White Paper: Comparing Disaster Recovery Concepts

Business downtime due to an outage is a real risk. In order to support corporate needs, IT managers are responsible for making sure information and applications are always available.

The following whitepaper compares traditional recovery sites and approaches to data synchronisation with SecondSite™.

The DR solutions compared in this document include:SecondSite, disaster recovery, business continuity, DRaaS

  • Recovery sites
  • Storage-based replication
  • Snapshot-based replication
  • Application-based replication, and
  • Backup / restore.

Enter your details below and download our whitepaper ‘Comparing Disaster Recovery Concepts‘ now.

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“Keeping the lights on”

“Keeping the lights on” 24 hours a day 7 days a week (24×7), Anda akan mendapatkan pengalaman bahwa:

  • Virtual Machine Anda sudah siap dan siap digunakan.
  • Layanan Backup dan Recovery dapat diandalkan dan bekerja baik saat Anda membutuhkannya
  • Layanan Disaster dan Replikasi dapat diandalkan dan bekerja saat Anda membutuhkannya
  • Zettagrid selalu siap kapanpun dan dapat dihubungi saat Anda membutuhkan bantuan.
  • Zettagrid selalu melayani Anda dengan sepenuh hati.

Zettagrid menyediakan dukungan infrastruktur 24 jam sehari, tujuh hari seminggu. Bantuan pelanggan membantu Anda apabila meminta suatu request atau order untuk memeriksa update status dari layanan Anda. Saat Anda melakukan request bantuan ke Zettagrid, Anda disini akan dibantu bahwa request Anda tersebut akan ditanggapi dengan cepat dan tepat pada waktunya oleh team customer support Zettagrid sesuai dengan SLA yang kami janjikan dan dan akan request tersebut diselesaikan secepat mungkin. Selain itu Zettagrid juga memberikan kemudahan layanan yang transparan bagi Anda. Status kondisi dari sistem layanan Zettagrid di publish untuk khalayak ramai dan informasi tersebut dapat dilihat pada website kami. Apakah Anda ingin mengintegrasikan status Zettagrid dengan sistem monitoring Anda sendiri?

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Hubungi kami supaya Anda bisa mendapatkan layanan bantuan dari Zettagrid. Hubungi + 62-811-28-38-78 / + 62-21-2960-7589 atau email sales@zettagrid.id

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10 Hal Terpenting Yang Harus Dimiliki Oleh Cloud Provider Anda


Layanan cloud computing banyak memberikan manfaat diantaranya mampu meningkatkan efektifitas operasional, menunjang cash flow serta berbagai keuntungan lainnya bagi perusahaan atau bisnis yang sedang Anda jalankan.

Jika Anda sedang mempertimbangkan untuk menggunakan layanan cloud yang disediakan oleh cloud provider, ada beberapa hal yang mesti Anda cermati dan pastikan pada penyedia layanan cloud (cloud provider) yang nantinya Anda pilih.

Berikut 10 diantaranya ;

  1. Pastikan Anda Mendapatkan Jaminan Up-Time
  2. Pastikan Anda Mendapatkan Pengelolaan (Control) Penuh
  3. Pastikan Anda Mendapatkan Layanan Yang Bisa Disesuaikan (Customizable)
  4. Pastikan Mudah Untuk Digunakan
  5. Biaya Layanan Yang Selalu Bisa Diprediksi
  6. Mendapatkan Layanan Tanpa Ikatan Kontrak
  7. Mendapatkan Layanan Storage Dan Bantuan Support Secara Lokal
  8. Jaminan Data Anda Berada di Indonesia (Data Sovereignty)
  9. Mendapatkan Pilihan Layanan Untuk Backup Dan Replication (Disaster Recovery)
  10. Mendapatkan Metrics Secara Real Time

Sebagai salah satu penyedia layanan cloud computing di Indonesia, Zettagrid memberikan banyak pilihan kepada para pelanggan yang membutuhkan layanan cloud yang aman, prima, serta mudah untuk digunakan. Mulai dari layanan cloud virtual server, virtual data center, backup dan disaster recovery. Lebih lengkap mengenai produk dan layanan cloud dari Zettagrid Indonesia, silahkan kunjungi link berikut ini Zettagrid Indonesia.

Konten ini disadur dari blog.zettagrid.com


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Apakah Cloud Computing Itu?


Jika mengacu pada wikipediaCloud Computing atau dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti Komputasi Awan adalah gabungan pemanfaatan teknologi komputer serta pengembangannya yang berbasis internet.

Atau dalam kata lain Cloud Computing adalah suatu kumpulan resources yang biasanya terdiri dari vCPU, RAM, Storage yang terintegrasi menjadi suatu kesatuan, berjalan di jaringan internet serta memiliki fleksibilitas dalam penggunaannya.

Karakteristik Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing memiliki karakteristik diantaranya ;

  1. Digunakan secara Self-Service.
  2. Dapat dikelola atau di manage sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
  3. Fleksibel, scalable dan aman.
  4. Biaya penggunaan dapat di prediksi dan terjangkau.

Jenis-Jenis Cloud Computing

  1. Software as a Service (SaaS)
  2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  3. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi cloud serta banyaknya kebutuhan layanan cloud di Indonesia, maka banyak bermunculan penyedia layanan cloud atau cloud provider yang menawarkan produk serta solusi cloud sesuai dengan kebutuhan pelanggan, baik dari segmen perseorangan, UMUKM, SMB, maupun enterprise atau korporasi.

Salah satu penyedia layanan cloud di Indonesia, Zettagrid Indonesia adalah penyedia layanan cloud berbasis Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) meliputi Virtual Server, Virtual Data Center, Backup dan Disaster Recovery. Lebih lengkap mengenai produk dan solusi cloud dari Zettagrid Indonesia silahkan kunjungi link berikut ini Zettagrid Indonesia

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TOP 10 Features You Need From Your Cloud Provider


Cloud-based services can increase the efficiency of your business operations, improve cash flow and bring many other benefits.

There’s no doubt about its capabilities and advantages. However, did you know that cloud service providers differ in their approach to data security and use of technology? These differences may seem minor at first, but they could have an enormous impact on the accessibility, privacy, availability, and integrity of your sensitive data.

If you’re thinking of migrating to the cloud, here are the top 10 features you need to be on the look out for from your cloud service provider.

1. You need up-time guarantee

The potential impact of downtime can be severe.

Look for a cloud service provider who clearly documents the amount of downtime that’s allowed on your platform. Don’t assume that your definition of downtime matches theirs. Ask your potential provider to explain a few downtime reimbursement scenarios to you before you sign up for their services.

Here at Zettagrid Indonesia we guarantee you uptime and backs up our claims by offering financial rebates. We have several levels of redundancy to ensure that our systems deliver high uptime even during maintenance and upgrades.

2. You need complete control

Apart from looking for a complete service level agreement (SLA) backed cloud solution, search for cloud providers that offer you a higher degree of control and flexibility.

At Zettagrid Indonesia we’re committed to giving our customers better and more control. Our services allow you to retain full control of every aspect of your virtual data center environment.

3. You need a customised solution

To make the most of the cloud without wasting resources, find out if the provider allows you to customise your solution to suit your needs. You may not need everything that is packaged up for you and your business.

Zettagrid Indonesia cloud is easy to use, secure, and scalable, but the best part is that you only spend on the resources you use.

4. You need ease of use

In order to quickly and cost-effectively drive business outcomes, you’ll need a portal that’s easy to setup and navigate. An easy-to-use and intuitive portal makes it simpler for you to quickly manage your IT resources online.

The Zettagrid Indonesia portal gives you the power to configure your system as you wish. It’s simple to use and adjusts to the dynamic IT needs of your business.

5. You need amazing price to performance

Many cloud providers charge their customers for several items like IOPS, GETs, and PUTs. It’s hard to make sense of all these additional charges on your bill. Instead of trying to decode the costs listed on your bill, look for a provider that charges you a fixed charge month after month.

That’s Zettagrid Indonesia offers simple and predictable billing. Say goodbye to invoice shock or unexplained charges.

6. You need to avoid lock-in contracts

Not all cloud service providers live up to their SLAs. If they lock you into a contract, you might have to stick with them even if they don’t meet your requirements.

Zettagrid Indonesia’s ‘love or leave it’ policy makes it easier for you to do decide whether you still want to continue using our outstanding services. You’re never locked in. That’s just how confident we are in our capabilities.

7. You need local data storage & support

Many cloud service providers don’t advertise where their data centres are. They may store your data overseas and even move your data without notifying you.

With Zettagrid Indonesia, we host your data locally in Indonesia, with zones in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, and Jakarta. We make sure we keep your data safe by complying with Indonesian Privacy Principles.

8. You need data sovereignty

If your data is stored overseas, your rights over your data come second to the rights of the organisation that’s minding your data. This is something you ought to consider when looking for a provider.

We understand this principle at Zettagrid Indonesia and make sure your data remains safe right here in Indonesia.

9. You need backup and replication options

Look for a service provider that offers you a quick and easy way to backup, replicate, and restore data from the cloud. That way you’re always protected, no matter what.

Zettagrid Indonesia gives you the opportunity to choose the right backup and replication solutions for your business so you can avoid harmful data loss in the event of an unexpected business outage. That way your business can quickly recover and have your business operations restored.

10. You need real-time metrics

Sometimes, it’s challenging to manage virtual environments because of their complexity. Find a provider that offers you real-time metrics. They will show you how well your virtual environment is performing and let you easily find and remediate performance issues.

Zettagrid Indonesia offer real-time metrics with real-time control, 24/7.

If you’re ready to transform your business with the latest cloud solutions, find out more about transitioning to Zettagrid Indonesia

This content is originally taken from blog.zettagrid.com

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Zettagrid Indonesia Featured Products


JAKARTA, 19 September 2017: Zettagrid Indonesia is the best cloud provider in Indonesia. We deliver the most advanced, automated, secure, and self-service cloud hosting platform. Please visit www.zettagrid.id for further information.


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What’s On Every CIOs Mind? Cloud and Mobility


Written by Nicki Pereira, Chief Technology Officer of Zettagrid  : Although cloud computing has been around for over a decade, for most people outside of the tech industry, it will feel like a relatively new concept. But it’s easy to forget, just how much it has changed office life since its arrival.

Employees have broken out of their cubicles and into open plan offices in a bid to increase collaboration. The days of fax machines and landline telephones are disappearing. The rise of the hot desking means that you don’t even need to sit at the same desk every day.

There is an argument that the traditional desk has already been retired from the office. Gathering spaces are now frequented by the uber cool who can be found intensely staring down at a laptop screen or managing a breakout session while sat on multicoloured bean bags. More info at Zetta.com.au


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Australian Cloud Service Provider Hits Indonesia


JAKARTA, 12 September 2017: Australian infrastructure-as-a-service provider Zettagrid has begun its assault on the wider APAC region, opening a new zone in Jakarta.

The new Indonesian offering will provide a range of coputing services, including virtual server, virtual data centre, backup and disaster recovery, built and managed in an enteprise grade VMware certified environment.

Nathan Harman, Zetta Group chief executive, says the expansion is part of Zettagrid’s global strategy and marks the first step in the channel-focused company’s strategy to deliver cloud services to the whole APAC region.

“Zettagrid has built a powerful reputation in the Australian market since our inception in 2010, and with the increasing adoption of cloud computing amongst enterprises globally, expansion into South East Asia is the next important milestone for our organisation,” Harman says.

In Australia the company manages more than 4,000 virtual machines with more than 100 channel partners nationally.

Reza Kertadjaja, Zettagrid Indonesia country manager, says there is a need in the Indonesian market for a locally hosted cloud IaaS service with easy management and integrated billing.

“Zettagrid has a long and successful track record of working with partners to design, build and manage complex cloud platforms that meet the many needs of IT organisations,” Kertadjaja says.

Zettagrid says it will offer its channel partner program to Indonesian businesses, rewarding partners who build innvoative customer solutions using technology based on Zettagrid’s infrastructure.

“This engagement includes the expansion of Zettagrid Australia’s channel partner program to local Indonesian solution providers and system integrators,” Zettagrid says.

Last month Zettagrid was awarded 2017 Cloud Partner of the Year for Asia Pacific by Zerto. More info at EnterpriseChannelAsia


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Promo : Sign Up Now, Get Free Voucher Code Value For IDR 3 Million


JAKARTA, 11 September 2017:  Sign up now MyAccount and get voucher code value for IDR 3 Million. This promo available only for this month. For more information about the promo please contact +62-811-28-38-78 , +62-2960-7589 or email to sales@zettagrid.id


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Detikinet : Penyedia Cloud Asal Australia Lebarkan Sayap Ke Indonesia


JAKARTA, 11 September 2017:  Zettagrid, penyedia layanan cloud computing berbasis Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) asal Australia, berekspansi masuk Indonesia dengan membuka layanan resmi dan data center di Jakarta.

Ekpansi Zettagrid, yang merupakan bagian dari VMware vCloud Air Network, ini merupakan langkah awal dalam penyediaan public cloud ke seluruh wilayah Asia Pasifik (APAC).

“Keputusan untuk melakukan ekpansi layanan IaaS cloud computing ke Indonesia adalah bagian dari langkah strategis global Zettagrid,” ungkap Nathan Harman, CEO Zetta Group.

Di antara penyedia layanan IaaS cloud computing Australia lainnya, Zettagrid memiliki pondasi bisnis yang kuat dari sisi aspek inovasi dan otomatisasi layanan.

Ditambah dengan pencapaian dan sertifikasi ISO9001:2008, PCI DSS, Dell Partner, Microsoft SCA Partner dan Microsoft Qualified Multitenant Hoster menjadikan Zettagrid sebagai perusahaan yang terus berkembang hingga dipercaya mengelola ribuan virtual machine dan memiliki lebih dari ratusan channel partner, katanya.

Zettagrid Indonesia menawarkan bentuk program kemitraan dengan memberikan reward atau penghargaan kepada partner lokal yang menyediakan solusi inovatif kepada para pelanggan mereka yang dikombinasikan dengan teknologi dan infrastruktur cloud computing Zettagrid.

Program channel partner Zettagrid Indonesia yang menyasar pada penyedia layanan Managed Service IT, System Integrator, Independent Software Vendor dan Value Added Reseller akan memberikan perkembangan yang pesat pada pasar cloud computing Indonesia.

Zettagrid Indonesia diprediksi akan mampu mendorong percepatan pertumbuhan dan adopsi cloud computing oleh perusahaan-perusahaan tanah air baik skala enterprise maupunUKM.

Zettagrid Indonesia menyediakan berbagai layanan IaaS cloud computing yang meliputi Virtual Server, Virtual Data Center (VDC), Backup, dan Disaster Recovery. Layanan IaaS cloud computing tersebut dibangun, dikelola dan berjalan menggunakan platform VMware yang telah teruji dan tersertifikasi.

“Kami bangga bisa terlibat dan berperan dalam strategi ekpansi Zettagrid Australia ke Indonesia,” kata Reza Kertadjaja, Country Manager Zettagrid Indonesia. More info at Detikinet


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