
Avoid IT Disaster with Veeam Cloud Connect Backup and Replication

Veeam Cloud Connect

Avoid IT Disaster with Veeam Cloud Connect Backup and Replication

A highlight from Zettagrid e-CloudTalk vol.03: The Cloud for Digital Business Era

It is true that technology has change rapidly and move people physical activity to digital. This situation has unconsciously changed people behavior and needs. The shifting of people behavior forced enterprises to follow its customer needs. Thus, an efficient operationalization system and digital infrastructure is required.

However, the company’s operational system efficiency is not enough to follow the consumer needs of today’s digital growth. Various obstacles could also happen in building a digital system, one of them come from the security side. In recent years, ransomware has become a disaster for various digital enterprises. That is the reason why, there is a software that is capable of backing up data by copying or creating archives of computing data, especially on digital infrastructure called cloud.

On July 23rd, 2020, Zettagrid, an Australian based cloud provider company that already has 2 data centers location in Indonesia,  held its online talk show titled “Zettagrid e-CloudTalk Vol. 03: The Cloud For Digital Business Era”, which briefly highlighted the importance of preventing disaster by using Veeam Cloud Connect on Zettagrid as a business solution. Unexceptionally for well-established company that offer one stop IT business solutions in Indonesia, Datascrip. On this event, Purnawan Yunianto, the MIS Manager of Datascrip reveals that its company choose using Veeam Cloud Connect Backup and Replication on Zettagrid is to achieve a stable business transaction even there is an unexpected “disaster” happens.

Datascrip Veeam Zettagrid

Another reason for Datascrip in choosing Veeam Cloud Connect Backup and Replication on Zettagrid as its company Disaster Recovery (DR) solutions, is the proven data security system that Zettagrid offers, from data level, system, to hardware. Thanks to Zettagrid and Veeam Cloud Connect technology for decreasing enterprises investment on CapEx and Opex for its IT business.

According to Datascrip experiences, cloud infrastructure has already equipped by a wide range of security and operational standard. Cloud also provide ease and flexibility in terms of access, operations, and cost. The cloud will also provide accessibility related to resources whenever needed.

In operation, the user will focus on data protection and no longer need to think about infrastructure. Thus, user resources can focus on data development and other operations.

Why choosing Veeam Cloud Connect for Backup and Replication on Zettagrid?

Veeam Cloud Connect technology has the compatibility and support of the existing Datascrip’s environment. By ensuring the selected cloud solution can fit the environment of Datascrip’s.  Cloud connect provides good support if the problem occured while the Disaster Recovery (DR) is being processed. Thus, when a failover occurs during DR process, it would not give user a complication on reproduce the change of a data.

In case you missed the session, watch the live streaming here. Want to have the same experience with Datascrip? please contact us at

Zettagrid e-TechDay vol.02: Simplify Your Backup and DR With Veeam Cloud Connect

Zettagrid Backup and DR

Zettagrid e-TechDay vol.02: Simplify Your Backup and DR With Veeam Cloud Connect

Pandemic COVID-19 has changed some aspects in human lifestyle. Almost every activities that people do it’s now on digital, from studying, entertain, even business industry. As the new normal life in our society begin, the digital business era now has come to move faster than we think. Thanks to cloud technology that help enterprises to makes their life easier with its automation, flexibility and efficiency.

Not only become a digital infrastructure solution for enterprises, cloud also help increase business efficiency by reducing CAPEX and OPEX  investment. Furthermore, cloud also fast to develop, enterprises only need hours to develop it not like on-premises. By cloud automation, now protecting your company data become more simple.

Learn more about how to simplify your data protection with Veeam Cloud Connect on “Zettagrid e-TechDay Vol.02: Simplify Your Backup and Disaster Recovery With Veeam Cloud Connect”. Directly explain by Zettagrid Australia Senior Virtualization Engineer, Daniel Santini, get insight and live demo of  Veeam Cloud Connect Backup and Replication on Zettagrid.

Date: Thursday, 30 July 2020
Time: 14.00-16.00 WIB
Place: Zoom Video Meeting
Link registration:

Register now and save your spot! Watch the live webinar until it’s finish and get a chance to win OVO credits in the end of event. For more information about the event, you could contact us at or click here . See you there!

Free Webinar: The Cloud For Digital Business Era

Free Webinar: The Cloud For Digital Business Era

Cloud in Digital Business Era


Pandemic COVID-19 has changed some aspects in human lifestyle. Almost every activities that people do it’s now on digital, from studying, entertain, even business industry. As the digital infrastructure, cloud computing infrastructure now plays a crucial role not only during, but also for the business recovery after we survive the pandemic.

As the new normal life in our society begin, the digital business era now has come to move faster than we think. Thanks to cloud technology that help enterprises to makes their life easier with its automation, flexibility and efficiency.

Zettagrid with Veeam software collaborated  on FREE WEBINAR “Zettagrid e-CloudTalk Vol.03: The Cloud For Digital Business Era”. Streaming live on Zoom Meetings, meet our guest speakers form Veeam Sofware, Daniel Omardin as Senior Manager Cloud and Service Provider SEAK. Also get inspired from Purnawan Yunianto as MIS Manager at Datascrip on how Veeam Cloud Connect help business in the digital business era.

Date: Thursday, 23 July 2020
Time: 14.00 – 16.00 WIB
Where: Zoom Meetings

Register now to get OVO CREDITS 50K after the event**

**Terms and conditions apply

**Zettagrid Teams decision is final

Pssst, it’s not an usual boring presentation, it’s e-Talk show, thus we also have another guest speaker to announce soon!

If you have any questions or having trouble with registration feel free to reach out us at or click here

3 Prioritas Utama Untuk Kelanjutan IT Bisnis Anda Ditengah Pandemik COVID-19

3 Prioritas Utama Untuk Kelanjutan IT Bisnis Anda Ditengah Pandemik COVID-19

Prioritas IT COVID-19

Pandemik COVID-19 yang terjadi secara global memang menimbulkan dampak yang sangat besar bagi organisasi atau perusahaan. Saat ini pemerintah telah menganjurkan masyarakat untuk bekerja di rumah untuk memperkecil angka penyebaran virus Corona yang telah menewaskan ratusan ribu jiwa di seluruh dunia. Tentunya bagi perusahaan/organisasi yang melakukan sistem bekerja di rumah, keamanan data perusahaan menjadi tantangan baru. Pada saat WFH perusahaan tidak dapat mengontrol keamanan dari perangkat, maupun koneksi yang dipakai oleh user atau karyawan mereka. Akibatnya, data perusahaan dapat terancam dari email phising yang bertujuan untuk meng hack data dari perusahaan anda.

Namun disaat yang bersamaan, gejolak ekonomi juga terjadi, sehingga beberapa perusahaan dituntut untuk melakukan penghematan demi kelanjutan bisnis mereka. Ditengah pembatasan pengeluaran perusahaan seperti ini dan tantangan keamanan data perusahaan saat WFH, organisasi harus mulai memikirkan prioritas IT mereka. Berikut 3 prioritas utama perusahaan untuk mencapai tingkat keamanan data yang optimal saat pandemic terjadi:


  1. Pertimbangkan untuk mulai beralih ke Cloud

Menurut survey dari LogicMonitor, 83% dari beban kerja perusahaan akan berada di cloud pada tahun 2020 ini, sehingga sistem keamanan pada teknologi cloud sudah semakin canggih dan berlapis karena mulai banyak bisnis yang saat ini telah memindahkan datanya pada cloud.

Disaat pandemik COVID-19 yang tidak menentu seperti ini, Cloud juga dapat membantu anda dalam menghemat pengeluaran  IT anda, karena cloud memiliki kemampuan yang fleksibel dan dapat diukur pemakaiannya. Sehingga, Ketika perusahaan mengalami penurunan atau peningkatan kebutuhan kapasitas storage, perusahaan dapat mengubahnya sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka pada saat itu.

Selain itu, cloud juga dapat menjadi solusi sementara bagi anda yang ingin membeli physical hardware baru namun terganjal lamanya waktu pengiriman akibat pandemik ini. Apalagi disaat yang bersamaan, harga USD terhadap rupiah sedang tinggi, maka tidak menutup kemungkinan akan terjadi kenaikan juga pada harga hardware tersebut. Sehingga cloud dapat menjadi solusi sementara sambil anda menganalisa situasi dan kondisi yang akan terjadi kedepannya demi kelanjutan bisnis anda.


  1. Pastikan Redundancy Infrastuktur anda

Sudahkah anda memiliki sumber backup yang tepat dapat memproses data anda tanpa gangguan? Bagaimana jika jika tiba-tiba dalam kondisi WFH anda mengalami kegagalan sistem sehingga dapat menghambat kelancaran pekerjaan anda?

Untuk itu, idealnya dalam suatu perusahaan harus memiliki skenario backup data pada infrastruktur mereka. Sehingga data tidak hanya terpusat pada satu server untuk menghindari kegagalan sistem.


  1. Awasi Data Center Anda

Disaat seperti ini, hackers atau serangan digital lainnya mungkin saja menjadikan kesempatan WFH sebagai momen untuk mengambil atau bahkan menghilangkan data penting anda. Karena saat ini perusahaan memiliki focus yang terbagi, dan juga Ketika WFH karyawan belum tentu dilindungi oleh tingkat keamanan infrastruktur yang berlapis seperti di kantor sehingga hal ini dapat menjadi sasaran pelaku kejahatan digital.

Untuk itu anda diharuskan untuk memonitor data center anda. Pastikan bahwa keamanan data center anda terjamin. Zettagrid Indonesia menawarkan layanan cloud computing yang simple, aman dan harga yang tetap, tanpa bill shock walupun harga USD sedang tidak menentu selama pandemik ini. Saat ini Zettagrid Indonesia memiliki 2 lokasi data center yang terletak di Indonesia, sehingga memudahkan ada untuk memonitor keamanan data center anda karena lokasinya yang terjangkau dan dipastikan data anda aman dari serangan cyber karena telah dilengkapi dengan sistem keamanan yang bersertifikasi.


Jika anda tertraik dengan solusi cloud infrastruktur kami, anda dapat menghubungi kami di sini atau e-mail ke