Layanan Cloud Bisa Digunakan Dalam Hitungan Menit


VIVA.CO.ID, 28 November 2017: Banyak yang mengira jika penggunaan komputasi awan cukup rumit. Selain membutuhkan tenaga ahli dan proses yang lama, harganya pun cukup tinggi. Namun kini penyedia cloud atau komputasi awan menyederhanakan prosesnya.

Penyedia layanan cloud, Zettagrid memiliki solusi bernama cloud automation. Pengguna tinggal mengunjungi website yang ditentukan, kemudian memesan produk yang diinginkan melalui menu katalog, dalam hitungan menit langsung bisa digunakan.

“Ketika berbicara tentang cloud, Zettagrid ingin memberikan solusi yang berbeda dengan yang lain. Menjadi penyedia layanan cloud yang reliabel bagi seluruh instansi, baik itu korporasi swasta maupun pemerintahan. Data center yang berada di Indonesia merupakan komitmen Zettagrid kepada pelanggan yang menginginkan datanya tetap berada di dalam negeri yang sesuai dengan imbauan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 82 tahun 2012,” ujar Chief Technology Officer Zettagrid, Nicki Pereira, dalam keterangannya, Selasa 28 November 2017.

Untuk menggunakan layanan cloud dari Zettagrid, pelanggan hanya butuh beberapa tahap saja hingga layanan bisa digunakan. Prosesnya sederhana dan persis seperti mengorder produk di situs e-commerce secara self-service. Tahap pertama adalah membuat akun Zettagrid di Setelah mendapatkan username dan password, pelanggan bisa langsung mengorder produk/layanan di menu katalog yang telah disediakan. Pada proses check out, pelanggan akan diminta melakukan pembayaran via transfer bank, virtual account atau kartu kredit.

Setelah transaksi pembayaran selesai, layanan cloud yang telah diorder secara otomatis akan di-provisioning dan siap untuk digunakan. Salah satu pembeda di pasar adalah tidak adanya komitmen kontrak berlangganan menjadikan solusi cloud dari Zettagrid lebih fleksibel.

Zettagrid merupakan penyedia layanan cloud computing Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) bersertifikasi PCI DSS dan ISO:9001. Didukung dengan platform cloud yang telah teruji dan tersertifikasi dari VMware serta data center yang berlokasi di Indonesia, Zettagrid memberikan pengalaman dan kemudahan baru dalam menggunakan layanan cloud.


Selengkapnya di VIVA.CO.ID

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Cloud Automation: Why It’s Important When You Move to Cloud

Cloud computing is boldly going where no other system has gone before. With so many organisation moving to some type of cloud platform, providers are finding more ways to create the true fully automated cloud environment. Now, we haven’t quite reached that point, but we’re getting closer. Within the concept of cloud automation and orchestration are several important layers all working together. Starting at the data center level, the automation process includes technologies which, when combined, can produce some pretty powerful cloud infrastructures.

So, what are those cloud automation layers and why are they important?


Cloud automation

  • Why it’s important. Yes, it’s simplifying complex IT. But this certainly hasn’t stopped very large organisations from diving into the development and testing pool. Many are even using platforms like VMware, AzureStack, CloudStack, OpenStack, and even OpenNebula. Throw big data into the mix and tie in data management solutions like MapR or Cloudera and you’ve got a very interesting field that’s developing. Remember, your data is critical. And, using powerful cloud automation services to replicate, secure and quantify this information is critical for you to stay competitive.

Server provisioning/automation

  • Why it’s important. In a world of maximum efficiency, data center administrators simply don’t have the time to configure and deploy blades on an individual basis. With pre-built templates, administrators control entire data center blade deployments from one central console. Essentially, you’re reducing IT management while still improving workload delivery.

Virtualization/application automation

  • Why it’s important. Automating ways to deliver applications and virtual servers can be a real life saver. Provisioning services are capable of spinning up VMs within seconds and are now also starting to allow users to connect to new resources. In working with intelligent load-balancing technologies, you’re able to intelligently provision and de-provision entire workloads on demand. Take VMware for example, which was faced with a dramatic increase in the volume of data, storage requirements, and the need for better management. To combat this, and as part of their software-defined data centerVMware turned to Puppet Labs (and gave them additional $30 million) to help manage IT resource much more efficiently.

The cost of moving to a cloud platform is shrinking, which means more organizations are capable of adopting some type of cloud model. Whether this is a migration to Office 365 or a full data center-based cloud deployment, the business drivers to move to the cloud are growing, and cloud providers are looking everywhere to increase efficiency. One great way to do this is a structured and layered cloud automation platform. Look for this technology to continue to develop – from the data center all the way to the cloud.

The key to delivering a true cloud is automation and providing control to our Customers. This is Zettagrid competitive advantage. We have invested heavily in our dedicated applications development team to deliver that automation. Our goal is to allow our customers to be able to control every aspect of their own cloud which reduce the needs to contact our support helpdesk.