintain their business continuity.

If you want to learn more about how to prevent cyber-attack with Attack Surface Management, you can register to “Zettagrid e-Techday: How to Secure Your Business from Data Breach with Attack Surface Management” on Thursday, 29 September 2020, on Zoom Meeting here.

How to Protect Education Institution Data From Ransomware Attack?

protect education institution

How to Protect Education Institution Data From Ransomware Attack

In this modern era, internet has a vital role to ease our needs. Whether it is for entertainment, healthcare, business, and even education, these can be accessed now from anywhere and anytime as long as it is connected to the internet. However, regardless of its flexibility and advancement, doesn’t mean internet is a safe place to surf and access data. Cyber threat like ransomware also can be found by user. Therefore, a prevention is needed to avoid its risk, especially for education institution. 

According to Veeam, education institution is an attractive target for ransomware attacks. Students, teachers, and institute records are the lifeblood of any educational institute. The stakes are incredibly high for education institutes and organizations to adequately protect and secure their systems. Aside from the obvious financial implications of failing to protect data, it can also cause irreparable and immeasurable damage to an institution’s brand.

Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important for educational institutes to mitigate risk against ransomware attacks. The first crucial step is by identifying where ransomware attacks come from and what solution to decrease the chances of attacks breaking through.

Identify potential ransomware access for education institutions

protect education institution

(Source: peshkov from Getty Images)

Hackers can breach an institution’s data from anywhere, anytime, and on any device. Therefore, IT department needs to be prepared for what to protect in avoiding cyber attacks. One of the major ways is to identify hacker’s access to the institution’s system, such as Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and email.

RDP and email are the common systems that are often used by the institution. Connected by the internet network and offering flexible tools, both solutions can simplify user’s experience in collaborating with others. However, these workloads have a vulnerability to be attacked by ransomware.

Although its RDP has special IP addresses, redirecting RDP ports, complex passwords, and more, ransomware still can infect the system through its internet-connected. Not only that, but ransomware can also get through the system by phishing emails. That’s why before the risk is getting bigger, data protection is needed for education institutions.

The solution in Avoiding the Risk of Ransomware Attack

protect education institution

(Source: sefa ozel from Getty Images Pro)

Ransomware can bring education institutions not only to corrupt data and infected IT systems, but also it will bring them to data loss. To avoid this risk, become familiar to restore scenarios is important for Education institutions. So, it can give the organization familiarity with the process, a reasonable expectation of how much time is involved, and most importantly, confidence that the process will work.

Not only that but a recovery solution is also needed to meet the data protection strategy. With the flexible and reliable solution to recover data that lost or corrupted, education institution can avoid the risk of data loss that could impact to its continuity.

Determine a Reliable Backup Solution

(Source: Altayb from Getty Images Signature)

Implement reliable backup solution like Veeam Backup can help Education institution against data loss. By implementing its strategy for organizations’ IT systems, education institution can protect its continuity from unexpected loss. Not only that but Veeam Backup is also known for being the simple and flexible solution. This is a key set of attributes for organizations looking at strengthening their data management strategy.

Zettagrid Indonesia is a Cloud Service Provider in Indonesia that provides Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) such as VMware Virtual Data Center, VMware Virtual Server, Veeam Backup, and so on. If you have any questions related to our solution, you can reach us here or through

How to Enhance Data Protection with Active Disaster Recovery

active disaster recoveryHow to Enhance Data Protection with Active Disaster Recovery

Disaster recovery is one of the business-critical data protection for modern enterprise world. The ability to resume complete IT operations is essential to maintaining business continuity, avoiding loss of revenue and ensuring ongoing productivity of IT process. So how to enhance data protection with active disaster recovery?

Find the answer on Zettagrid e-TechDay vol.09 in collaboration with DELL Technologies. Meet our speakers Novia Kurniasih as Customer Success Lead Zettagrid IndonesiaArif Darmawan as ISV and CSP Lead Dell Technologies Indonesia, also Kemal Jayanagara as Account Manager Smartnet Magna Global.

Event Details:
Date: 7 April 2021
Time: 02.00 – 04.00 PM
Where: Zoom Meetings
Link To Register:

Event Agenda:

  • Building a Better Cloud Begins with Better Infrastructure – Arif Darmawan, ISV & CSP Lead DELL Technologies Indonesia.
  • How to Enhance Data Protection with Active Disaster Recovery – Novia Kurniasih, Customer Success Lead Zettagrid Indonesia
  • Enhanced Data Protection for Business Continuity – Kemal Jayanagara, Account Manager, Smartnet Magna Global


Register now and get OVO cash 50.000 each for first 50 attendees* also get a chance to win shopping vouchers at the end of the event.

*Terms and condition apply

Zettagrid e-TechDay vol.02: Simplify Your Backup and DR With Veeam Cloud Connect

Zettagrid Backup and DR

Zettagrid e-TechDay vol.02: Simplify Your Backup and DR With Veeam Cloud Connect

Pandemic COVID-19 has changed some aspects in human lifestyle. Almost every activities that people do it’s now on digital, from studying, entertain, even business industry. As the new normal life in our society begin, the digital business era now has come to move faster than we think. Thanks to cloud technology that help enterprises to makes their life easier with its automation, flexibility and efficiency.

Not only become a digital infrastructure solution for enterprises, cloud also help increase business efficiency by reducing CAPEX and OPEX  investment. Furthermore, cloud also fast to develop, enterprises only need hours to develop it not like on-premises. By cloud automation, now protecting your company data become more simple.

Learn more about how to simplify your data protection with Veeam Cloud Connect on “Zettagrid e-TechDay Vol.02: Simplify Your Backup and Disaster Recovery With Veeam Cloud Connect”. Directly explain by Zettagrid Australia Senior Virtualization Engineer, Daniel Santini, get insight and live demo of  Veeam Cloud Connect Backup and Replication on Zettagrid.

Date: Thursday, 30 July 2020
Time: 14.00-16.00 WIB
Place: Zoom Video Meeting
Link registration:

Register now and save your spot! Watch the live webinar until it’s finish and get a chance to win OVO credits in the end of event. For more information about the event, you could contact us at or click here . See you there!