Cloud Di Industri Fintech, Bagaimana Implementasi & Manfaatnya?

cloud fintech indonesia

Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir industri financial technology (fintech) sedang tumbuh dan berkembang di Indonesia. Berdasarkan data yang dikutip dari, tingkat adopsi fintech secara global terus tumbuh hingga 17% sejak tahun 2015. Hal ini merupakan dampak dari adopsi oleh pasar yang terus berkembang dan munculnya generasi millennial yang memiliki digitally minded dan techsavvy.

Keberhasilan industri keuangan atau finansial sebagai yang terdepan mengadopsi layanan Teknologi Informasi (TI) menjadi barometer bagi industri lain untuk mengikuti langkah yang sama. Termasuk penerapan teknologi cloud yang kini telah memiliki peranan penting dari industri fintech yang mengadopsinya. Sebelum kita membahas lebih jauh mengenai implementasi dan manfaat teknologi cloud bagi industri fintech, kita akan bahas terlebih dahulu pengertian dari fintech itu sendiri.

Pengertian Fintech

Menurut National Digital Research Center di Dublin, Irlandia mendefenisikan financial technology atau fintech sebagai “innovation in financial services atau “inovasi dalam layanan keuangan”. Definisi tersebut memiliki pengertian yang sangat luas, perusahaan fintech dapat menyasar segment perusahaan/korporasi (B2B) maupun ritel (B2C).

Pada dasarnya keberadaan fintech bertujuan untuk membuat masyarakat lebih mudah mengakses produk-produk keuangan, mempermudah transaksi dan juga meningkatkan literasi keuangan. Di Indonesia, fintech memiliki banyak jenis antara lain untuk layanan pembayaran, peminjaman (lending), perencanaan keuangan, investasi ritel, pembiayaan (crowd funding), remitansi dan riset keuangan.

Implementasi Cloud Di Industri Fintech

Dahulu sebagian besar inovasi Teknologi Informasi (TI) pada industri finansial berfokus pada sector operasional dan internal. Tetapi setelah era mobile masuk dan digunakan secara massal oleh semua pihak maka fokus inovasi TI beralih ke pelanggan atau konsumer. Kenapa hal ini terjadi? Karena semua orang termasuk pelanggan menginginkan adanya sebuah solusi yang nyaman, cepat dan mudah untuk digunakan.

Berikut beberapa pemanfaat teknologi cloud yang diimplementasikan oleh industri fintech karena mampu memberikan optimisasi and percepatan dalam mendukung bisnis fintech:

  1. Proses provisioning yang lebih mudah dan dinamis
  2. Mampu mengolah dan mengelola data yang lebih besar
  3. Teknologi analitik yang lebih mutakhir
  4. Penerapan katalog yang self-service dan otomatisasi pada level DevOps
  5. Ekosistem penyedia layanan cloud yang sudah mature


cloud industri fintech

Sebagai salah satu penyedia layanan cloud berbasis IaaS di Indonesia, Zettagrid menyediakan produk dan solusi cloud yang bisa dimanfaatkan oleh perusahaan berbasis fintech untuk mendukung bisnis mereka dari sisi infrastruktur TI. Zettagrid adalah penyedia layanan cloud pertama yang menggunakan platform virtualisasi mutakhir dari VMware dengan sertifikasi PCI DSS dan ISO 9001. Ditambah lagi dengan solusi backup dan disaster recovery yang menggunakan teknologi Veeam, Zettagrid merupakan pilihan mitra yang tepat bagi perusahaan fintech untuk membantu pengelolaan infrastruktur TI sehingga lebih agile, reliable dan aman.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai produk dan layanan cloud bagi industri fintech silahkan kontak kami ke atau hubungi di +62-811-28-38-78. Kami siap untuk membantu Anda!

Source: mytechdecision,,


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Ada pertanyaan? Hubungi kami untuk solusi cloud industri fintech!

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Partner Enablement Workshop: Expand Your Horizon

partner enablement workshop

Calling Zettagrid Indonesia Partners!

We cordially invite you to discuss how to leverage your business potential with Veeam. Secure your seat and find out from the experts how many companies can be rely on Veeam to enable their digital transformation.

Today’s rapid pace of technological innovation is forcing your digital and physical worlds to collide – and it’s also transforming the way you operate, regardless of your industry. This event workshop exclusively presented to you by VeeamTechdata and Zettagrid Indonesia.

Save your seat on 3 & 5 April 2018, then register through the link button below.

zettagrid workshop registration


For further information about the workshop, please do not hesitate to email us at or simply call us to +62-811-28-38-78.

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MarchFiesta: Special Cloud Promo For VDC, Backup & Disaster Recovery

marchfiesta special cloud promo

An Exclusive Offer For You! MarchFiesta Special Cloud Promo Is Coming

We’ll be giving away FREE Virtual Servers (VPS), VMs and Storage for every Virtual Data Center, Backup and Disaster Recovery subscription in March 2018. Terms and conditions may apply. Go get it now!

veeam backup promo

vps free promo

veeam backup promo

For further information about the promo, please do not hesitate to email us at or simply call us to +62-811-28-38-78.

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Have a question? Contact us for all special cloud promo in March!

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High Speed Recovery With Veeam Cloud Connect

High Speed Recovery: Through features like Instant VM Recovery and Instant File-Level Recovery, Veeam Backup & Replication is able to provide recovery time objectives of less than 15 minutes. Veeam customers say 96% of Veeam recoveries are within their RTO SLAs, compared to 78% for other solutions. Veeam Cloud Connect benefits which include high speed recovery, data loss avoidance, verified recoverability, visibility report and leveraged data.

Data Loss Avoidance: Veeam provides streamlined DR and simple, secure off-site data protection, giving you the ability to achieve recovery point objectives in under 15 minutes as well.

Verified Recoverability: Veeam can guarantee recovery of every file, application or virtual server because Veeam Backup & Replication automatically tests every vSphere and replica, every time.

Leveraged Data: Through a virtual lab, you can mitigate the risks associated with application deployment by putting their backups and replicas to work in a production-like environment prior to any production roll out.

For further information Zettagrid Indonesia cloud product and service please visit

*some information from this article is originally taken from Veeam Propartner Portal

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Have a question? Contact Us For High Speed Recovery Veeam Backup & Replication!

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Veeam Backup Replication Delivers Scalability And Performance To The Hybrid Cloud

Veeam Backup & Replication is a powerful, easy-to-use and affordable backup and Availability solution. It provides fast, flexible and reliable recovery of virtualized applications and data, bringing virtual machine backup and replication together in a single software solution with award-winning support for VMware virtual environment.

Veeam Backup & Replication:

  • Ensures Availability for ALL your apps and data, anywhere — on premises, or in the cloud
  • Helps you exceed your SLAs and cut downtime. In 9.5, Veeam offers additional storage integrations and new backup and restore technologies to help you meet and exceed your SLAs
  • 9.5 also allows you to optimize your investment in IT spend — with FULL integration with Windows Server 2016, vCloud director enhancements and more

And we have good news for you! For every new subscription Veeam Cloud Connect Backup  we will give you FREE Cloud Backup 12TB for 30 days. Contact us now at or fill these form and our sales team will follow up your request.

For further information Zettagrid Indonesia cloud product and service please visit

*some information from this article is originally taken from Veeam Propartner Portal


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Topping Off Ceremony JK2 7MW DCI Indonesia


Cibitung, 14 March 2018- Reza Kertadjaja, Country Manager Zettagrid Indonesia and Pak Toto Sugiri, Chairman of PT DCI Indonesia at the event “Topping Off Ceremony JK2 7MW” in DCI Cibitung, today.


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Have a question? Contact us to see more from the event topping of ceremony

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Monitor Your Infrastructure With Real Time Metrics, How To?

Proactive IT environment monitoring is essential in an online world where business success is equal to system uptime. Proactive monitoring means improved availability.

Organisations need to monitor their IT environments to ensure they are running optimally and identify any issues which could cause a failure down the line. In addition, IT environment health monitoring gives organisations the peace of mind they are providing an efficient and consistent service to their end users.

Total visibility of all interdependent systems is vital

In any IT environment problems which may cause service interruption are not immediately visible and tend to build up over a period of time.

Having total visibility of IT infrastructure services and their interdependencies is paramount in preventing issues and helps organisations make informed decisions about their IT environment.

Monitoring helps gather data and set performance benchmarks

IT infrastructure monitoring is not the only key to ensuring proactive alerting of negative incidents. Monitoring and gathering performance data over time is a key input into shaping IT strategy. As technology changes and business needs evolve monitoring IT infrastructure enables organisations to benchmark their IT systems performance and then use this information to plan for upgrades, enhancements and migrations.

Proactive analysis of IT system means organisations have a better chance of preventing major disruptions. Regular health checks on infrastructure and alerts which indicate where certain measurements are deviating from historical benchmarks can identify any discrepancies within systems and assist in proactively rectifying issues before they negatively impact business operations. The key outcome of proactive monitoring is the focus and effort of IT operations have shifted from fighting fires to preventing outages.

IT monitoring can also aid organisations in fine-tuning their infrastructure to ensure peak performance and efficiency is achieved. Close monitoring can highlight how systems interact and proactively identify any areas that are vulnerable or underperforming. By identifying bottlenecks and potential areas of danger, organisations can then use this information to enhance their services and prevent any system outages.

Monitoring is not an IT activity, it’s a business tool

Effective IT infrastructure monitoring enables data driven decision making, identifies issues early, improves the productivity and performance of IT systems, helps organisations plan for growth and ultimately helps prevent or reduce the negative effects of system downtime.

Zettagrid monitoring delivers insights

Zettagrid gives customers access to real-time monitoring of their entire environment through their status page. This service also gives customers the option to subscribe to updates which proactively alerts them should any incident occur which may have an impact on their environment.

The Zettagrid real-time status reports give customers a view of the current state of the primary Zettagrid services such as the operations centre, internet transit and DNS status. In addition, this dashboard also monitors the principal services at each of the Zettagrid locations in Australia and Jakarta.

Scheduled maintenance notices give customers prior notice to any maintenance being done on the Zettagrid platform which may affect their running services and real-time system metrics provide insight into the current bandwidth network utilisation.

Zettagrid also posts past incidents on their status page which give details into incidents which have affected the Zettagrid platform and how these were resolved, giving their customers full transparency into the environment running their critical IT services.

Real-time monitoring and historical metrics, 24/7

Customers are also able to monitor the real-time metrics of their Zettagrid services via the Zettagrid self-service portal.

Real-time and historical metrics are available at any time, so customers can monitor the performance of their virtual machines.

Ready to get your finger on the pulse with real-time monitoring?

Contact us to discuss how real-time monitoring metrics can improve your business decision making.

We’re happy to help.

Find out more information about Zettagrid cloud service by visiting the Zettagrid Indonesia website.

*This article originally taken from

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Have a question? Contact us to monitor your infrastructure using Zettagrid Cloud

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How Scalable Licensing And Infrastructure Benefits Your Business

Scalability = Operational Flexibility

Scalability is a systems characteristic which enables a platform hosting a system to automatically muster additional computing resources as the system workload increases.

In a cloud world, a scalable system is a system which is able to automatically provision additional computing resources such as processor, memory and bandwidth as the demand for computing resources from the hosted system increases.

Scalability meets user expectations

Users interacting with online services expect systems to be perpetually available, function at peak performance levels and have a user interface design which is aesthetically pleasing, intuitive and simple to use.

Scalability’s purpose as a feature of online services is to ensure a system is able to function at the performance levels expected by its users.

Scalability and its impact on availability

Downtime in an online world is not good for business. Ensuring systems availability has multiple real-world business benefits which impact the profitability and brand reputation of an organisation.

In today’s business world, all revenue-based transactions are processed via an IT system or application. This is true for both online e-commerce type transactions as well as traditional invoice runs on an in-house financial application. If a revenue-generating system is down the business cannot make money.

Scalability ensures online systems availability during periods where services are under heavy load. Services which are not able to scale will ultimately stop responding and go offline when all the allocated computing resources for the system have been consumed. The system can only start responding again if existing locked resources are released or additional resources added.

Scalability, therefore, benefits businesses by ensuring services and applications stay online and functional.

Poor performance and unavailability are punished in an online world

Most modern organisations interact with their customers through some form of online platform.

Social media has enabled organisations to interact with their customers on many different levels which have strengthened customer relationships. However, social media has also given consumers a platform to voice their grievances to the organisation while broadcasting these to other customers.

Poor application performance and service unavailability are heavily punished on social media. Businesses should, therefore, ensure they constantly strive to deliver an online service which performs well above the expectations set by its users.

By configuring their applications with a scalable architecture, organisations can ensure their applications perform admirably under heavy load.

Zettagrid’s cloud is built for scalability

Delivering Australia’s most advanced self-service cloud hosting platform with solutions such as application hosting as well as public, private and hybrid cloud offerings, Zettagrid is well placed to resolve scalability issues for businesses.

Organisations have the option to provision their services on Zettagrid’s cloud platform by subscribing to their virtual data centre or virtual server services which are built on VMware.

Zettagrid virtual servers have the added benefit of being fully customizable and give users the option to configure the computing resources of their virtual machine as they see fit with no templates or images which lock them down to specific configurations.
Should customers ever need to scale a Zettagrid virtual server they can easily do so at any time via the Zettagrid self-service portal.

Create a hybrid cloud with Zettagrid to facilitate on-premise scalability

Organisations could opt to create a hybrid cloud between their on-premise private cloud and the Zettagrid platform. This configuration gives customers the flexibility to move workloads between their two environments as demand fluctuates.

For periods of high demand, they can run their workload on Zettagrid’s platform which can scale to the resource requirements required.

Once demand decreases customers can simply migrate their workloads back to their private on-premise private cloud.

Scalability is good for business

The business benefits of scalability are clear and tangible. Scalability ensures you can make money and keep your customers happy when your systems are at their busiest.  Scalability is a major business benefit delivered by Zettagrid cloud. Organisations can rest assured that their systems stay online and responsive when they need them to.

Find out more information about Zettagrid cloud service by visiting the Zettagrid Indonesia website.

*This article originally taken from

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Multiple Availability Zones. What Does This Mean For Your Business?

Risk is inherent in any undertaking and the risk of IT failure in business is a threat organisations need to take seriously. There are dire consequences for not having some form of risk mitigation in place for IT failures.

Data Protection + High Availability = Business Survival

IT failures are unpredictable and could originate from anywhere

There are many potential failures which could affect an IT environment. These failures could be as a result of local failure incidents such as user errors, hardware component or full system failures. Failures could also result from full environment-wide disasters which could range from a full data centre or site failure to a catastrophe negatively impacting an entire city or region.

Backups first

Data and System backups are the bare minima an organisation needs when implementing a risk mitigation strategy for IT failures and disasters. However, in a world where uptime is directly related to profit and reputation, legacy backups will no longer suffice.

Disaster Recovery next

Businesses today at very least need an enterprise-grade disaster recovery solution. However, to ensure maximum uptime and true resilience in the face of a disaster, businesses should augment their disaster recovery solution with a robust and resilient business continuity service enabled and delivered through high availability.

Ultimately you need Business Continuity

True disaster recovery business continuity solutions must mitigate all downtime risks and ensure systems remain available. Each risk, no matter its size, origin or impact affects the availability of online systems.

Failures which impact the availability of online systems have a real business impact and could affect the viability of a going concern due to the negative effect system down time has on revenue and brand reputation.

Cloud Disaster Recovery is resilient and affordable

Cloud service providers like Zettagrid offer industry leading cloud-based disaster recovery business continuity solutions at a cost affordable to most organisations.

Service providers must ensure they build redundancy into their platform

True enterprise cloud disaster recovery business continuity service providers need to have their own built-in redundancy to ensure they can offer their customers true high-availability.

Zettagrid meets these criteria and guarantees its service through its multiple availability zones.

Service providers also need to have geo-redundancy

Enterprise disaster recovery solutions commit to high levels of redundancy and availability to mitigate against predictable downtime risks such as user error or hardware failure.

However, it is often large-scale unpredictable disasters such as floods, earthquakes, tsunamis etc. which could have the largest negative impact on most businesses. To mitigate this risk, cloud service providers need to ensure they have a geographically dispersed redundant platform.

Zettagrid leads the way with geo-redundant availability zones

Zettagrid runs multiple availability zones, located in Perth, Sydney, Melbourne, and Jakarta, with each running separate isolated instances of their infrastructure to mitigate the risk of a large-scale disaster affecting an entire city or region.

These multiple availability zones not only protect the Zettagrid cloud but also contain key benefits for Zettagrid customers.

Find out more information about Zettagrid cloud service by visiting the Zettagrid Indonesia website.

*This article originally taken from

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Have a question? Contact us to ensure you get multiple availability zones with Zettagrid

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The 6th Indonesian CIO Network Conference in Yogyakarta


Yogyakarta, 6 March 2018- Zettagrid Indonesia participate at The 6th Indonesian CIO Network Conference held in Royal Ambarrukmo Yogyakarta from 5th to 7th March 2018. The conference bring topic about Shaping and Securing The Digital Economy In Indonesia.Most of attendees are come from IT C-Level company all around Indonesia and also a member of Indonesia CIO Network (ICION). The event held by Zettagrid Indonesia premier partner Advanced Technology Pacific




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Have a question? Contact us for more coverage from The 6th Indonesian CIO Network

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