
IT Webinar Accelerate Your Business Innovation With Cloud

IT Webinar Accelerate Your Business Innovation With Cloud


IT Webinar

Pandemic COVID-19 has changed some aspects in human lifestyle. Almost every activities that people do it’s now on digital, from studying, entertain, even business industry. As the digital infrastructure, cloud computing infrastructure now plays a crucial role not only during, but also for the business recovery after we survive the pandemic.

As now we reach to the “new normal” transition stage, enterprises are forced to adapt faster with the social distancing regulations to keep their business running well. Then how to accelerate business innovation on this new normal condition? How cloud infrastructure can help companies to be agile on adapting all the new rules?

Join us on FREE IT Webinar Zettagrid e-CloudTalk “Accelerate Your Business Innovation With Cloud Infrastructure” . Zettagrid e-CloudTalk is an online talk show that specially crafted for tech enthusiast to learn more about IT solution especially in cloud computing. Say bye to boring presentation and feel free to ask your thoughts with our guest speakers.

This time we have special opportunity to invite our loyal and happy customer that will share their thought about how cloud infrastructure helps their business became more agile and easily adapt to innovation so they can reach their business success.

Event details

Date: Tuesday, 23 June 2020
Time: 14.00-16.00 WIB
Paulus Somadjaja, President Director of PT. Beta Pramesti Asia
Arief Setiabudi, Chief Information Officer of Alami Sharia
Where: Zoom Meetings
Link Register:

Pssst, it’s not an usual boring presentation, it’s e-Talk show! Register now and get chance to win OVO credits during the session. See you!

If you have any questions or having trouble with registration feel free to reach out us at or click here

New Normal Discount 50% Zettagrid Cloud

Zettagrid Cloud New Normal Discount 50%

New Normal Discount

Sudah hampir 3 bulan pemerintah Indonesia menetapkan PSBB untuk menekan angka penularan COVID-19 yang telah menelan banyak korban di berbagai penjuru dunia. Selain menelan banyak korban, COVID-19 juga menyebabkan kegiatan ekonomi masyarakat menjadi lesu. Tidak sedikit kita dengar banyak beberapa bisnis dari berbagai sektor menutup usaha mereka. Namun saat ini pemerintah Indonesia mulai memberlakukan PSBB transisi atau yang kita bisa sebut new normal demi memperbaiki kegiatan ekonomi di Indonesia.

Untuk mendukung gerakan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB transisi) dari pemerintah Indonesia dan membantu untuk menjaga bisnis anda agar tetap berjalan lancar ditengah pembatasan sosial, Zettagrid Indonesia sebagai penyedia layanan cloud computing lokal di Indonesia, memberikan penawaran New Normal Discount 50% untuk seluruh pembelian product baru. Dengan promo ini kami berharap, dapat turut membantu bisnis anda untuk mengembalikan efisiensi perusahaan anda, dan tentunya agar bisnis anda tetap berjalan dengan lancar selama pembatasan sosial berlaku.

New Normal Discount 50% ini berlaku untuk 6 bulan pertama pembelian baru seluruh produk Zettagrid Indonesia sebagai layanan penyedia cloud computing pada bisnis anda. Promo ini berlaku untuk minimal pembelian produk selama satu tahun.

Pesan sekarang dan dapatkan promonya! Promo berlaku hingga 30 Juni 2020.

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Stay safe and stay healthy!

Zettagrid Indonesia