
The Benefits Of Virtual Datacenter

Benefits of Virtual Datacenter

The Benefits Of Virtual Datacenter

During this pandemic, cloud computing became a solution for enterprise in various industries. Besides efficient IT costs and capacity, the cloud also improves business operations even though it is run remotely. This happened without no reason of course, but cloud computing has an IT infrastructure that can support user success. One of them that is quite crucial in cloud infrastructure is a Virtual Datacenter (VDC).

A Virtual Data Center is a collection of cloud infrastructure resources that are used to store data and information securely. These resources can be contained in computation, memory, storage, and bandwidth. Beside that, this system also can support the infrastructure to be more complex with functions, operating systems, and virtual machine (VM) specifications as needed.

According to, Virtual Datacenter is hosted on a public cloud and is based on VMware vCloud technology which provides full compatibility with any VMware environment. This solution is builts on open standards with OVF packaging for transport workload and interoperability with additional support for VMware vCloud API. Therefore, Virtual Datacenter resources can be made available for applications, business units, and projects as needed without having to worry about physical capacity.

Not only that, a Virtual Data Center also offers public and private catalogs of Virtual Machine (VM) templates. So, users can build new virtual machines quickly, or upload VMs that are already running in the user’s internal environment. Users can also enable to build virtual applications (vApps) on Virtual Datacenter. So, if you have an application that requires more than one VM also custom security and startup parameters, you could use vApps.

In Zettagrid Indonesia, Virtual Datacenter not only will enable you to control your own virtual server. But, it also will bring you some benefits. Let’s see the Benefits of Virtual Datacenter 

  1. Replicating Data For Backup System

Losing all critical data in VM can be scary. But, if you decide to use Virtual Datacenter from Zettagrid, you don’t have to worry about it anymore. Because it will keep your VM safe by providing a secure cloud backup with a customizable schedule. By replicating your data from a Virtual Datacenter, it will allow you to roll back to the previous VM version.

  1. Intelligent Management

You can set various network settings (local network, NAT, Firewall, Load Balancer, VPN/Metro Ethernet and others). Beside that, you can collaborate your virtual machines into clusters (vApp) according to the purpose or function of your business applications (web servers, databases).

  1. IT Cost-Efficient

When you have more control over the cloud you use, you only have to pay for what you actually need. So, you can decide what scale you want to set up according to your organization’s demands for growth, without investing more on CapEx for hardware. That’s why it is affordable to use for enterprise in improving business continuity.

See for further information about our Virtual Datacenter here. And if you want to feel the benefits of  Virtual Datacenter you could contact us at, we will be ready 24×7 to simplify your cloud experience.

Cloud Computing To Reduce IT Cost During Pandemic

Cloud Computing Reduce IT Cost

Cloud Computing To Reduce IT Cost During Pandemic

As the digital era evolves in just a few years, cloud computing has become one of the solutions for various industries. According to a survey by RightScale, both public and private cloud adoption have increased significantly in 2018. It showed that the number of respondents who have adopted public cloud is 92 percent, up from 89 percent in 2017, while the number of respondents now adopting private cloud is 75 percent, up from 72 percent in 2017.

This cloud computing trend does not happen without a reason of course, but It can be caused by various things like lower operating costs, improved time to market, better collaboration, and increased flexibility. That’s why cloud computing is now become a great solution to run business, especially during pandemic that forced enterprises to reduce IT  cost to achieve business efficiency so their business could still running in this uncertain times.

But, do you know what cloud computing is?

Refers to Wikipedia, cloud computing is a combination of the use of computer technology and internet-based development. In other words, it can be meant as a collection of resources which usually consists of vCPU, RAM, and storage. These systems integrated into a single unit, running on the internet network, and having flexibility in its use.

Cloud computing also has characters. There are:

  1. Self-Service Use 

Cloud computing’s characteristic of self-service providers goes hand in hand with on-demand computing capabilities. Developers could choose the resources and tools they need through a cloud provider. Although a provider sets policies to limit what IT teams could run, employees still have rights to build, test, and even deploy applications as they need.

  1. Measured Services 

Measuring service usage is useful for both cloud providers and its customers. Usually, cloud systems are automatically controlled and resources are optimized by leveraging measurement capabilities at a certain level. The provider and customer can monitor, control, and report on the use of the services.

  1. Flexible, Scalable, And Secure 

Cloud has a flexible capacity depending on user needs. Therefore, you can easily increase or decrease service capacity as your needs. That’s why, its capacity is scalable. Not only that, the cloud has a secure system to protect your data. And if you were experiencing a data loss, you could always run a backup.

  1. Cost-efficient – Reduce IT Cost

If you decide to use cloud computing, then you will experience a cost effective for hardware allocation. It also does not require maintenance and reduces IT consumption. That’s why cloud is affordable to use. Enterprises could achieve IT cost efficiency by using cloud as it could be scale up and down and pay-as-you-go based. So it will help enterprises business continuity especially during pandemic COVID-19.

Not only that, cloud computing also has various models of usage. They are:

  1.     Software as a Service (SaaS) 

This type of cloud is a service that refers to cloud-based software that can be used through the internet. Its applications are available in the form of a subscription according to user needs or on-demand. So, if you use this SaaS, you no longer need to buy licenses and install applications, but you could simply pay a fee according to data usage.

SaaS is one of the cloud services that is often used by enterprises to maintain businesses because it is easy to manage and very affordable. Besides, this service is especially useful for working anywhere. 

  1.     Platform as a Service (PaaS)

The second type is a cloud-based service by renting hardware, operating system, storage, and network capacity through the internet. This framework is typically used by developers to focus on building or creating software. Users could rent virtual servers and services to run web-based software that has been developed. Not only that, users could also test web-based software that is being developed. 

  1.     Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

IaaS is a cloud computing infrastructure service that contains virtual computer hardware devices with internet network, bandwidth, and IP address support. Besides, Its service providers usually provide various infrastructure specifications, both CPU, RAM, and data storage virtually without an operating system. 

Along with the development of cloud technology and needs for its services in Indonesia, many cloud service providers arise by offering cloud products and solutions according to customer needs. Some of them are from the individual, UMKM, Small Medium Business (SMB), and even enterprise or corporate segments.

Zettagrid Indonesia is one of the cloud service providers of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) that offers Virtual Server, Virtual Datacenter, Backup as a Service (BaaS), and Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS). We also already achieved VMware Cloud Verified which could be beneficial for our customers so they could use all automation from VMware cloud technology. If you have any further questions about cloud solutions, you can contact us here or by

Free Online Workshop: Migrate and Configure SAP Workloads On Cloud

Free Online Workshop

Free Online Workshop: Zettagrid e-TechDay Vol.03: How To Migrate and Configure SAP Workloads On Cloud

Migrating to SAP in the cloud can be seen as a challenge, but it’s also a great opportunity to deliver cost and performance benefits. Especially during this pandemic COVID-19 situation that forces enterprises to create more efficiency for their company CapEx and OpEx investment. With cloud, you could save your investment by cutting up-front investment for hardware, software, and the resources. Cloud also have pay-as-you-go based, easily to scale up and down based on your capacity needs. No more worry about bill shock, cloud will help you to running your business continuity during pandemic.

Join us and discover how you can reach your IT efficiency out of your SAP move to the Cloud with our expert guest speakers from BeOne-SolutionsRizky Dwi Ramdani as System Engineer and Maria Al-Ghibtiyah as Head Div Support Consultant on our Free Online Workshop: “Zettagrid e-TechDay Vol.03: How To Migrate and Configure SAP Workloads On Cloud”

Event Details:
Date: Wednesday, 23 September 2020
Time: 14.00-16.00
Live online from Zoom
Link to register:

Register now and get chance to win OVO at the end of the event!

Need more information about the event? contact us to or contact us here

Cloud Computing atau On-premises? Manakah yang lebih baik?

Cloud Computing Atau On-Prem?

Cloud Computing atau On-premises? Manakah yang lebih baik?

Memilih solusi IT Cloud computing atau On-premises untuk bisnis anda merupakan hal yang krusial. Karena jika salah pilih, maka banyak hal yang harus anda pikirkan dari awal. Apalagi di masa pandemi COVID-19 yang tidak menentu seperti ini, yang dimana tak jarang beberapa perusahaan harus melakukan efisiensi agar bisnis berjalan dengan lancar di tengah pandemi.

Sebelum memilih harus di alokasikan kemana biaya investasi anda, lebih baik anda mengenalinya lebih baik terlebih dahulu apa itu cloud computing dan ap aitu on-premise yang mana yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda.

Cloud computing adalah layanan komputasi melalui internet dengan basis pembayaran pay-as-you-go basis, atau membayar sesuai pemakaian anda. Dengan kata lain, cloud computing adalah solusi hosting dimana penyedia layanan cloud atau cloud service provider menawarkan fasilitas dan data center untuk IT workload perusahaan anda. Ketika anda menggunakan jasa cloud provider, cloud provider anda lah yang harus bertanggung jawab atas data center, keamanan, dan fungsi network IT workload anda.

Sedangkan didalam On-premises atau on-prem, seluruh IT environment dan infrastruktur termasuk server dan software yang digunakan, terpasang dan dikelola oleh IT organisasi atau perusahaan sendiri. On-premise sendiri memiliki server fisik yang biasanya terletak di lingkungan organisasi/perusahaan tersebut.

Jadi dimana letak perbedaan dan mana yang terbaik? Cloud computing atau On-premis?

Cloud Computing Atau On-Prem?

Cloud computing memiliki kemampuan fleksibel atau scalable. Sehingga dengan cloud bisnis akan lebih mudah untuk mengembangkan atau mengurangi kapasitas sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Kemudian cloud juga lebih instant dari segi kapan anda ingin menggunakannya. Jika anda ingin menggunakan anda tinggal menyalakan fungsinya namun sebaliknya, anda juga dapat memberhentikannya hanya dengan mematikan/turn off.

Dari sisi biaya, cloud memiliki keuntungan tersendiri yaitu anda hanya membayar sesuai dengan kapasitas yang anda gunakan. Sedangkan, di On-prem biaya operasional akan terus sama bahkan meningkat apapun yang terjadi.

Dengan cloud, perusahaan juga tidak perlu memikirkan biaya perawatan dan update system, sehingga anda dapat menghemat waktu, biaya dan tenaga untuk memenuhi strategi bisnis anda.

Di Zettagrid, anda dapat mengakses sistem dan data anda dengan keamanan yang terjamin Up-time Service Level Agreement (SLA) 99,9%. Ditambah lagi saat ini Zettagrid Indonesia adalah cloud service provider di Indonesia yang memiliki sertifikat VMware Cloud Verified Provider, sehingga anda sebagai user dapat memaksimalkan seluruh fitur VMware cloud-based yang ada di Zettagrid.

Jika anda berminat, atau memiliki pertanyaan lebih lanjut, anda dapat menghubungi kami disini atau email kami di

Dorong Bisnis di Masa PSBB Dengan 3 Teknologi Ini

Bisnis di masa PSBB

Dorong Bisnis di Masa PSBB Dengan 3 Teknologi Ini


Setelah Gubernur DKI Jakarta mengumumkan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) akan dilakukan kembali, pengusaha dari berbagai industri pun kini harus kembali merencanakan sistem bekerja dari rumah (WFH). Berbagai cara pastinya dilakukan oleh pengusaha agar sistem operasional bisnis dapat terus berjalan di masa pandemi ini. Mulai dari membawa pulang kebutuhan kantor hingga memindahkan data-data penting dari on-premise ke device pribadi.

Namun cara-cara tersebut pastinya akan sangat merepotkan untuk dilakukan. Tak hanya itu, pemindahan data dari on-premise ke device pun akan menyita waktu. Sehingga, diperlukan teknologi solutif yang dapat membantu bisnis pengusaha di masa pandemi ini. Namun, Anda tidak perlu khawatir jika belum menemukan solusinya. Berikut kami sediakan 3 teknologi yang bisa menjadi solusi bisnis di masa PSBB ini. Simak ulasannya!

  1.     Teknologi Blockchain

Jika bisnis yang Anda jalankan saat ini mengutamakan pengelolalaan data secara akurat dan transparan, Anda bisa menggunakan teknologi blockchain sebagai solusinya. Blockchain menjadi teknologi baru yang berperan penting dalam membantu usaha saat social distancing. Teknologi ini dapat digunakan untuk memantau rantai pasokan secara mendalam, mendigitalkan perniagaan, hingga mengotomatiskan pembayaran karcis parkir. Sehingga, keuangan bisnis di masa PSBB pun dapat dikelola dengan baik, cepat, dan transparan.

  1.     Jaringan Internet

Meski infrastruktur jaringan internet bukan merupakan teknologi yang cukup menarik, sistem ini sebenarnya cukup berpengaruh bagi pengusaha yang sedang menjalani remote working. Hal ini tentunya disebabkan oleh konektivitas jaringan yang luas, sehingga mempermudah masyarakat untuk terhubung secara digital. Bagi pengusaha, internet bisa menjadi pilihan tak hanya untuk menjalankan bisnis, tetapi juga untuk membantu produktivitas kerja.  

  1.     Virtual DesktopArupa Cloud Desktop WFH

Bekerja dari rumah (WFH) menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi pelaku usaha. Pasalnya, bukan hanya device atau CPU yang terlalu besar untuk dibawa pulang karyawan, namun yang terpenting adalah keamanan data perusahaan saat mengakses aplikasi critical atau desktop dari luar kantor. Mengingat beberapa waktu lalu Badan Sandi Siber Negara (BSSN) meliputi 88 juta kasus kejahatan siber selama pandemi COVID-19. Untuk itu dibutuhkan solusi Virtual Desktop yang mudah digunakan dan pastinya dilengkapi dengan keamanan yang terjamin.

Arupa Cloud Desktop bisa menjadi pilihan bisnis di masa PSBB ini. Dengan memiliki kemampuan untuk mengoptimalisasi efisiensi IT, meningkatkan produktivitas user, serta memonitoring kegiatan user atau karyawan, pengusaha tidak perlu lagi khawatir dalam menjalankan usahanya di masa PSBB ini.

Tak hanya itu, Arupa Cloud Desktop menyediakan akses yang aman kepada karyawan untuk membuka data-data penting perusahaan pada aplikasi vital. Hal ini dikarenakan lapisan keamanan ACD yang setara dengan secure payment dan online banking.

Jika Anda ingin mengetahui lebih jauh mengenai Arupa Cloud Desktop, Anda bisa menghubungi kami di sini atau melalui tim kami di

Semangat Diskon 45% HUT RI Ke-75

Diskon HUT RI Ke-75

Semangat Diskon 45% HUT RI Ke-75

Perayaan Hari Ulang Tahun Republik Indonesia yang ke-75 tahun ini memang berbeda. Bagaimana tidak, saat ini negara kita, bahkan dunia masih diterjang badai pandemi COVID-19 yang telah merubah tatanan gaya hidup masyarakat dan juga berdampak bagi hampir seluruh sektor industri dan ekonomi di Indonesia.

Namun, layaknya pahlawan yang dulu telah berjuang melawan penjajah selama ratusan tahun, kita juga harus tetap Semangat 45 untuk mewujudkan cita-cita para pahlawan untuk memajukan negera ini. Sesuai dengan tema HUT RI tahun ini “Bangga Buatan Indonesia” Zettagrid, sebagai penyedia layanan lokal cloud computing Tier IV di Indonesia yang telah memiliki 2 lokasi data center dan juga telah memiliki kantor cabang di Jawa timur. Mendukung pemerintah untuk menuju Indonesia Maju, dengan selalu memberikan pelayanan terbaik pada sektor infrastruktur cloud yang saat ini memegang peranan besar dalam digitalisasi yang semakin cepat pertumbuhannya ditengah situasi pandemi, yang membatasi kita untuk bertatap muka langsung seperti biasanya.

Untuk itu, Zettagrid Indonesia yang tahun ini berhasil mendapatkan sertifikasi “VMware Cloud Verified Provider” yang pertama di Indonesia, memberikan penawaran spesial bertajuk “Semangat Diskon 45% HUT RI Ke-75”. Diskon ini berlaku untuk seluruh produk yang terdapat dalam katalog Zettagrid dan berlaku dari tanggal 12 Agustus 2020 – 12 September 2020 dengan syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku sebagai berikut;

• Promo diskon 45% berlaku untuk semua produk katalog Zettagrid, kecuali katalog lisensi software.
• Promo diskon 45% dapat dinikmati untuk hingga 31 Desember 2020.
• Per tanggal 1 Januari 2021 pelanggan akan dikenakan biaya normal.
• Minimum kontrak berlangganan selama 1 tahun.
• Promo berlaku selama periode 12 Agustus – 12 September 2020.
• Promo tidak dapat digabungkan dengan promo lainnya.
• Promo hanya berlaku untuk pembelian baru (non-upgrade/resize).
• Promo berlaku metode pembayaran prepay bulanan diawal.

Tunggu apalagi! Jangan sampai kelewatan, ayo tunjukan Semangat 45-mu dan rayakan kemerdekaan bersama Zettagrid dengan penawaran yang kami berikan! Jika anda berminat anda dapat menghubungi kami melalui e-mail di, layanan live chat di website kami, atau klik disini.

3 Risks That Weighing Your Business After Data Loss in Office 365

3 Risks That Weighing Your Business After Data Loss in Office 365

3 Risks That Weighing Your Business After Data Loss in Office 365

By: Gita Gisela

According to, Microsoft Office 365 now has 258 million users around the world. In additional, this fact showed that people now already using cloud as the solution to enhances their activities in this digital era.

Although Microsoft Office 365 offers features that allowed workforce to move faster, it does not mean disaster could not be found on its system. If you think this cloud has a secure system to protect all the critical data in Office 365 from disaster, then you are wrong. According to Veeam, over 1000 IT Pros surveyed, 81% of users experienced data loss in Office 365. Ranging from simple user error to major data security threats. So, what will happen if the enterprises lost its critical data in office 365?

Of course, there’s consequences that need to be faced. Therefore, enterprises need a back up solutions and Disaster Recovery (DR) that can reduce impact from the accident. These are some risks you need to know when your company experienced data loss in Office 365 without having any back up and DR system:

  1. Losing Data Permanently

Have you ever thought about going to work in the morning, then suddenly you find out that you suddenly lost your critical data in Office 365? Some of those critical data you have lost, might still can be saved if your company has a data back up system. But if it doesn’t, the company has to be prepared for losing data permanently. Which it means, this could impact to your business operations.

  1. Expensive

Not having a data back up system doesn’t mean that there is no other way to get back the data you have lost. Of course, company can still find the alternative ways to restore deleted and corrupted data from system. One of them, by using a premium recovery software that sold on the market. However, this methode has a complex process and spend a lot of money. Plus, not all kind of files can be restored. So, the best way that can be done in preventing data loss in Office 365 is by using a reliable data back up system. Not only to efficient the process, but also to save costs.

  1. Wasting time

Imagine, when the company needs to move forward, suddenly various important data that support its business continuity have lost in Office 365 by a virus. Meanwhile, your company don’t have a data back up system, so it needs to recreate the critical data as same as the first ones. It definitely will take several days even to several months to recreate, depending on how much business the company runs. Therefore, this methodes will obstruct a company development in running its business.

So, could you imagine if you lost your critical documents on Office 365? How to prevent this accident? Stay update with us to find the solution with Veeam Office 365 Backup on Zettagrid.

Contact us to be the first customer who tries Veaam Office 365 Backup on Zettagrid send us e-mail at

Invitation Zettagrid Cloud Talk

Zettagrid Cloud Talk


Greetings from Zettagrid Indonesia

Join us at Zettagrid Cloud Talk on 23 January 2020. Zettagrid Cloud talk is an event series that created to keep you update on Zettagrid latest technology and growth. In collaboration with Veeam, we will bring you insights about the importance of cloud backup for your business in this digital era..

Event Details

Thursday, 23 January 2020


CoHive 101, 2nd Floor

Kawasan Mega Kuningan

Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat Jl. DR. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung No.1

Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12950

Register and secure your place now here ! only limited seats available. For further information please contact us at or call us +62-811-283878.

We look forward to seeing you there,

Zettagrid Indonesia Team