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Buy A Product Bakcup

Here are few easy steps to order product from Zettagrid Account:

1. On your MyAccount portal, Click on Catalog menu, then go ahead to define compute/server capacity based on your requirement which include vCPU, RAM, Storage, Network and Licenses. Summary of your product order is in black color side bar on the right side.

2. Click Add To Order button on the bottom right corner once you finished with your selections in the Catalog.

3. Next you will be directed to Your Cart page where you can review your order details.  If you have Trial Code, put it in the Promotional Code box. Before you click on Check Out, ensure that your cart are correct and based on your requirement.

4. Once you do Check Out, you will be directed to Payment Method page. Click Save Quote button on the bottom right corner then please transfer amount into one of our bank accounts to make payment. If you use our Promotional Code for Free Trial resulting in Rp 0 payment request, please let us know by selecting Yes on the Sales Contact field on the Save Quote screen next.

5. On the Save Quote screen, please fill in the form, and make sure you select Yes to have our sales contact you regarding this quote, specially if it has Promotional Code for your Trial. Once you are done, click Save, and someone will contact you or provision your Free Trial.

6. After we finish activate your trial, you will receive email notification from Zettagrid Support to inform your order is on provisioning and ready status.

7. Go to Services tab in MyAccount portal where you can view, start/stop, resize, rebuild, and manage your service.