
Promo Akhir Tahun Gratis 2 Bulan

Promo Akhir Tahun

Promo Akhir Tahun Gratis 2 Bulan

Penyedia layanan cloud computing Zettagrid  Indonesia, kini resmi hadir di Surabaya! Sebelumnya Zettagrid Indonesia telah memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan cloud di Jakarta. Melihat antusiasme pelanggan yang cukup tinggi, Zettagrid Indonesia membuka kantor cabang baru di Surabaya yang di harapkan dapat memberikan solusi bagi infrastruktur IT pada bisnis anda khususnya untuk anda yang berada di daerah Surabaya dan sekitarnya. Saat ini Zettagrid Indonesia telah memiliki 2 availability zone di Indonesia.

Untuk merayakan kehadiran Zettagrid Indonesia di Surabaya sekaligus promosi akhir tahun, kami memberikan penawaran GRATIS 60 Hari untuk produk VDC Backup dan Veeam Backup. Promo ini dapat anda dapatkan dengan berlangganan minimum satu tahun. Promo ini hanya berlaku pada area Surabaya dan sekitarnya.

Ayo, tunggu apa lagi! Mulailah beralih ke layanan cloud Zettagrid Indonesia untuk memudahkan bisnis anda! Untuk info lebih lanjut, anda dapat menghubungi kami disini atau hubungi Sales Representative kami di area Surabaya; Yogie +62 812-3384-6878 atau email di

Zettagrid Sponsori Mercedes One Make Race Championship 2019

MOMRC 2019Zettagrid Sponsori Mercedes One Make Race Championship 2019

Zettagrid Indonesia sponsori Mercedes One Make Race Championship 2019 (MOMRC) dalam gelaran BSD Street Race 2019, yang telah diadakan mulai 28 November hingga 1 December 2019 lalu di sirkuit jalan raya BSD, Tangerang. Acara ini diikuti lebih dari 20 pembalap yang telah lolos kualifikasi yang selektif dari pihak panitia Street Race 2019.

Ini dia beberapa potret keseseruan dari kompetisi MOMRC yang diadakan jumat lalu


Untuk melihat berita lebih lengkapnya anda bisa klik disini. Terimakasih kepada seluruh peserta MOMRC 2019 dan tetap gunakan Zettagrid Indonesia sebagai penyedia layanan cloud anda yang terpercaya!

Getting Know More About RPO and RTO


Getting Know More About RPO and RTO

Downtime can be a big problem if you are running a critical business operation. It’s something that could happened at any time, might cause lost revenue and even your customer. Cybercrimes, power outage, fire, flood, or earthquake are just several events that may cause downtime and data loss. To have a sustainable business, you need to prepare yourself. One important thing to have is a solid Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) plan.

Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Recovery Time Objective (RTO) are two important parameters that could define BCDR plan. So, what is RPO and RTO?


Recovery Point Objective (RPO) is focused on data and your company loss tolerance in relation to your data. RPO limits how far to roll back in time and defines the maximum allowable amount of lost data measured in time from a downtime to the last valid backup.

For instance, in financial business, one hour of data loss could be a disaster as they operate live transactions. Another example is when you are running an e-commerce/marketplace business, one hour you lose your data, you might be lost your orders and your potential customers. RPO is about how much of data that you willing to lose before it affects your work when your systems are crashes.

On the other hand, Recovery Time Objective (RTO) is focused on downtime and how long it takes to recover after a disaster happened. For example, in a ride hailing business, how long it takes for an app to back to normal after a downtime is critical because a minute you got downtime, you might missed a lot of orders from your customers and end up they will choose another ride hailing app to provide their needs.

Zettagrid Indonesia delivers a comprehensive business continuity and disaster recovery solutions that provide data recovery, fault tolerance and high availability. We making disaster recovery easier and financially friendly by offering varieties of DR solutions that suit with your business needs. Contact us at for more information.


Sources:, Veeam

Zettagrid Made Its First Mark on vFORUM Singapore 2019

Zettagrid Made Its First Mark on vFORUM Singapore 2019

After expanding and has two availability zones in Indonesia for two years, Zettagrid officially launches its availability zone in Singapore through vFORUM Singapore 2019 event that held by VMware. This event successfully attracts more than 1000 participants on last Thursday, 14 November 2019 at Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore. Here are some highlights from the event.

vFORUM Singapore


Thank you for your visit at our showcase on this event. If you are curious with our Virtual Data Center, Backup, and Disaster Recovery solution, you can directly reach Gordon Salvage our Account Manager in Singapore on email; or for Indonesia area. We can’t wait to Simplify Your Cloud Experience.

Promo 11.11 Gratis 60 Hari Untuk Area Surabaya

Promo 11.11

Promo 11.11 Gratis 60 Hari Untuk Area Surabaya

Penyedia layanan cloud computing Zettagrid  Indonesia, kini resmi hadir di Surabaya bertepatan dengan Hari Pahlawan Nasional 2019 (10 November 2019).

Sebelumnya Zettagrid Indonesia telah memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan cloud di Jakarta. Melihat antusiasme pelanggan yang cukup tinggi, Zettagrid Indonesia membuka kantor cabang baru di Surabaya yang di harapkan dapat memberikan solusi bagi infrastruktur IT pada bisnis anda khususnya untuk anda yang berada di daerah Surabaya dan sekitarnya. Saat ini Zettagrid Indonesia telah memiliki 2 availability zone di Indonesia.

Untuk merayakan kehadiran Zettagrid Indonesia di Surabaya sekaligus Hari Belanja Nasional 11.11, kami memberikan promo GRATIS 60 Hari untuk produk VDC Backup dan Veeam Backup. Promo ini dapat anda dapatkan dengan berlangganan minimum satu tahun. Promo ini hanya berlaku pada area Surabaya dan sekitarnya.

Ayo, tunggu apa lagi! Mulailah beralih ke layanan cloud Zettagrid Indonesia untuk memudahkan bisnis anda! Untuk info lebih lanjut, anda dapat menghubungi kami disini atau hubungi Sales Representative kami di area Surabaya; Yogie +62 812-3384-6878.

We Are Expanding: Three New Availability Zones

Zettagrid Expanding

We Are Expanding: Three New Availability Zones

As part of our continued expansion across Australia and South East Asia, we are delighted to announce that we will be opening new availability zones in SingaporeAdelaide and Brisbane in November 2019.

All cloud products will be available from launch, which means you will have access to VPS, Virtual Data Centre (VDC), VDC Backup, Veeam Cloud Connect/Replication and SecondSite DRaaS in every zone.

We will announce the public availability of each new zone in the coming weeks, at which time the zone will be available for immediate use on our website.

Along with our zone expansion we have also recently opened new offices in Melbourne and Sunnyvale, California to help support our customers in those locations.

It is certainly an exciting time here at Zettagrid with so much expansion occurring. All our growth has all been driven by fantastic customers like you and we really appreciate you taking this journey with us.

For further information please contact us here. We are looking forward to Simplify your cloud experience!