
Migrating SAP To The Cloud How?

Migrating SAP To The Cloud

Mirating SAP to Cloud

Mirating SAP to Cloud

According to, System Application and Product in Data Processing (SAP) migration to the cloud has become a major concern for enterprises today. This can be happened as the end of support for SAP Business Suites approaches fast in 2025. That’s why, if company take a longer time to postpone the move to S/4HANA, the further it may be left behind by faster and savvier competitors.

But despite of that, some organizations still rely on SAP enterprise software to run their applications until now. Not only company will loss against its competitors, this method could also impact to a lot of costs, as traditional on-premise deployment is both expensive to maintain and difficult to manage. Therefore, migrating SAP to the cloud is one of the solution as it comes with a host of benefits, ranging from the lower TCO to faster product deployments, and more large-scale business transformations.

But, this migration process also need to be determined by some aspects. Therefore, we decided to made up a list on how to migrate SAP to the cloud. Read them below to help the organizations achieve a smoother migration.

  1.     Checking compatibility 

Checking the compatibility of your SAP applications, databases and operating system with the cloud service providers is a must. This first step will allow the providers to support your SAP upgrades as well. Besides, it will enable the company to analyze and adjust to the technical, language standards, and governance of the potential cloud provider to your company’s internal standard. So, the company will recognize if that IT provider has a good solutions to analyze the risks and ensure data safety.

  1.     Choose the Size of Storage

If your company aims to grow a business over a period of time, you need to consider what size of cloud storage for migrating SAP. By implementing the average utilization policy and get its exact size the company needs, its business will be helped to grow whenever necessary. 

  1.     Decide What Cloud Server’s Best Location 

Cloud servers could be located in any part of the world. Therefore, you must decide where its most appropriate location for your system to incurre costs of Wide Area Network (WAN). It can be started by knowing where the cloud providers located their data center. If your company found any providers servers and hosting applications had a closer location to your users, then it will enable them to have a great experience with your SAP.

  1.     Determine the Service You Need

Determining appropriate support for your SAP product is also necessary to be done. Therefore, you need to understand what service the company needs. Here we give you these three levels of service to choose:

  •  Entry-level.set (ES)

This first level is designed for disengaged ventures, small isolated work items, minimal SAP and database services intended for standalone SAP blueprints, training systems, demos, and so on. As it is entry level, most customers test new systems, create SAP demos, and conduct training programs.

  •   Development service (DS)

The second level is all about SAP and database support for development and quality assurance, ranging from development until it goes live. Usually, the cloud provider does it to support customers through the process of implementation, entire transition, to full service.

  • Full service (FS)

This full of support is designed to required for best system management. If the company need more support than one system landscape like in ES and DS, then this level of service might be the right one. Full service can be expanded to include language installations, SAP user administration, database refresh, and more. 

  1.     Planning and Budgeting 

Determining what to move first and what strategy to follow is important to make the migration as smooth as possible. Besides, it is a must to consider the testing costs. Therefore, assess the whole SAP landscape based on the data the company obtain is needed to draw up company budget on migrating SAP to the cloud. 

  1.     Testing 

If your company technologies and databases are running on a program that is not on the cloud, then it will need a changes to test those again. Although, this will take several times, yet it becomes an important step as it can contribute to the migrating SAP to the cloud and its final costs. 

  1.     Cleansing 

One of the biggest mistake in cloud migration would be the lack of consideration in how clean all files and data will be in the cloud. Therefore, before doing a migration, you need to clean the system of inconsistent and corrupted data, unreadable files, and other data that is unused. This aims to prevent process against bottlenecks. 

At Zettagrid, we could help you to reach your IT efficiency by migrating your SAP to the cloud. No worries, because Zettagrid already provides with layered firewall that of course it is very secure for your business. If you have further questions, you can contact us here or send us email to

Cloud Computing-based Application for Startup Operations

Cloud Application Startup

Cloud Computing-based Application for Startup Operations

Cloud Computing-based Application for Startup Operations

Developing a startup, technology is needed to support its various operational systems. However, as a growing company, startups need to choose a technology that is effective but still budget-friendly. One interesting option is cloud computing-based technology, an internet-based data processing system.

As a startup that is often engaged in technology, and they don’t have to focus only on maintaining internet sites, but also on mobile applications. The expansion of startups to mobile applications can shorten and simplify the relationship between companies and customers. Therefore, they need the best components that can facilitate the company’s operational system, such as cloud computing-based application.

Then, why is cloud computing is an efficient component for startups? Through CoLearn Online — a webinar from CoHive entitled “Getting Started to Build Your Apps with Cloud”. In this webinar, also invited Aditya Irawan as Zettagrid Indonesia Cloud Architect, Jefriansyah Hertikawan Co-Founder, and Ceria Mentari, Partnership Associate CoHive as moderator.

Cloud computing-based application is a software program where cloud computing and existing components work side by side. Meanwhile, cloud computing is a computational data processing process that includes CPU, RAM, Network Speeds, software, OS, and storage via the internet network. With cloud computing, companies no longer need high-performance IT support to protect the company’s valuable data. Then, what are the benefits of using cloud computing-based applications for startups?

An effective operating system
According to Aditya, cloud computing components have a very good performance, supported by an adjustable storage size and network speed. Without using the cloud, you will need a lot of separate servers to operate the system. On the other hand, the cloud allows these servers to be consolidated in the same database and makes the system works in a simpler way. In terms of infrastructure, cloud computing doesn’t equip with hardware, thus making it free from hardware refreshment and is more cost-friendly. Also, cloud computing is very flexible as it is accessible remotely.

Let the company focus on anything else besides the system
As a startup business, startups have several phases of business development, one of them is the launch phase. In this phase, startups need to focus their business on the marketing and promotion process. However, as this phase requires high funds, many startups experience losses during the launch period. With cloud computing, startups can save for a rainy day for additional operating costs. Meaning more funds for product development and promotion.

According to Jefriansyah, the main goal of startups during the early phase is to achieve the market fit—a situation when the company managed to introduce its products to the public and bring the added-value to their customers. By using cloud computing-based application, companies can focus on the business and the IT infrastructure as well.

Enable startups to compete better
Cloud computing technology enables startups to compete better. The services offered by cloud computing allows its users to be free from taking care of its maintenance, security, and administration of all their IT solutions. So, companies can focus more on developing their products. However, if the company chooses to use the services of on-premise solutions, the whole process of rejuvenating the equipment is on the company. On-premise solutions itself is a custom-made technology infrastructure by a company for its own use. This means that it requires a higher budget and bigger challenges for the companies.

This insightful webinar regarding the technology side of a startup then invited many questions from the participants. One of them is how to make an application with an economical budget for a new company? On this question, Jefriansyah explains that there is one thing that startups need to pay attention to before making an app, and that is the framework. The framework will determine the capacity plan for the system and how it operates. Hence, startups need to research more before deciding which one is the most suitable for them. Also, Aditya added that to balance the books, the company can adjust the cloud computing service in accordance with their budget.

The advantages of the cloud-computing based application are a very attractive choice for startups. Especially with the benefits that support startups to be able to focus on product development and target achievement. The advantages of cloud computing are unprecedented. Besides being able to reduce operating costs, it can also work very efficiently and help users work more effectively. That is why, using cloud computing-based application can be the right choice for a growing company, such as a startup.

Source: CoHive

Why Cloud Computing is Vital for Firms in Enabling WFH

Why Cloud Computing is Vital for Firms in Enabling WFH

Why Cloud Computing

Why Cloud Computing 


Why cloud computing is vital for companies? Cloud is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, data storage, and computing power that is based on the internet. It enables the company to access software on the internet as a service at any time and from anywhere. Due to the work-from-home system that is implemented by the government, many companies have to settle for the new adjustments which require some modifications. Although working remotely may rise many challenges, by using cloud you can have access to your data from anywhere and optimize your business from home.

Many companies spend large amounts of money on developing their software system, but by using the cloud, it takes less time and cost to make it happens. To delve more about cloud computing, CoHive held an insightful discussion through CoLearn Online, titled “Facing Pandemic: Optimizing IT Operations in Uncertain Times.” Inviting Dolly Indra as the General Managers of Zettagrid Indonesia, the dialogue moderated by Indah Rahdiani (Event Management Senior Associate CoHive).

  1. Transparency cost

Investing and establishing software is very expensive. According to Dolly, transparency cost often failed to happen when it comes to technology and information investments, especially on-premise software (software that is installed and run conventionally on a company’s computer in a particular location). However, it does not occur in cloud computing because the costs required are not in the form of license fees, but subscription fees. Besides, the existence of a cloud computing system allows companies to reduce the cost needed for the computer infrastructure

 2. Flexibility

One of the significant benefits of cloud computing is flexibility. This service includes the period of subscription, the size of data storage, and the kind of application needed. It also gives the companies and their employees the mobility to work from any location. The file-sharing features on the cloud also allow them to develop and send the data faster and easier. For this matter, Dolly explained that cloud computing with on-premise software is superior from various sides. One of them is the unnecessary process of device shipment because everything can be done via the internet.

3. Good security system

According to Dolly, before choosing the cloud provider, the customers need to conduct thorough research regarding the security system. This research is essential to do as the customer has the right to make policy requests about the security system. Also, it’s necessary to know that storing the data on the cloud is safer than do it on physical servers. However, by storing the data on the cloud, the customers allowed to delete or move any confidential information remotely.

Moreover, Dolly gave an example from his clients at Zettagrid. Due to WFH, it has become an issue to access some confidential data of the company; however since they use cloud computing, it’s no longer a problem. To tackle this issue, this company then applied one of the services offered by cloud computing, the “disaster recovery protection”. This protection service allows customers to access the information even during an unexpected situation. This service has allowed the company to run their business even during the global pandemic.

Working from home has become a trend, but it has to be supported by the right technology. Therefore, cloud computing is here to become the solution to many companies that are still hanging upon the hardware system. By using the cloud, the deployment of software activation process will be faster, it will be easier to get additional revenue as the investment cost is rather low, and there’s a low level of risk. Furthermore, this is the right time to think ahead and choose the right technology for your company.

Source: CoHive